Dokumentation der untergegangenen Wege im Katastergebiet der Gemeinden Svrčinovec, Čierne und Skalité. Eine Skizzierung der Problematik der Rodungskolonisation im nördlichen Teil der Region Kysuce.
Rove beetles (Staphylinidae) are used to explore the forces that shaped the terrestrial fauna on Læsø, a young ca. 3000 year old Danish oceanic island located in the Kattegat strait between mainland Denmark and Sweden. We compile a detailed list of species of rove beetles for Læsø (328 species) and the surrounding Danish and Swedish regions (altogether 1075 species), which includes a standardized inventory of their body sizes, and the habitat and microhabitat preference of each species. The composition of the fauna on Læsø and adjacent mainland regions points to North-Eastern Jutland as the main source of the rove beetles on Læsø. Although large beetles are more active and likely to disperse than small beetles, there is no bias towards large species on the island indicating that the sea separating Læsø from the mainland has not been a barrier for rove beetle dispersal. The statistical analysis of the habitat and microhabitat preferences of the species of the entire system studied has shown that Læsø, compared to the mainland areas, is distinctly more dominated by ecological generalists, especially by species adapted to ephemeral, temporary humid microhabitats. Presumably, the mosaic of mostly dry open habitats available on Læsø filters for species, that are able to populate these suboptimal habitats via patches of humid but ephemeral microhabitats. A comprehensive eco-faunistic dataset for the Staphylinidae compiled for this study is the first modern account of the rove beetle fauna on the Danish island of Læsø., Aslak K. Hansen, Mathias J. Justesen, Sebastian Kepfer-Rojas, David B. Byriel, Jan Pedersen, Alexey Solodovnikov., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Hlavním cílem článku je nabídnout základní výklad filosofie osvobození Enriqua Dussela, která představuje jednu z alternativních reflexí modernity z pozice utlačovaných. Výklad se soustředí na kulturní a filosofické zdroje filosofie osvobození. Důležitým východiskem textu je zarámování filosofie osvobození do kontextu postkolonialismu (Frantz Fanon, Edward W. Said a další). V tomto kontextu je důležitá metodologie dekolonizace myšlení, spočívající v odhalování hlubokých koloniálních tendencí v evropské epistemologii a ontologii. Další ústřední kategorií filosofie Enriqua Dussela je – kromě konceptu osvobození – ovšem také pojem exteriority, kterému věnuji nemalou část svého textu., The main goal of this article is to provide a basic interpretation of Enrique Dussel‘s philosophy of liberation which is one of the alternative analyses of modernity from the point of view of the oppressed. The analysis concentrates on the cultural and philosophical sources of the philosophy of liberation. The important point of departure is postcolonialism (Frantz Fanon or Edward W. Said for example) and in the postcolonial context the methodology of the decolonization of thought-processes is fundamental. The core of this methodology is the revelation of the colonial tendencies hidden in European epistemology and ontology. The main part of the text is dedicated to an analysis of liberation and exteriority., and Ondřej Lánský.