Práce se zabývá rozborem eneolitických artefaktů z vrchu Kotouče u Štramberka. Neo- a eneolitické nálezy odtud spadají do šesti časových horizontů, z nichž nejvýrazněji je doložen 2. (mladší stupeň MMK) a 3. horizont (epilengyel/jordanovská kultura) – ten zejména depoty a ojedinělými nálezy měděných artefaktů. Dále je věnována pozornost lunicovému pektorálu, artefaktu zhotovenému z arzénové mědi, nejspíše z produkce severozápadokarpatské metalurgické oblasti. Surovina pektorálu je shodná jako u křížové sekery typu Nógrádmarcal z téže sbírky, což svědčí pro jeho datování do epilengyelského horizontu. Jde o nejstarší dosud známý exemplář těchto náprsních ozdob a zároveň o formu doplňující garnituru raně eneolitických prestižních předmětů. Přítomnost dvou unikátních kovových artefaktů na Kotouči – měděného pektorálu a stříbrné puklice, jež je nejstarším stříbrným výrobkem na sever od Alp – je dokladem významu této výšinné lokality v komunikačním prostoru Moravské brány. and An Early Eneolithic copper pectoral ornament from Kotouč Hill near the town of Štramberk. The paper concerns an analysis of Eneolithic artefacts from Kotouč Hill near the town of Štramberk. Neolithic and Eneolithic finds from this site fall into six time horizons, the most distinctly documented of which are the 2nd (later phase of Moravian Painted Ware culture) and 3rd horizon (Epilengyel/Jordanów culture) – the latter in particular by deposits and rare finds of copper artefacts. The work likewise addresses a crescent-shaped pectoral ornament, an artefact crafted from arsenical copper, probably in the northwestern Carpathian metallurgical area. The pectoral ornament is made from material identical to the Nógrádmarcal-type cruciform axe from the same collection, which is evidence in favour a dating to the Epilengyel horizon. This is the oldest known specimen of this breast ornamentation and a prestigious Early Eneolithic accessory item. The presence of two unique metal artefacts at Kotouč – the copper pectoral ornament and a silver disc with three bosses, which is the oldest silver artefact north of the Alps – is evidence of the significance of this upland site in the routes of the Moravian Gate pass.
Předmětem publikace je měděný sekeromlat typu Pločnik (varianta Cărbuna), objevený v r. 2007 v Olomouci-Holicích v inundaci řeky Moravy. Výskyt daného typu se váže na horizont StK V/MMK IIa a Horní Cetno/MMK IIb, v absolutním datování zhruba na polovinu 5. tisíciletí př. Kr. Zcela dominantní pozici v materiálovém složení kovu zaujímá měď (99,997 %). U takto čistého kovu se uvažuje o využití těžených uhličitanových rud či ryzí mědi. Funkci těchto prvních těžkých měděných předmětů je třeba chápat v rovině prestižní, magické, případně vojenské. and The subject of the publication is a copper Pločnik-type axe (Cărbuna variety) discovered in 2007 in Olomouc-Holice in an inundation area of the Morava River. Copper holds a dominant position (99.997%) in the material composition of the metal. The purity level of the metal leads to conjecture on the use of mined carbonate ore or pure native copper and metal collected freely on the surface of the ground. These first heavy copper objects probably had a prestigious, magical or even military function.
Copper flotation waste which is the product pyrometalurgical production of copper from copper ores contains materials such as iron, alumina, calcium oxide, silica, etc. Copper flotation waste generally contains a significant amount of Cu together with trace elements of other toxic metals such as Zn, Co and Pb. A variety of techniques can be used for decontaminating and remediating copper slag. Environmental reme diation technologies include in situ or ex situ techniques for decontaminating the polluted fields, such as soil-washing, physical separation, phytoremediation and leaching. The aim of the present study is to investigate the removal of the copper from copper flotation waste leachant using sepiolite. 2 3 full factorial design was employed to study the effect of three factors which are contact time, adsorbent dosage and pH at two levels., Semra Çoruh, Feza Geyikçi and Ufuk Çoruh., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Vermiculite (V) from Brazil with aqueous solutions AgNO3 and/or Cu(NO3)2 was used for preparation of nanocomposites V/Ag, V/Cu, V/AgCu and V/CuAg using two procedures and their effect on bacteria was compared. Structural changes were evaluated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, Infrared spectroscopy (IRS) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Elemental chemical composition was determined using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis and the solutions were analyzed by Atomic emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma (AES-ICP). Antibacterial properties of Ag- and Cu-vermiculites and combined Ag/Cu-vermiculites were tested on two bacteria groups: (1) Gram-positive, G+, (Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis) and (2) Gram-negative, G-, (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae). The samples under antibacterial testing showed different effective times and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values. The Gram-negative bacteria showed higher sensitivity to the prepared samples than Gram-positive bacteria. The combined Cu/Ag vermiculites stopped the bacterial growth at lower MIC value., Marianna Hundáková, Marta Valášková, Vladimír Tomášek, Erich Pazdziora and Kateřina Matějová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The protective role of nutrition factors such as calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K for the integrity of the skeleton is well understood. In addition, integrity of the skeleton is positively influenced by certain trace elements (e.g. zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, iron, selenium, boron and fluoride) and negatively by others (lead, cadmium, cobalt). Deficiency or excess of these elements influence bone mass and bone quality in adulthood as well as in childhood and adolescence. However, some protective elements may become toxic under certain condition s, depending on dosage (serum concentration), duration of treatment and interactions among individual elements. We review the beneficial and toxic effects of key elements on bone homeostasis., I. Zofkova, M. Davis, J. Blahos., and Obsahuje bibliografii