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22. Clustering of 2008 west Bohemian seismic swarm mechanisms and its possible interpretation
- Creator:
- Kolář, Petr and Boušková, Alena
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- geodynamika, geomechanika, geofyzika, geologie, zemětřesení, geodynamics, geomechanics, geophysics, geology, earthquake, west Bohemian earthquake swarm region, source mechanism, slip distribution, finite seismic source model, 7, and 551
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Set of events from West Bohemian 2008 seismic swarm with known source mechanisms is processed. The events or their slips respectively are clustered into two groups: (i) principal events with slip laying in the main fault plane and (ii) complementary events deviating from that plane. From those slips we constructed image of slip distribution (a new way of data/slip presentation) and from slip distribution and variations we hypothesized about foci zone properties. Namely, we propose that western block is more rigid and compact; the eastern block appears to be constituted from several sub blocks which can interact with each other during the swarm course. Our hypothesis is supported by similar image constructed from relative rupture velocities, which we consider as independent data. The proposed structural model agrees with the existence of the different observed types of source mechanisms. and Kolář Petr, Boušková Alena.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
23. Co se děje na konvergentních okrajích litosférických desek?
- Creator:
- Vaněk, Jiří, Hanuš, Václav, and Špičák, Aleš
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- geofyzika, Země, litosféra, geophysics, Earth, lithosphere, 6, and 53
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Jiří Vaněk, Václav Hanuš, Aleš Špičák. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
- Rights:
- and policy:public
24. Coherence between geophysical excitations and celestial pole offsets
- Creator:
- Cyril Ron and Jan Vondrák
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Geologie. Meteorologie. Klimatologie, geofyzika, geophysics, geophysical excitations, celestial pole offsets, coherence, 7, and 551
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Celestial pole offsets are the displacements between the observed position of the Earth’s spin axis in space and its position predicted by the adopted models of precession and nutation. At present, the models are IAU2006 and IAU 2000, respectively. The celestial pole offsets are regularly measured by Very Long-Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), the observations being coordinated and published by the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS). These offsets contain a mixture of several effects: the unpredictable free term, Free Core Nutation (FCN) that is due to the presence of the outer fluid core of the Earth, forced motions excited by the motions in the atmosphere and oceans, and also imperfections of the adopted precession-nutation models. The geophysical excitations are also available, as determined by several atmospheric and oceanographic services. The aim of this paper is to compare the time series of these integrated excitations with the observed celestial pole offsets and estimate the level of coherence between them., Cyril Ron and Jan Vondrák., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public
25. Determination of intermediate orbit and position of glonass satellites based on the generalized problem of two fixed centers
- Creator:
- Władysław Góral and Skorupa, Bogdan
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Geologie. Meteorologie. Klimatologie, geofyzika, geophysics, GLONASS, orbit determination, problem of two fixed centers, 7, and 551
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The mathematical model and algorithms for calculating the position of GLONASS satellites by means of their broadcast ephemeris is presented in the paper. The algorithms are based on the generalized problem of two fixed centers. One of the advantages of the analytical solution obtained from the generalized problem of two fixed centers is the fact that it embraces perturbations of all orders, from the second and also part ly from the third zonal harmonics (Aksenov, 1969). GLONASS broadcast ephemeris - provided every 30 minutes - contain satellite position and velocities in the Earth fixed coordinate system PZ-90.02 (ICD, 2008), and acceleration due to luni-solar attraction. The GLONASS Interface Control Document recommends that a fourth order Runge-Kutta integration algorithm shall be applied. In the Department of Geomatics (AGH UST) a computer program has been established for fitting position and velocity of GLONASS satellites using their broadcast ephemeris. Intermediate GLONASS satellite orbits are calculated consider ing also the second and third zonal harmonics in the gravitational potential of the Earth. In this paper results of the analytical integration of the equation of the motion of the GLONASS satellites compared to the numerical solution are provided., Władysław Góral and Bogdan Skorupa., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
- Rights:
- and policy:public
26. Determination of near-surface apparent resistivity by means of high frequency mutual impedance measurements
- Creator:
- Beziuk, Grzegorz and Mydlikowski, Remigiusz
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Geologie. Meteorologie. Klimatologie, geofyzika, geophysics, geophysical method, loop antennas, mutual impedance, apparent resistivity, 7, and 551
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- A method of determination the apparent resistyvity of the ground’s near-surface la yers from measurements of the mutual impedance of a loop antenna system operating at a high frequency is presented. An analysis of the sensitivity of mutual impedance to variation in the parameters of conducting half space at different frequencies had been carried out. Additionally influence of displacement current on measured mutual impedance values was discussed. A frequency of measuring system was selected in order to obtain a high sensitivity of the measuring system to detection inhomogeneities characterised by small dimensions and low apparent resistyvity contrast. The measuring system and the method of interpreting measurement results were described. The results of field measurements were presented., Grzegorz Beziuk and Remigiusz Mydlikowski., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
- Rights:
- and policy:public
27. Determination of the horizontal deformation factor for mineral and fluidized deposits exploitation
- Creator:
- Sroka, Anton, Misa, Rafał, and Tajdus, Krzysztof
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- geodynamika, geomechanika, geofyzika, geologie, těžba nerostných surovin, geodynamics, geomechanics, geophysics, geology, horizontal deformation, horizontal displacement, mining operation, Avershin’s hypothesis, 7, and 551
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- In this article, the authors use the existing theoretical foundations and partial solutions to provide a general formula, which can be used to determine the value of horizontal deformation factor B for various applications of the Knothe theory. This applies to the calculation of surface deformation not only in the case of hard coal mining, but also in the case of salt mining by borehole. Convergence resulted from mining may cause deformations of caverns used to store liquid and gaseous fuels or the deformations related to the fluidized bed extraction. The calculations for the new analytical model are presented in the examples of the Etzel cavern (Germany) and the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Poland). and Sroka Anton, Misa Rafał, Tajdus Krzysztof.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
28. Elektrická vodivost zemské kůry
- Creator:
- Pek, Josef
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- geofyzika, zemská kůra, elektrická vodivost, geophysics, earth crust, electric conductivity, 6, and 53
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Elektrická vodivost v zemské kůře závisí jen málo na konkrétním horninovém složení geologických útvarů, často však velmi citlivě indikuje zóny s anomálními geochemickými a termodynamickými podmínkami či zóny mechanického porušení horninového prostředí. Elektromagnetická pole indukovaná přirozenými variacemi zemského magnetického pole extraterestrického původu a měřená na povrchu Země umožňují vymezit tyto anomální zóny v měřítku celé zemské kůry, a rovněž hlouběji v zemském plášti. Magnetotelurický a magnetovariační výzkum, který z těchto poznatků vychází, se tak stává cenným zdrojem geofyzikální informace o vnitrozemském prostředí. Elektrický model zemské kůry na přechodu mezi Českým masivem a Západními Karpatami zřetelně ukazuje, jak povrchová geologická stavba pokračuje v hlubinných změnách v rozložení elektrické vodivosti v rámci jednotlivých regionálních geologických jednotek., Josef Pek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
- Rights:
- and policy:public
29. Elektromagnetická indukce v Zemi: pohled z oběžné dráhy
- Creator:
- Velímský, Jakub, Martinec, Zdeněk, and Everett, Mark E.
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- geofyzika, elektromagnetismus, umělé družice, geophysics, electromagnetism, artificial satellites, 6, and 53
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Příspěvek se zabývá modelováním elektromagnetické indukce v nehomogenní Zemi za použití observatorních a satelitních dat. Současný nárůst výkonu výpočetní techniky a dostupnost geomagnetických měření ze satelitů na nízkých oběžných drahách otevírají této tradiční geofyzikální metodě zkoumání zemského nitra nové možnosti. V první části článku je studován vliv vodivostních nehomogenit v litosféře na pozorování satelitů Ǿrsted a CHAMP během klidných dní v letech 2001-2002. Ukazuje se, že trojrozměrný model, který zahrnuje vysoký vodivostní kontrast mezi oceány a kontinenty, vystihuje satelitní data o 10-15 % lépe než nejlepší sféricky symetrický model. Ve druhé části článku modelujeme EM indukci excitovanou geomagnetickými bouřemi v komplikovaném trojrozměrném modelu pláště, odvozeném z laboratorních měření vodivosti a ze seismické tomografie. Provedené simulace poukazují na význam laterálně nehomogenní vodivosti ve středním plášti. Anomálie ve výškách typických pro nízko letící satelity predikujeme ve velikosti jednotek nT. Tyto hodnoty jsou v souladu s výsledky nedávné analýzy dat ze satelitu Magsat., Jakub Velímský, Zdeněk Martinec, Mark E. Everett., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
- Rights:
- and policy:public
30. Estimates of seasonal signals in GNSS time series and environmental loading models with iterative least-squares estimation (ILSE) approach
- Creator:
- Kaczmarek, Adrian and Kontny, Bernard
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- geodynamika, geomechanika, geofyzika, geologie, geodynamics, geomechanics, geophysics, geology, wavelet analysis, seasonal signal, coordinates time series, loading models, phase shift, cross-correlation, correlation coefficient, 7, and 551
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) coordinates time series are still used as a source for determining the velocities of GNSS permanent stations. These coordinates, apart from the geodynamical signals, also contain an interference signal. This paper shows the results of the comparative analysis of the GNSS coordinates time series with a deformation of the Earth's crust obtained from loading models. In the analysis, coordinates time series are used (CODE Repro2013) without loading models (Atmospheric Pressure Loading, Hydrology, Non-Tidal Ocean Loading) at the stage of the reprocessing of GNSS archival data. The analyses showed that in the case of the Up component there is a high correlation between the GNSS coordinates changes and deformations of the Earth's crust from the loading models (coefficient 0.5-0.8). Additionally, we noticed that for horizontal components (North, East) changes occur in the phase shift between coordinates, and the Earth’s crust deformations signals are accelerated or delayed each other (-150 to 200 days). This article shows new methods of iLSE (iteration Least Square Estimation) to determine periodic signals in the time series. Additionally, we compared the values of estimated amplitudes for GNSS and deformation time series. and Kaczmarek Adrian, Kontny Bernard.
- Rights:
- and policy:public