C3 photosynthesis at high light is often modeled by assuming limitation by the maximum capacity of Rubisco carboxylation (VCmax) at low CO2 concentrations, by electron transport capacity (Jmax) at higher CO2 concentrations, and sometimes by
triose-phosphate utilization rate at the highest CO2 concentrations. Net photosynthetic rate (PN) at lower light is often modeled simply by assuming that it becomes limited by electron transport (J). However, it is known that Rubisco can become deactivated at less than saturating light, and it is possible that PN at low light could be limited by the rate of Rubisco carboxylation (VC) rather than J. This could have important consequences for responses of PN to CO2 and temperature at low light. In this work, PN responses to CO2 concentration of common bean, quinoa, and soybean leaves measured over a wide range of temperatures and PPFDs were compared with rates modeled assuming either VC or J limitation at limiting light. In all cases, observed rates of PN were better predicted by assuming limitation by VC rather than J at limiting light both below and above the current ambient CO2. One manifestation of this plant response was that the relative stimulation of PN with increasing the ambient CO2 concentration from 380 to 570 µmol mol-1 did not decrease at less than saturating PPFDs. The ratio of VC to VCmax at each lower PPFD varied linearly with the ratio of PN at low PPFD to PN at high PPFD measured at 380 µmol(CO2) mol-1 in all cases. This modification of the standard C3 biochemical model was much better at reproducing observed responses of light-limited PN to CO2 concentrations from
pre-industrial to projected future atmospheric concentrations., J. A. Bunce., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The paper discusses changes in the hydrological regime of high mountain Lake Morskie Oko located in the Tatra Mountains, in the Tatra Mountains National Park, a UNESCO biosphere reserve (MaB). According to the research conducted in the years 1971–2015, its water stages decreased by 3.5 cm·dec–1, mean annual water temperature increased by 0.3ºC·dec–1 and the duration of ice phenomena and ice cover was reduced by 10 day·dec–1. No considerable changes in maximum values of ice cover thickness were recorded. Such tendencies are primarily caused by long-term changes in climatic conditions – air temperature and atmospheric precipitation. The hydrological regime of the lake was also determined by changes in land use in the lake’s catchment and its location in high mountains.
Longer term monitoring of soil water content at a catchment scale is a key to understanding its dynamics, which can assist stakeholders in decision making processes, such as land use change or irrigation programs. Soil water monitoring in agriculturally dominated catchments can help in developing soil water retention measurements, for assessment of land use change, or adaptation of specific land management systems to climate change. The present study was carried out in the Pannonian region (Upper-Balaton, Hungary) on Cambisols and Calcisols between 2015 and 2021. Soil water content (SWC) dynamics were investigated under different land use types (vineyard, grassland, and forest) at three depths (15, 40, and 70 cm). The meteorological data show a continuous decrease in cumulative precipitation over time during the study with an average of 26% decrease observed between 2016 and 2020, while average air temperatures were similar for all the studied years. Corresponding to the lower precipitation amounts, a clear decrease in the average SWC was observed at all the land use sites, with 13.4%, 37.7%, and 29.3% lower average SWC for the grassland, forest, and vineyard sites, respectively, from 2016 to 2020 (measured at the 15 cm depth of the soil). Significant differences in SWC were observed between the annual and seasonal numbers within a given land use (p < 0.05). The lowest average SWC was observed at the grassland (11.7%) and the highest at the vineyard (28.3%). The data showed an increasing average soil temperature, with an average 6.3% higher value in 2020 compared to 2016. The grassland showed the highest (11.3 °C) and the forest soil the lowest (9.7 °C) average soil temperatures during the monitoring period. The grassland had the highest number of days with the SWC below the wilting point, while the forest had the highest number of days with the SWC optimal for the plants.
Biocrust sustainability relies on dew and rain availability. A study of dew and rain resources in amplitude and frequency and their evolution is presented from year 2001 to 2020 in southern Africa (Namibia, Botswana, South Africa) where many biocrust sites have been identified. The evaluation of dew is made from a classical energy balance model using meteorological data collected in 18 stations, where are also collected rain data. One observes a strong correlation between the frequency of dew and rain and the corresponding amplitudes. There is a general tendency to see a decrease in dew yield and dew frequency with increasing distance from the oceans, located west, east and south, due to decreasing RH, with a relative minimum in the desert of Kalahari (Namibia). Rain amplitude and frequency decreases when going to west and north. Short-term dew/rain correlation shows that largest dew yields clearly occur during about three days after rainfall, particularly in the sites where humidity is less. The evolution in the period corresponds to a decrease of rain precipitations and frequency, chiefly after 2010, an effect which has been cyclic since now. The effect is more noticeable towards north. An increase of dew yield and frequency is observed, mainly in north and south-east. It results in an increase of the dew contribution with respect to rain, especially after 2010. As no drastic changes in the distribution of biomass of biocrusts have been reported in this period, it is likely that dew should compensate for the decrease in rain precipitation. Since the growth of biocrust is related to dew and rain amplitude and frequency, future evolution should be characterized by either the rain cycle or, due to global change, an acceleration of the present tendency, with more dew and less rainfalls.
Brief review on the availability of General Circulation Models (GCMs) and Regional Circulation Models (RCMs) outputs for regional downscaling is presented (more in Melo, 2003; Melo, 2004). Four basic methods of regional climate change scenarios design (1st - Incremental (the simplest), 2nd - Analogue (historical or paleoclimatic), 3rd - Weather generator (artificial or based on real climatic statistics), 4th - GCMs (General Circulation Models) based) are discussed more in details. The additional one - a combined method, usually based on GCMs (mean annual/monthly warming and mean annual/monthly change in precipitation totals) and on historical analogue (statistical structure of daily/monthly data series, including physical plausibility among phenomena), was utilized in Slovakia. Finally some results of different climate change scenarios for Hurbanovo and possible user problems are listed and discussed. Special scenarios of exceptional weather events are also demanded by users, mainly from the Hydrology, Agriculture and Forestry sectors, very concise overview of such scenarios design is presented. and Príspevok prezentuje stručný prehľad dostupných modelov všeobecnej cirkulácie atmosféry (GCMs) ako aj metód na regionálnu interpretáciu výstupov GCMs. V zásade môžeme metódy konštrukcie scenárov klimatickej zmeny (zmien klímy) rozdeliť do 4 skupín: 1. Inkrementálne (prírastkové) scenáre; 2. Analógové scenáre; 3. Stochastický generátor počasia; 4. Dowscaling výstupov GCMs s regionálnou interpretáciou a využitím experimentálnych časových radov. Za piatu môžeme považovať metódu kombinovanú, ktorá využíva spoľahlivejšie scenáre na báze GCMs (zväčša teplotné a zrážkové) a pre zvyšné klimatické prvky sa pripravujú scenáre ako analógy korelačnou alebo regresnou metódou. V príspevku sú uvedené tiež príklady vybraných scenárov pre Hurbanovo.
Providing information on the impacts of climate change on hydrological processes is becoming ever more critical. Modelling and evaluating the expected changes of the water resources over different spatial and time scales can be useful in several fields, e.g. agriculture, forestry and water management. Previously a Budyko-type spatially distributed long-term climate-runoff model was developed for Hungary. This research includes the validation of the model using historical precipitation and streamflow measurements for three nested sub-catchments of the Zala River Basin (Hungary), an essential runoff contributing region to Lake Balaton (the largest shallow lake in Central Europe). The differences between the calculated (from water balance) and the estimated (by the model) mean annual evapotranspiration varied between 0.4% and 3.6% in the validation periods in the sub-catchments examined. Predictions of the main components of the water balance (evapotranspiration and runoff) for the Zala Basin are also presented in this study using precipitation and temperature results of 12 regional climate model simulations (A1B scenario) as input data. According to the projections, the mean annual temperature will be higher from period to period (2011–2040, 2041–2070, 2071–2100), while the change of the annual precipitation sum is not significant. The mean annual evapotranspiration rate is expected to increase slightly during the 21st century, while for runoff a substantial decrease can be anticipated which may exceed 40% by 2071–2100 relative to the reference period (1981–2010). As a result of this predicted reduction, the runoff from the Zala Basin may not be enough to balance the increased evaporation rate of Lake Balaton, transforming it into a closed lake without outflow.
This paper describes the technical information and performance of a new multi-objective chamber system enabling the control of environmental variables (e.g., temperature, CO2, air humidity, wind speed, and UV-B radiation) for understanding plant responses to climate change. Over a whole growing season, four different climate scenarios were evenly programmed into the system’s 16 chambers as ambient environment (AMB), elevated temperature (ET), elevated CO2 concentration (EC) and elevated temperature and CO2 concentration (ETC). Simultaneously, the chamber effects were assessed regarding the physiological responses and growth of a boreal perennial grass (reed canary grass, Phalaris arundinacea L.). During the growing season, the chamber system provided a wide variety of climatic conditions for air temperature (T a), relative humidity (RH) and CO2 concentration (C a) in the AMB chambers following outside conditions. The target temperature (+3.5°C) was achieved to a good degree in the ET and ETC chambers, being on average 3.3°C and 3.7°C higher than ambient conditions, respectively. The target concentration of CO2 (700 ppm) was also well achieved in the EC and ETC chambers, being on average 704 ppm and 703 ppm, respectively. The stable airflow condition inside all of the chambers provided a homogeneous distribution of gases and temperature. The decreases in RH and increases in vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in the elevated temperature chambers were also maintained at a low level. Chamber effects were observed, with some physiological and growth parameters of plants being significantly lower in the AMB chambers, compared to outside conditions. The plant growth was negatively affected by the reduced radiation inside the chambers., X. Zhou ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Evidence from the only woodland study in the U.K. of the non-native edible dormouse shows (using nest boxes inspected monthly), that whilst some or much breeding occurs in most years, non-breeding years also occur. This is understood to relate to the number of tree species flowering in spring and the amount of flower production. Morris & Morris (2010) used a small sample to show that some adult animals do not appear in the nest box inspection records during the non-breeding years, but are present during the next breeding year. We have subsequently refined and increased the database, collating information on a sample of 222 glis (136 female, 86 male) known to be alive for between 5 and 13 years during a continuous study period of 18 years. The number of old animals (living to at least five years) recorded in nest boxes is significantly different between years of breeding and non-breeding with up to 90 % absent. There is no evidence that they move elsewhere in the isolated wood. Both males and females displayed this trait. The paper discusses alternative explanatory options interpreted from this. The applied science impact is that if 18 month hibernation is proven the time and cost implications for population control planning are severe. Future research is aimed at demonstrating the reality.
1_Urbanisation is an important cause of species extinctions. Although urban water systems are also highly modified, studies on aquatic or semi-aquatic organisms are rare. The aim of this study is to identify the factors that determine species richness of Odonata in 22 Central European cities and along an urban-rural gradient within six of them. With 64 indigenous species in total and an average of 33 species per city, the species richness of Odonata in Central European cities is comparatively high. A generalised linear model indicates that species richness is positively related to city area. Additional predictors are climatic variables (temperature amplitude, sunshine duration and July temperature) and the year last studied. Since most cities are usually located in areas with naturally high habitat heterogeneity, we assume that cities should be naturally rich in dragonflies. The role of city area as a surrogate for habitat and structural richness most likely explains why it is strongly associated with Odonata species richness. The relationship between species richness and the climatic variables probably reflects that Odonata species richness in Central Europe is limited by warm and sunny conditions more than by availability of water. The temporal effect (the year last studied) on species richness is likely to be a consequence of the recent increase in Mediterranean species associated with global warming. Urbanisation clearly has an adverse effect on the species diversity of Odonata. Species richness increases along a gradient from the centre of a city to the rural area and is significantly highest in rural areas. This pattern probably reflects a gradient of increasing habitat quality from the centre of cities to rural areas. Moreover, the number of water bodies is generally very low in the city centres., 2_Based on our results, we make recommendations for increasing the abundance and number of species of dragonflies in cities., Christoph Willigalla, Thomas Farmann., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Climate change scenarios of high quantiles of 5-day precipitation amounts (proxies for flood-generating events) over the Czech Republic are evaluated in an ensemble of high-resolution Regional Climate Model (RCM) simulations from the ENSEMBLES project. The region-of-influence method of the regional frequency analysis is applied as a pooling scheme. This means that for any single gridbox, a homogeneous region (set of gridboxes) is identified and data from that region are used when fitting the Generalized Extreme Value distribution. The climate change scenarios for the late 21st century (2070-2099) show widespread increases in high quantiles of 5-day precipitation amounts in winter, consistent with projected changes in mean winter precipitation. In summer, increases in precipitation extremes occur despite an overall drying (prevailing declines in mean summer precipitation), which may have important hydrological implications. The results for summer suggest a possible substantial change in characteristics of warm-season precipitation over Central Europe, with more severe dry as well as wet extremes. The spatial pattern of projected changes in summer precipitation extremes, with larger increases in the western part of the area and smaller changes towards east, may also point to a declining role of Mediterranean cyclones in producing precipitation extremes in Central Europe in a future climate. However, uncertainties of the climate change scenarios remain large, which is partly due to biases in reproducing precipitation characteristics in climate models, partly due to large differences among the RCMs, and partly due to factors that are poorly or not at all represented in the examined ensemble. The latter are related also to uncertainties in future emission scenarios and socio-economic development in general. and Práca analyzuje scenáre klimatickej zmeny pre vysoké kvantily 5-denných úhrnov zrážok (ktoré predstavujú možné riziko z pohľadu tvorby povodňových udalostí) na území Českej republiky, a to na základe širšej množiny simulácií z regionálnych klimatických modelov (RCM) s vysokým priestorovým rozlíšením, dostupných z projektu ENSEMBLES. Kvantily zrážkových extrémov sa odhadujú na základe metódy vplyvného regiónu, ktorá je jedným z variantov regionálnej frekvenčnej analýzy. To znamená, že pre každý gridový bod sa identifikuje jedinečný homogénny región (t.j. množina ďalších gridových bodov) a zrážkové údaje dostupné zo všetkých gridových bodov v rámci daného regiónu sa zužitkujú v procese odhadovania kvantilov využitím zovšeobecneného extremálneho rozdelenia. Scenáre klimatickej zmeny pre obdobie posledných troch dekád 21. storočia (2070-2099) naznačujú rozsiahly nárast vysokých kvantilov 5-denných úhrnov zrážok počas zimy, čo je v súlade s predpokladanými zmenami v priemerných úhrnoch zrážok za zimu. V lete sa tiež očakáva zvýšenie extrémnych úhrnov zrážok, čo môže v súvislosti s predpokladaným všeobecným úbytkom zrážok v tomto období (t.j. napriek prevažujúcemu poklesu priemerných úhrnov zrážok v lete) viesť k vážnym hydrologickým následkom. Výsledky pre leto naznačujú zásadnú zmenu v režime úhrnov zrážok v strednej Európe v teplom období roka, spojenú s častejším výskytom nepriaznivých suchých aj vlhkých extrémov. Priestorové rozdelenie predpokladaných zmien v extrémnych úhrnoch zrážok za leto - s vyšším nárastom v západných častiach skúmanej oblasti a postupne menej výrazným nárastom smerom na východ - zrejme poukazuje na slabnúcu úlohu stredomorských cyklón pri tvorbe zrážkových extrémov v strednej Európe v nastávajúcich klimatických podmienkach. Treba však podotknúť, že neurčitosť scenárov klimatickej zmeny je stále veľká, a to jednak v dôsledku nepresností v reprodukcii charakteristík úhrnov zrážok v klimatických modeloch, ďalej kvôli významným rozdielom medzi jednotlivými RCM, a nakoniec aj v dôsledku klimatických faktorov, ktoré sú slabo reprezentované, prípadne nie sú vôbec zahrnuté v analyzovanej množine výstupov klimatických modelov. Spomínané klimatické faktory takisto závisia od emisných scenárov skleníkových plynov, resp. od socio-ekonomického vývoja ľudstva vo všeobecnosti.