Pracujeme s gravitačními aspekty (deskriptory): tíhovými anomálemi/poruchami, Marussiho tenzorem druhých derivací poruchového potenciálu, gravitačními invarianty a jejich specifickým poměrem, úhly napětí a s virtuálními deformacemi. Testovali jsme je na známých a velmi rozmanitých geologických útvarech. Poté jsme extrapolovali do méně známých oblastí. Objevili jsme dvě kandidátky na subglaciální sopky ve východní Antarktidě, tři subglaciální jezera a jednu jezerní pánev poblíž a přispěli jsme k diskusi o možném obrovském impaktním kráteru ve Wilkesově zemi. Ověřili jsme několik paleojezer na Sahaře a navrhli jedno zatím neznámé v západním Egyptě pod tlustými vrstvami písku. Pomohlil jsme ověřit nově objevené subglaciální krátery v Grónsku, podpořili existenci hypotetického kráteru v Indickém oceánu, sibiřského kráteru Kotuykanskaja a dalších. Korelovali jsme učesané úhly napětí s nalezišti ropy a plynů nebo podzemní vody., We work with the gravity (gravitational) aspects (descriptors): gravity anomalies/ perturbations, Marussi tensor of the second derivatives of the disturbing potential, gravity invariants and their specific ratio, strike angles and virtual deformations. By testing these aspects on known and diverse geological features, we are able to extrapolate the data for remote unknown areas. This has allowed us to discover two candidates for subglacial volcanoes in east Antarctica, three subglacial lakes and one lake basin nearby, and contributed to discussion about a possible huge impact crater in Wilkes Land, Antarctica. Also, we verified several paleolakes in the Sahara Desert and proposed one unknown paleolake in west Egypt under thick layers of sand. Additionally, we helped verify newly discovered subglacial craters in Greenland, supported the existence of a hypothetical crater in the Indian ocean, the Siberian crater Kotuykanskaya, and many others. By correlating the combed strike angles, we can identify possible deposits of oil and gases, or ground water., Jaroslav Klokočník., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Four precise leveling campaigns has been carried out in Poland, and for several years there is a functioning system of permanent GNSS stations determining the height of network points. On the basis of these data, several variants of vertical crustal movements models have been developed (Wyrzykowski, 1987; Kowalczyk, 2005; Kontny and Bogusz, 2012). In order to develop a kinematic model of vertical crustal movements, one of the possibilities is an adjustment of the network formed simultaneously with the leveling data and GNSS stations data. The main problem is a need to identify fiducial points between the datasets. This problem can be solved by creation of coherent database containing attributes of both types of data and automatization of the joint point identification process. The article shows the results of such identification process, depending on the amount of data, on the example of the area of Poland. and Bednarczyk Michal, Kowalczyk Kamil, Kowalczyk Anna.
Surface deformation due to underground exploitation affects the safety of overlying structures. Forecasting can predict risks to surface structures and facilitates actions designed to improve their resilience and reduce the potential impact of mining activities. However, forecasting accuracy is limited. Therefore, in practice, model parameters are determined within a certain margin to ensure that critical values of deformation indicators for surface objects are not exceeded. For economic reasons, it is important to minimize these margins while also ensuring that safety is maintained. One important factor influencing forecasting accuracy is the uncertainty in deformation model parameters used for calculations. Therefore, it is critical to adopt an appropriate methodology for determining and addressing the uncertainties in deformation model parameters used in forecasting. This study presents methods for estimating the Knothe's model parameters needed to forecast surface deformation caused by underground mining and defining the uncertainties in those forecasts. Depending on the parameter uncertainties, one of two methods for propagation is proposed: the Monte Carlo method or the law of propagation of uncertainty. Using this approach, it is possible to account for uncertainty and reduce forecast margins. A case study of hard coal mining in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin region of Poland is presented., Wojciech Gruszczyński, Zygmunt Niedojadło and Dawid Mrocheń., and Obsahuje bibliografii