The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of Angiotensin II (Ang II) and Arginin-Vasopressin (AVP) on contractility of non-pregnant uterus in diabetic Wistar rats and to explore whether one-week administration of Melatonin (MLT) or Ghrelin (GHR) will change the response of diabetic uterine muscle to AngII and AVP. Uterine horns, prepared by the method of isolated tissues were investigated as w ell as glycemic profile, blood pressure and body weight. The research of smooth muscle contractions was made by a new method of analysis, characterizing in detail the various phases of the myometrial activity. Differences in the development of the peptide-mediated smooth muscle contractions depending on the phase of the estrous cycle were observed. Experimental diabetes had a pronounced negative effect on force and time-parameters of AngII and AVP-stimulated uterine contractions. Administration of GHR or MLT had a beneficial effect on the glycemic status of diabetic rats and partially improved the response of uterine preparations to the peptides. The application of MLT increased both force and time-parameters of Ang II- and AVP-stimulated uterine contractions while treatment with GHR increased power characteristics and shortened contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscle process., T. Georgiev, A. Tolekova, R. Kalfin, P. Hadzhibozheva., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Diabetes mellitus postihuje přibližně 4 % žen, u kterých v průběhu života dochází k interakci diabetu, jeho léčby a přirozených změn pohlavních hormonů (dětství, puberta, reprodukční období, gravidita, klimakterium). Přehledový článek shrnuje dosud publikovanou literaturu ke vzájemnému vztahu diabetu a pohlavního vývoje u žen., Approximately 4 % of female population suffers from diabetes. A permanent interaction between diabetes, its treatment and sex hormonal changes (childhood, puberty, reproduction, pregnancy, menopause) occurs in those women. This review article summarizes up to date published studies concerning reciprocal relationship between diabetes and sexual development in women., and Ludmila Brunerová, Jan Brož
Diabetes mellitus postihuje přibližně 4 % žen, u kterých v průběhu života dochází k interakci diabetu, jeho léčby a přirozených změn pohlavních hormonů (dětství, puberta, reprodukční období, gravidita, klimakterium). Přehledový článek shrnuje dosud publikovanou literaturu ke vzájemnému vztahu diabetu a pohlavního vývoje u žen. Klíčová slova: diabetes mellitus – gestace – hormonální kontracepce – hyperandrogenizmus – menopauza – pohlavní hormony – puberta, Approximately 4 % of female population suffers from diabetes. A permanent interaction between diabetes, its treatment and sex hormonal changes (childhood, puberty, reproduction, pregnancy, menopause) occurs in those women. This review article summarizes up to date published studies concerning reciprocal relationship between diabetes and sexual development in women. Key words: diabetes mellitus – gestation – hormonal contraceptive – hyperandrogenism – menopause – puberty – sex hormones, and Ludmila Brunerová, Jan Brož
Cíl studie: V USA je pro určení diagnózy diabetes mellitus možné užít stanovení koncentrace glykovaného hemoglobinu vedle dosud doporučované glykémie nalačno či glukózového tolerančního testu (oGTT). Cílem studie bylo srovnat citlivost oGTT a glykovaného hemoglobinu v diagnostice diabetu, tedy dosud užívaného a navrhovaného způsobu, a to na vlastním souboru nemocných. Typ studie: Observační srovnávací retrospektivní studie. Název a sídlo pracoviště: Ústav klinické biochemie a hematologie LF UK a FN v Plzni. Materiál a metody: Bylo vyšetřeno 255 nemocných, kterým byl proveden oGTT s výsledkem diabetes mellitus nebo porušená glukózová tolerance a současně stanovena hladina glykovaného hemoglobinu. Nemocní byli zařazeni do těchto diagnostických skupin podle hladiny glykovaného hemoglobinu a zařazení bylo srovnáno s původní diagnózou podle oGTT. Výsledky: U nemocných diagnostikovaných pomocí oGTT jako diabetici byla nalezena shoda podle glykovaného hemoglobinu jen ve 44,4 %, v 16 % nebyla odhalena ani porucha glukózové tolerance. U nemocných, zařazených podle oGTT jako porucha glukózové tolerance, byla shoda v 37,9 %, ve 12 % případů byl diagnotikován diabetes, v 46,0 % pak normální glukózová tolerance. Snižování diagnostického kritéria pro poruchu glukózové tolerance vede k vyššímu procentu pozitivních výsledků, ale dá se očekávat větší překrývání se zdravou populací. Závěr: Užití glykovaného hemoglobinu pro stanovení diagnózy diabetes mellitus nedává výsledky srovnatelné s dosud užívaným oGTT. I když má ve většině případů nižší diagnostickou senzitivitu, v určitém počtu případů dává naopak falešně pozitivní výsledky. Bude třeba zhodnotit, zda se jedná o nesprávné stanovení diagnózy, či zda stanovení glykovaného hemoglobinu lépe odráží riziko budoucích diabetických komplikací., Objective: In USA it is possible to use determination of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) for diagnostics of diabetes mellitus in addition to hitherto recommended fasting plasma glucose or oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT). Aim of the study was to compare sensitivity of oGTT and HbA1c determination in diagnostics of diabetes mellitus, i.e. up to now used and proposed way, namely in our group of patients. Design: Observational comparative retrospective trial. Settings: Institute of Clinical Biochemistry and Hematology, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Faculty Hospital, Pilsen, Czech Republic. Material and Methods: In 255 patients, oGTT was carried out with the result of diabetes mellitus or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT); at the same time, concentration of HbA1c was determined. The patients were then classified into these diagnostic groups according to HbA1c and their categorization was compared to that according to oGTT. Results: In patients with diabetes mellitus according to oGTT, the concordance with the categorization according to HbA1c was found only in 44.4 %, in 16 % of patients normal glucose tolerance was diagnosed. In a subgroup of patients with IGT according to the results of oGTT, the concordance was in 37.9 %, in 12 % of these patients diabetes mellitus was diagnosed and 46.0 % of the cases normal glucose tolerance was assessed. Lowering diagnostic criterion for IGT leads to higher percentage of positive results but we can assume higher overlapping with the healthy population. Conclusion: Diabetes mellitus diagnostics according to HbA1c level is not comparable with the results according to oGTT. Although it is less sensitive in most cases, in some cases it offers even false positive results. It will be necessary to decide whether it is a false diagnosis or it reflects better risk of future diabetic complications., Racek J., Růžičková V., Rajdl, D., and Lit.: 16
Pharmacological preconditioning by diazoxide and a model of experimental streptozotocin-induced acute diabetes mellitus (STZ-DM) provided similar levels of cardioprotection assessed as limiting myocardial infarct size. The aim was to explore the possibility of existence of another in vitro mechanism, which could be contributory to cardioprotection mediated by diazoxide treatment. Mitochondrial membrane fluidity and ATP synthase activity in isolated heart mitochondria were determined under the influence of two factors, STZ-DM condition and treatment with diazoxide. Both factors independently increased the ATP synthase activity (p<0.05), as no interaction effect was observed upon the combination of STZ-DM with diazoxide. On the other hand, the mitochondrial membrane fluidity was significantly increased by STZ-DM only; no significant main effect for diazoxide was found. Based on the results from measurements of enzyme kinetics, we assume a direct interaction of diazoxide with the molecule of ATP synthase stimulated its activity by noncompetitive activation. Our present work revealed, for the first time, that cardioprotection induced by diazoxide may not be caused exclusively by mitochondrial KATP opening, but presumably also by a direct interaction of diazoxide with ATP synthase, although the mechanisms for achieving this activation cannot be fully delineated., M. Jašová, I. Kancirová, M. Muráriková, V. Farkašová, I. Waczulíková, T. Ravingerová, A. Ziegelhöffer, M. Ferko., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Diabetes mellitus is associated with many complications including retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy and angiopathy. Increased cardiovascular risk is accompanied with diabetes-induced endothelial dysfunction. Pharmacological agents with endothelium-protective effects may decrease cardiovascular complications. In present study sulodexide (glycosaminoglycans composed from heparin-like and dermatan fractions) was chosen to evaluate its protective properties on endothelial dysfunction in diabetes. Effect of sulodexide treatment (SLX, 100 UI/kg/day, i.p.) in 5 and 10 weeks lasting streptozotocin-induced diabetes (30 mg/kg/day, i.p. administered for three consecutive days) was investigated. Animals were divided into four groups: control (injected with saline solution), control-treated with sulodexide (SLX), diabetic (DM) and diabetic-treated with sulodexide (DM+SLX). The pre-prandial and postprandial plasma glucose levels, number of circulating endothelial cells (EC) and acetylcholine-induced relaxation of isolated aorta and mesenteric artery were evaluated. Streptozotocin elicited hyperglycemia irrespective of SLX treatment. Streptozotocin-induced diabetes enhanced the number of circulating endothelial cells compared to controls. SLX treatment decreased the number of EC in 10-week diabetes. Acetylcholine-induced relaxation of mesenteric arteries was significantly impaired in 5 and 10-week diabetes. SLX administration improved relaxation to acetylcholine in 5 and 10-week diabetes. Diabetes impaired acetylcholine-induced relaxation of rat aorta irrespective of SLX treatment. Our results demonstrate that SLX treatment lowers the number of circulating endothelial cells and improves endothelium-dependent relaxation in small arteries. These findings suggest endothelium-protective effect of sulodexide in streptozotocin-induced diabetes., V. Kristová, S. Líšková, R. Sotníková, R. Vojtko, A. Kurtanský., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The gene for connexin 37 (Cx37) is considered to be one of the candidate genes for cardiovascul ar disease. We evaluated the association between Cx37 (1019C>T) gene polymorphism (Pro319Ser) and ankle brachial blood pressure index (ABI) in women with type 1 (n=178) and ty pe 2 (n=111) diabetes, and in women from general population (n=862). All women were genotyped for Cx37 polymorphism. In addition to traditional cardiovascular risk factors, ABI was analyzed. In women with type 1 diabetes, ABI significantly decreased from TT to CC carriers (p for trend= 0.008). A similar trend was seen in women with type 2 diabetes (p=0.050) and in women with waist circumference above 75 th percentile (94 cm; n=208) of the general population (p=0.049). The gene for Cx37 was associated with subclinical atherosclerosis in women with type 1 and 2 diabetes and in women with advanced central obesity. The presence of C allele indicated increased risk., J. Piťha, J. A. Hubáček, P. Piťhová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
a1_Diabetes mellitus is not just a simple metabolic disorder, however, it is considered to be a cardiovascular disease of a metabolic origin. This is apparent especially when speaking about type 2 diabetes (DM II). The objective of our study was to determine whether a comprehensive spa treatment (procedures and drinking cure) may affect the level of the sympathetic tone of patients suffering from DM II. As an indicator of the sympathetic tone, selected electrocardiographic parameters derived from the heart rate variability and microwave alternans were chosen. There were 96 patients enrolled in our study: 38 patients with poorly controlled DM II and two control groups: 9 patients with compensated DM II and 49 patients, average age without diabetes or other disorders of the glucose metabolism. All received an identical spa treatment and continued their medical therapy. The electrophysiological examination of patients was performed before and after a three-week spa treatment using the KARDiVAR system. Parameters derived from the analysis of heart rate variability (HRV), microvolt T-wave alternans, and microvolt R-wave alternans were analyzed in order to evaluate the tones of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The control group showed a slight increase of parameter the index of activity of regulatory systems (IRSA) (4.4±1.3 vs. 3.8±1.4; p=0.006) after the spa treatment, while increased heart rate (80.9±11.0 vs. 74.6±9.6; p=0.028), reduced index of centralization (IC) (1.3±0.6 vs. 2.9±1.4; p=0.027) and reduced index of myocardium (IM) (9.9±7.4 vs. 18.0±6.3; p=0.041) were found in patients with a compensated DM II. Patients with a poorly compensated DM II showed a decreased IM (10.9±8.6 vs. 16.9±5.2; p=0.001) and also a reduced IRSA (4.1±3.5 vs. 6.3±1.9; p=0.001)., a2_The results proved favorable changes in ANS cardiovascular control of patients with DM II after a spa treatment, especially in terms of reducing the sympathoadrenal system activity (decreased IRSA), improving electrical stability of the myocardium and increasing centrally controlled heart rate variability without overloading the cardiovascular system (drop of IM)., E. Fialová, O. Kittnar., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Cardiac repolarization is prolonged in diabetes mellitus (DM), however the distribution of repolarization durations in diabetic hearts is unknown. We estimated the ventricular repolarization pattern and its relation to the ECG phenomena in diabetic mice. Potential mapping was performed on the anterior ventricular surface in healthy (n=18) and alloxan-induced diabetic (n=12) mice with the 64-electrode array. Activation times, end of repolarization times, and activation-recovery intervals (ARIs) were recorded along with limb lead ECGs. ARIs were shorter in the left as compared to right ventricular leads (P<0.05). The global dispersion of repolarization, interventricular and apicobasal repolarization gradients were greater in DM than in healthy animals (P<0.03). The increased dispersion of repolarization and apicobasal repolarization gradient in DM correlated with the prolonged QTc and Tpeak-Tend intervals, respectively. The increased ventricular repolarization heterogeneity corresponded to the electrocardiographic markers was demonstrated in DM., M. A. Vaykshnorayte, A. O. Ovechkin, J. E. Azarov., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) as well as cardiovascular disease (CVD) represent major complications of obesity and associated metabolic disorders (metabolic sy ndrome). This review focuses on the effects of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3) on insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis, which are improved by omega-3 in many animal models of metabolic syndrome, but remain frequently unaffected in humans. Here we focus on: (i) mechanistic aspects of omega-3 action, reflecting also our experiments in dietar y obese mice; and (ii) recent studies analysing omega-3’s effects in various categories of human subjects. Most animal experiments document beneficial effects of omega-3 on insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism even under conditions of established obesity and insulin resistance. Besides positive results obtained in both cross- sectional and prospective cohort studies on healthy human populations, also some intervention studies in prediabetic subjects document amelioration of impaired glucose homeostasis by omega-3. However, the use of omega-3 to reduce a risk of new-onset diabetes in prediabetic subjects still remains to be further characterized. The results of a majority of clinical trials performed in T2D patients suggest that omega-3 have none or marginal effects on metabolic control, while effectively reducing hypertriglyceridemia in these pati ents. Despite most of the recent randomized clinical trials do not support the role of omega-3 in secondary prevention of CVD, this issue remains still controversial. Combined interventions using omega-3 and antidiabetic or hypolipidemic drugs should be further explored and considered for treatment of patients with T2D and other diseases., P. Flachs, M. Rossmeisl, J. Kopecky., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy