The paper examines the non/reception of gender equality as a legitimate topic of science policy in the Czech Republic. Despite much criticism from experts and research that shows that there are major problems with gender equality, state oicials and institutions remain resistant to the issue. he policies of inactivity are studied from the perspective of a constructivist policy analysis. he aim of the paper is to show how discursive practices of institutions and understandings of the issue constitute gender equality as something that is completely on the periphery of or even outside science itself. hus, logically, gender equality is pushed outside the remit of science policies. If gender equality is thematised at all, it is reduced to the issue of women in science. Such an understanding of gender equality signiicantly narrows down the space in which concrete political measures can be made, and determines which activities are acceptable and which are not., Hana Tenglerová., Poznámky, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglický abstrakt a klíčová slova
The Czech government is obliged to guarantee equality for men and women. Despite that, it recognizes this duty only in theory; in practice it contravenes the principles of this formal agreement. The government’s programme, politics, legislation, and state budget and governmental structures are marked by a lack of gender equity and the failure to promote women’s rights. The hidden structural mechanisms causing gender discrimination can be analyzed by means of a gender audit of the government. This is an effective tool for defining the most critical areas of state politics, and it creates a relevant strategy for challenging negative effects. In doing so, a gender audit of the government can also be a rich source of public education and can help to promote public and political discussion on the topic of gender issues. In this article, the author argues in favour of carrying out a gender audit of the Czech government and its politics. She explains how certain areas of politics affect men and women differently, and how their gender correct transformation can positively contribute to democratic and just governance., Tereza Handlová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The article describes character of activities and thematic areas of Czech non-profit organizations that focus on promoting gender equality and women's rights in 1990s. Beside the women's organizations the attention is paid to identify the other projects aimed at supporting women or gender equality, but addressed by non-profit organizations whose main object of activity is broader. In addition, the article explores the pro-women oriented non-profit organisations in terms of their memberships, organizational background and geographical extent of their activities. The shifts in topics and activities of Czech women's organizations are identified in process of EU accession and particularly due to change of available resources of funding. This process led to marginalization of ''not mainstream'' topics, but in other areas it led to an increase of range of actors addressing projects to promote gender issues (mainly in area of improvement of equal opportunities on the labour market).