Annotated corpus of 350 decision of Czech top-tier courts (Supreme Court, Supreme Administrative Court, Constitutional Court).
Every decision is annotated by two trained annotators and then manually adjudicated by one trained curator to solve possible disagreements between annotators. Adjudication was conducted non-destructively, therefore dataset contains all original annotations.
Corpus was developed as training and testing material for reference recognition tasks. Dataset contains references to other court decisions and literature. All references consist of basic units (identifier of court decision, identification of court issuing referred decision, author of book or article, title of book or article, point of interest in referred document etc.), values (polarity, depth of discussion etc.).
Annotated corpus of 350 decision of Czech top-tier courts (Supreme Court, Supreme Administrative Court, Constitutional Court).
Every decision is annotated by two trained annotators and then manually adjudicated by one trained curator to solve possible disagreements between annotators. Adjudication was conducted non-destructively, therefore corpus (raw) contains all original annotations.
Corpus was developed as training and testing material for reference recognition tasks. Dataset contains references to other court decisions and literature. All references consist of basic units (identifier of court decision, identification of court issuing referred decision, author of book or article, title of book or article, point of interest in referred document etc.), values (polarity, depth of discussion etc.).
Annotated corpus of 350 decision of Czech top-tier courts (Supreme Court, Supreme Administrative Court, Constitutional Court).
280 decisions were annotated by one trained annotator and then manually adjudicated by one trained curator. 70 decisions were annotated by two trained annotators and then manually adjudicated by one trained curator. Adjudication was conducted destructively, therefore dataset contains only the correct annotations and does not contain all original annotations.
Corpus was developed as training and testing material for text segmentation tasks. Dataset contains decision segmented into Header, Procedural History, Submission/Rejoinder, Court Argumentation, Footer, Footnotes, and Dissenting Opinion. Segmentation allows to treat different parts of text differently even if it contains similar linguistic or other features.
This is the Czech Court Decisions Corpus (CzCDC 1.0). This corpus contains whole texts of the decisions from three top-tier courts (Supreme, Supreme Administrative and Constitutional court) in Czech republic. Court decisions are published from 1st January 1993 to 30th September 2018.
The language of decisions is Czech. Content of decisions is unedited and obtained directly from the competent court.
Decisions are in .txt format in three folders divided by courts.
Corpus contains three .csv files containing the list of all decisions with four columns:
- name of the file: exact file name of a decision with extension .txt;
- decision identifier (docket number): official identification of the decision as issued by the court;
- date of decision: in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD);
- court abbreviation: SupCo for Supreme Court, SupAdmCo for Supreme Administrative Court, ConCo for Constitutional Court
- SupCo: 111 977 decisions, 23 699 639 lines, 224 061 129 words, 1 462 948 200 bits;
- SupAdmCo: 52 660 decisions, 18 069 993 lines, 137 839 985 words, 1 067 826 507 bits;
- ConCo: 73 086 decisions, 6 178 371 lines, 98 623 753 words, 664 657 755 bits
- all courts combined: 237 723 decisions, 47 948 003 lines, 460 524 867 words, 3 195 432 462 bits
The Czech Legal Text Treebank (CLTT) is a collection of 1133 manually annotated dependency trees. CLTT consists of two legal documents: The Accounting Act (563/1991 Coll., as amended) and Decree on Double-entry Accounting for undertakers (500/2002 Coll., as amended).
KUK 0.0 is a pilot version of a corpus of Czech legal and administrative texts designated as data for manual and automatic assessment of accessibility (comprehensibility or clarity) of Czech legal texts.
LiFR-Law is a corpus of Czech legal and administrative texts with measured reading comprehension and a subjective expert annotation of diverse textual properties based on the Hamburg Comprehensibility Concept (Langer, Schulz von Thun, Tausch, 1974). It has been built as a pilot data set to explore the Linguistic Factors of Readability (hence the LiFR acronym) in Czech administrative and legal texts, modeling their correlation with actually observed reading comprehension. The corpus is comprised of 18 documents in total; that is, six different texts from the legal/administration domain, each in three versions: the original and two paraphrases. Each such document triple shares one reading-comprehension test administered to at least thirty readers of random gender, educational background, and age. The data set also captures basic demographic information about each reader, their familiarity with the topic, and their subjective assessment of the stylistic properties of the given document, roughly corresponding to the key text properties identified by the Hamburg Comprehensibility Concept.
LiFR-Law is a corpus of Czech legal and administrative texts with measured reading comprehension and a subjective expert annotation of diverse textual properties based on the Hamburg Comprehensibility Concept (Langer, Schulz von Thun, Tausch, 1974). It has been built as a pilot data set to explore the Linguistic Factors of Readability (hence the LiFR acronym) in Czech administrative and legal texts, modeling their correlation with actually observed reading comprehension. The corpus is comprised of 18 documents in total; that is, six different texts from the legal/administration domain, each in three versions: the original and two paraphrases. Each such document triple shares one reading-comprehension test administered to at least thirty readers of random gender, educational background, and age. The data set also captures basic demographic information about each reader, their familiarity with the topic, and their subjective assessment of the stylistic properties of the given document, roughly corresponding to the key text properties identified by the Hamburg Comprehensibility Concept.
Changes to the previous version and helpful comments
• File names of the comprehension test results (self-explanatory)
• Corrected one erroneous automatic evaluation rule in the multiple-choice evaluation (zahradnici_3,
TRUE and FALSE had been swapped)
• Evaluation protocols for both question types added into Folder lifr_formr_study_design
• Data has been cleaned: empty responses to multiple-choice questions were re-inserted. Now, all surveys
are considered complete that have reader’s subjective text evaluation complete (these were placed at
the very end of each survey).
• Only complete surveys (all 7 content questions answered) are represented. We dropped the replies of
six users who did not complete their surveys.
• A few missing responses to open questions have been detected and re-inserted.
• The demographic data contain all respondents who filled in the informed consent and the demographic
details, with respondents who did not complete any test survey (but provided their demographic
details) in a separate file. All other data have been cleaned to contain only responses by the regular
respondents (at least one completed survey).
OpenLegalData is a free and open platform that makes legal documents and information available to the public. The aim of this platform is to improve the transparency of jurisprudence with the help of open data and to help people without legal training to understand the justice system. The project is committed to the Open Data principles and the Free Access to Justice Movement.
OpenLegalData's DUMP as of 2022-10-18 was used to create this corpus. The data was cleaned, automatically annotated (TreeTagger: POS & Lemma) and grouped based on the metadata (jurisdiction - BundeslandID - sub-size if applicable - ex: Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit_11_05.cec6.gz - jurisdiction: administrative jurisdiction, BundeslandID = 11 - sub-corpus = 05). Sub-corpora are randomly split into 50 MB each.
Corpus data is available in CEC6 format. This can be converted into many different corpus formats - use the software if necessary.