The medieval Jeroným Mine is a mine working in which places of various degrees of rock mass disintegration are there. Time-lapse recording, which has been performed in the Jeroným Mine since the year 2009, was induced by a necessity of documenting both areas of flaking-off and caved areas owing to an increased rate of occurrence of flaking-off phenomena in mine workings - rooms K3 and K4 of this mine. The methodology of recording, which uses as a basis repeated recording in time in the framework of geotechnical measurements carried out quarterly, is based on the principle of maintenance of not only parameters of images themselves, but also of location of a photo device used for documentation provision. This process is followed by the creation of information sheets of areas of flaking-off and caved areas and their classification. The method of recording was used owing to a high degree of disintegration of the rock mass in selected mine workings, a possibility of extension of caved areas and also the high rate of occurrence of subsidence phenomena occurring above those workings and even sporadically reaching the mine workings. Time-lapse recording is thus performed primarily in mine workings with reduced stability, situated very close to the surface. With regard to the principle of this method, results will be known only in further years., Radovan Kukutsch, Petr Žůrek and Martin Stolárik., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Studovali jsme výskyt pavouků v půdě, v puklinách v hornině, v kamenitých sutích a v jeskyních České republiky, to jest v podzemních biotopech na hloubkovém gradientu od 10 cm do 100 m. Třináct druhů vykazovalo nějaká morfologická přizpůsobení k životu v podzemí. Druhy s výrazně redukovanýma očima jsme našli jak v hlubokých jeskyních, tak i v povrchových biotopech daleko od krasu. Údaje o morfologii a rozšíření ukazují na to, že troglomorfní druhy musely v průběhu zalednění opakovaně migrovat z jeskyní do povrchových biotopů., Using data from the Czech Republic, we studied the distribution of spiders in soils, crevice systems, scree and caves, i.e. subterranean habitats at depths spanning from 10 cm to 100 m. Thirteen species exhibit morphological adaptations to life in subterranean habitats. Advanced troglomorphic characters occur in deep caves as well as in surface habitats far from karst regions. We hypothesize that troglomorphic populations of spiders in Central Europe repeatedly migrated from caves to subsurface and surface habitats during glaciations., and Vlastimil Růžička.