In the context of Maria Theresa’s educational reforms, the article analyses the introduction of new school textbooks in Bohemia as an attempt to build a new type of state economic enterprise. For the first twenty years after compulsory education was introduced in 1774, a balance had to be struck for the publication of textbooks between standardization and adaptability, in order to over- come the obstacles and conflicts inherent in the reforms. In implementing the reforms it was thus necessary to deviate from certain fundamental principles - dirigism, uniformity and centralization. An economic system based on the awarding of privileges was faced with the challenge of meeting public order on an unprecedented scale. Moreover, an economic model for publishing schoolbooks had to be devised that could function as an instrument of social policy while remaining financially sustainable. The new publishing house had to ensure regular high-volume distribution of the new product throughout a territory that lacked any commercial infrastructure in the field of bookselling., Claire Madl., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Sweden assumed the European Union six-month rotating presidency from the Czech Republic on 1 July 2009. Under the motto “Taking on the challenges”, Sweden has taken charge of the EU administration in difficult times of economic recession and faces an uncertain institutional future. The Swedish government has defined the aims of its EU presidency as: conducting an effective, open and results-oriented presidency in the interests of the whole of Europe; advancing the EU’s common issues and Sweden’s priority issues; strengthening Sweden’s role in the EU, serving in the EU's interest and strengthening the EU’s role as a global actor in issues, such as climate changing and CO2 tax. and Lenka Hebáková.
Spain took over the European Union Presidency from Sweden on January 1, 2010- The main priority in the field of research and development is to move forward the European Research Area (ERA) conceived as a common shared space for knowledge. To achieve this objective, the Presidency has identified three "axes": integration, integrate R&D instruments at any level address the major challenges faced by society; and inclusion, science and innovation working together promote social cohesion and tackling poverty and exclusion. and Lenka Havlíčková.