A revision of the genus Wakarumbia Bocák, 1999 from Sulawesi is presented. Altogether 10 species are included in the genus Wakarumbia: the type species W. gracilis Bocák, 1999 is redescribed, a new combination of Wakarumbia celebensis (Kleine, 1933) is proposed (originally placed in Protaphes Kleine, 1926) and the following new species are described: Wakarumbia brendelli sp. n., W. brunnescens sp. n., W. flavohumeralis sp. n., W. grandis sp. n., W. nigra sp. n., W. oculata sp. n., W. pallescens sp. n. and W. similis sp. n. The important diagnostic characters are illustrated and all species are keyed. Relationship between species and ecological data are briefly discussed.
U zrodu Římského klubu v r. 1968 stáli italský průmyslník a futurolog Aurelio Peccei a skotský vědec Alexander King, generální ředitel Organizace pro hospodářskou spolupráci a rozvoj (OECD). Chybělo jim uskupení, které by se hlouběji zabývalo globálními problémy, analyzovalo je a přicházelo s inspirujícími koncepcemi řešení. Proto přizvali významné podnikatele, vědce, politiky a zástupce vojenského sektoru. První schůzka proběhla v Římě za účasti asi 30 lidí, v krátké době se však počet členů rozrostl na 70. V r. 1972 autoři Mezí růstu (Dennis a Donella Meadowsovi, Jorgen Randers, William W. Behrens: Limits toGrowth) - jedné z nejčtenějších a také nejvíce zpochybňovaných až tabuizovaných zpráv o stavu světa, ať už politicky zleva, nebo zprava, psali o konečnosti neomezeného ekonomického rozvoje. Jejich matematické modely simulovaly trendy v pěti proměnných: lidská populace na Zemi, objem průmyslu, znečištění, produkce potravin a čerpání nerostných zdrojů. Dosavadní exponenciální křivky růstu nemohly být podle jejich vývodů udržitelné, protože nárůst technologických inovací, které by problémy kompenzovaly, byl pouze lineární. Do možných tří scénářů ve výhledu zahrnuli zpětné vazby, při jejichž fungování by došlo ke změnám v růstových trendech u některých proměnných. V poznámce uvedli, že jejich projekce hodnot proměnných v každém ze scénářů jsou pouze indikacemi tendencí v chování celku. Dva ze scénářů představovaly překročení mezí a kolaps globálního systému, zatímco třetí scénář vedl ke stabilizovanému světu. Po každém dalším desetiletí, které uplyne od vydání Mezí růstu, se mnozí ptají: Měli autoři pravdu? Anebo šlo o jeden velký omyl či mystifikaci? and Pavel Kovář.
A new species of bramble, Rubus kletensis, of the section Corylifolii Lindley, series Sepincola (Focke) E. H. L. Krause occurring in South Bohemia and Upper Austria is described. The distance between the most distant localities exceeds almost 150 km. This distinct and relatively easily recognizable species grows in rather moist, eutrophic, synanthropic and sunny biotopes, and occurs most frequently in the vegetation of the class Galio-Urticetea, less frequently in that of the alliances Trifolion medii, Pruno-Rubion radulae, Sambuco-Salicion capreae, Berberidion and exceptionally in forest plantations and growths of pioneer saplings. A distribution map for this species and a list of all known localities are included, as well as a drawing of the species.
A new bramble species, Rubus silvae-norticae, section Rubus, subsection Hiemales E. H. L. Krause in Prahl, series Micantes Sudre, which occurs in S Bohemia, Upper Austria and Lower Bavaria, is described. It is recorded at 130 localities. The distance between the most remote localities is ca 100 km. The species grows most frequently in forest habitats (as a distinctly nemophilous ecoelement) such as ditches and edges of forest roads, plantations, forest margins and clearings. It mainly grows in mesic, acid and mineral-poor soils. Like, for example, R. clusii or R. ser. Glandulosi and unlike other relatively thermophilous Rubus species, it is able to grow and propagate itself at rather high altitudes, up to the mountain vegetation belt. The diagnostic characters that separate R. silvae-norticae from its most similar and sympatrically occurring species, R. clusii and R. muhelicus, are provided. In Austria R. silvae-norticae and some other brambles were mistakenly considered as R. helveticus, a bramble (probably a single biotype) described from Switzerland in 1870. The lectotype of Rubus helveticus is designated here and a photograph of the specimen presented. Also included is a distribution map of R. silvae-norticae, a list of revised herbarium specimens, a photograph of the type specimen and a pen drawing of the species. The significance of regional brambles for plant migrations and phytogeography is shown, based on the distribution of selected regional Rubus species occurring in the Czech and Austrian border area, which is a known mountain barrier to migration. The distribution patterns of the brambles support a theory about the routes of plant migration and the florogenetic connection between Austria and the Czech Republic. Rubus silvae-norticae, R. muhelicus and R. vestitus f. albiflorus are regarded as Danubian migrants (distributed from Upper Austria to S Bohemia), whereas R. gothicus s. l. (“south Moravian type”) and R. austromoravicus are considered to be Dyje-Kamp migrants (distributed from Moravia and Lower Austria to S Bohemia) within the Bohemian flora. Rubus kletensis is supposed to be a Vltava migrant within the Austrian flora (distributed from S Bohemia to Upper Austria).
The food composition of the brown bear diet was studied on the basis of 215 excrement samples, which were collected in 2008-2010 in the area of the Eastern Carpathians (Poloniny National Park). The seasonal changes in food composition reflected the supply of the environment, which is nowadays influenced by human activities. This situation resulted in a stronger adaptation of bear to anthropogenic food sources of plant origin compared to historical data from the Carpathians. We identified diagnostic groups and food components consumed by bears in individual seasons of the evaluated period. In spring, crops provided by hunters were found to be
the diagnostic group; and corn, silage, rape, bark and wood were diagnostic components. In summer, invertebrates were the diagnostic group; and ants, cherries and grass were the diagnostic components. In autumn, fruit were the diagnostic group; and apples, pears, blackberries, plums and acorns were the diagnostic components. In winter, hard mast and crops provided by hunters were diagnostic groups; and beechnuts, sunflower, rape, wheat, corn and corn silage were diagnostic components. From the nutritional point of view, crops provided by hunters dominated in spring and summer, and hard mast dominated in autumn and winter.
This is the first study detailing the microhabitat specificity of the monogenean parasite, Paradiplozoon ichthyoxanthon Avenant-Oldewage in Avenant-Oldewage et al., 2014. Samples of the monogenean were collected from the gills of the smallmouth yellowfish Labeobarbus aeneus (Burchell) from the Vaal Dam, South Africa, over four seasons with the use of gill nets. Host condition factor fluctuated between the different seasons, with the highest values recorded in summer. Adults and diporpas of P. ichthyoxanthon were found in all four seasons. Adult parasites predominantly infect the first gill arch, whereas diporpas were found on the second and fourth arches. In utero eggs were also found throughout the sampling seasons and their number negatively correlated with the condition factor of the host. The occurrence of adults and diporpas of P. ichthyoxanthon correlated with the size of the host but not the condition factor. Water quality of the study site also had little correlational relationship with the occurrence of the parasites and fluctuations were related to season. The main factor that may drive the microhabitat specificity of P. ichthyoxanthon is the flow of water over the surfaces of the gills and chances of the parasites becoming dislodged. Size of the attachment organs has also been shown to play a role in this specificity, because smaller attachment structures favour stronger holdfast to areas where flow might be stronger compared to larger attachment structures., Beric M. Gilbert, Annemariè Avenant-Oldewage., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A phytosociological synthesis of the segetal vegetation in the Czech Republic was performed using methods of the Zürich-Montpellier school. In total, 712 relevés made by the author in this country in 1955–2000 were classified, and 22 associations and one unranked community were distinguished. Each syntaxon is characterized by diagnostic species, documented by a synoptic table, and the syntaxonomy, structure, species composition, ecology, dynamics, distribution and variability of each syntaxon are commented on. Names are revised according to the rules of the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. All syntaxa belong to the class Stellarietea mediae and associations are assigned to the orders Centaureetalia cyani (alliances Caucalidion lappulae, Fumario-Euphorbion, and Sherardion), Atriplici-Chenopodietalia (alliances Scleranthion annui, Polygono-Chenopodion polyspermi, Arnoseridion minimae, and Panico-Setarion), and Eragrostietalia (alliance Eragrostion).
Molekulární metody umožnily studovat šíření rostlin v povodí Labe. Druhy šířené vodou (zevar, stulík) migrují především jednosměrně podél řek. Bylo prokázáno i šíření mezi říčními systémy, častější je u druhů šířících se také větrem (rákos, orobinec). Klonální šíření mezi populacemi není u těchto studovaných druhů rostlin tak běžné, jak se dosud předpokládalo., Molecular approaches have allowed for the study of plant dispersal in the catchment area of the River Elbe. Plants dispersed by water (Bur-reed, Pond Lily) migrated mainly unidirectionally along streams. Dispersal among river systems was also detected and is more common among plants with wind dispersal (Common Reed, Cattail). Clonal dispersal does not seem to be as common in the studied species as previously suggested., and Tomáš Fér.
Size-related changes in feeding habits of the dwarf loach Kichulchoia brevifasciata were studied by assessing the gut contents in 43 specimens collected between March 2006 and April 2007. The food items showed rapid changes when the fish reached approximately 35-40 mm of standard length. On the basis of the index of the relative importance of the gut contents (IRI), we identified that small individuals mainly fed on the amoebozoa Difflugia and larvae of the aquatic insect Ephemeroptera, while large individuals mainly fed on the diatom algae Navicula and larvae of the insect groups Chironomidae and Trichoptera. The results indicate that a suitable habitat for this highly endangered species has to contain a very diverse community of small benthic invertebrates to allow recruitment across all ontogenetic stages.
Korbikula asijská (Corbicula fluminea) je jedním z nepůvodních a zároveň invazních druhů mlžů, které postupně dobývají území Evropy včetně České republiky. Korbikula pochází z jihovýchodní Asie, odkud byla introdukována zřejmě asijskými přistěhovalci do Severní Ameriky a z té po několika desítkách let (kolem r. 1980) doputovala lodní dopravou (pravděpodobně s balastní vodou) do Evropy. Na naše území pronikla Labem z Německa a byla zde poprvé zjištěna v r. 1999. V současnosti je známa z Labe, prozatím po Týnec nad Labem. Byla však již zaznamenána také v dolním toku Vltavy (po Nelahozeves, včetně plavebního kanálu Vraňany – Hořín) a Ohře (po Terezín) a překvapivě pozorována v některých menších přítocích Labe, jakým je např. potok Vlkava u Kostomlat nad Labem. Od r. 2009 je sledována neobvyklá lokalita na rozhraní středních a severních Čech, kde korbikula dosahuje zatím největší známé koncentrace na našem území. Jde o betonový kanál vedoucí vodu z odkališť Elektrárny Mělník do Labe jižně od obce Horní Počaply. Byla měřena koncentrace korbikuly na této lokalitě na několika plochách o rozměrech 50 × 50 cm a v přepočtu na 1 m2 kolísala hustota v rozmezí 1 045–4 224 živých jedinců, tedy výrazně vyšší než na jiných místech České republiky a srovnatelná s nejvyššími hustotami tohoto mlže nalezenými v Evropě., The Asian Clam (Corbicula fluminea) is native to the south-eastern part of Asia and has been introduced to other continents including Europe. In the Czech Republic it was found in 1999 and is currently known from the Elbe River and lower parts of several tributaries (Ohře, Vltava). An unusual site with the occurrence of this invasive bivalve was found in 2009. A concrete canal conducting water from the sedimentation basin of the Mělník coal power station is inhabited by a large population. The density of its population was estimated to 1 045 – 4 224 living specimens/1 m2., and Luboš Beran.