The GRACE satellites have provided gravity field solutions with approximately monthly resolution since April 2002. The monthly solutions enable investigations of the annual, semi-annual and secular mass variations, which mainly occur in a thin layer of the Earth’s surface. By the end of the GRACE science mission in 2017, the time span has increased to 15 years, making the possibility of determining longer-period variations feasible. First attempts to determine multi-annual variations, i.e. periods of some years but less than 10, are presented in this study. A combination of 3 different PSD estimation methods has been used for identifying the regions of multi-annual mass variations. As a result, 8 different areas have been found with significant multi-annual mass variations. The source of multi-annual mass variations in most detected regions can be identified as related to the ENSO cycle. and Kiss Annamária, Földváry Lóránt.
In order to utilize the absolute gravity ( AG) measurements in terms of tectonic study it is necessary to reduce all disturbing environmental and instrumental effects. Many of those can be easily modelled and this step is done routinely during measurements (i.e. tide, polar motion, ocean tidal loading). Other remains in data and there is a lack of conventional models for them. Significant gravity variation is associated with changes of soil water at global scale. We study this effect for the Lower Silesia (South-western Poland) territory. Computed gravity changes can reach up to 2 μgal peak-to-peak amplitude with seasonal time scale. This effect is beyond of accuracy of modern ballistic gravimeter. Using real data collected with FG5 gravimeter we show here that neglecting of this phenomenon can lead to serious misinterpretation in term of secular gravity changes. This is emphasized especially when only sparse data of a few year time span is at our disposal. No attempt of modelling of local hydrology impact on effect was made, while in this study we concentrate on large scale water storage influence on measured gravity., Marcin Rajner, Tomasz Olszak, Jerzy Rogowski and Janusz Walo., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
V souvislosti s vysokou četností výskytu extrémů hydrometeorologické a hydrologické povahy, které se dostavují v posledních zhruba 20 letech, se stále častěji hovoří o nezbytnosti trvale uplatňovat preventivní protipovodňová opatření, a stejně tak se uvažuje o možných příčinách nápadně zvýšeného výskytu těchto nepříznivých hydrologických situací (viz také článek na str. 116–119 tohoto čísla Živy). Současná zemědělská krajina naléhavě vyžaduje výrazná biotechnická doplnění o krajinné prvky a útvary, které budou podporovat vsakování (infiltraci) a vtoky (influkci) vody do půdního prostředí a současně omezovat vznik vodní eroze půdy, zlepšovat biodiverzitu a celkový kulturně přírodní ráz krajiny. and Zdeněk Vašků.