b1_The Position Generator (PG) represents one method of measuring egocentric social networks, and key facets of social capital. Respondents are asked if they know a person from a list of jobs that have different social status. The Social Distance Survey (2007) fielded a Czech version of the PG which examined 18 jobs and investigated the strength and duration of ties, and gender of contacts. In this article, we first compare distributions obtained from the PG with the same occupations in population (egos) and from the name generator. Second, measures of social capital were computed. These include extensity, upper reachability, range and an aggregate index called ‘Access Social Capital.’ There are also estimates of lower reachability, mean and total status in a network. In addition, new measures are introduced such as (a) ‘average status combined with status range’ which reflects the “double advantage in networks”, (b) gender and strength of tie diversity, (c) relative measures of gender/ status congruence, and (d) inductive scales measuring access to high and low status professions. Validity of selected social capital measures is assessed using regression models that are operationalised with key socio-demographic variables, and indicators that measure the ethnic and educational diversity within ego networks. These models reveal that differences in the stock of social capital are primarily influenced by education, ISEI (an occupation status), and employment status. The most important relation is in between an ego’s status and a mean network ISEI score, upper reachability, and their interaction. This finding implies that these network measures best capture the concept of hierarchically ordered social resources., b2_The validity of the PG is also assessed using a correlation analysis of the effects or outputs of the social network, i.e. income, job mobility, social trust, life satisfaction, and tolerance of ethnic groups. The article concludes with a comparison with other egocentric social network techniques and recommendations for further work., Jiří Šafr., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Department of Technologies and Measurement deals with the design, simulation and measurement of planar strips, components and systems. The design of these planar strips and systems is very difficult especially for high frequency areas where the material parameters or geometric forms can influence on the resulting function of the electronic equipment. This article deals with analysis possibilities of these planar strips and systems in frequency domain. Finally the influence of substrate parameters on frequency characteristics of planar microstrip filters is presented. and Jedna z mnoha činností, kterou se zabývá oddělení technologie elektroniky na katedře technologií a měření, je návrh, simulace a měření parametrů planárních vedení, součástek a systémů. Návrh těchto planárních vedení a systémů je velice komplikovaný zejména v oblasti vysokých kmitočtů, kde výslednou funkci elektronického zařízení můžou ovlivnit parametry použitých materiálů nebo nevhodný návrh geometrického uspořádání. Tento článek se zabývá možnostmi analýzy těchto planárních systémů ve frekvenční oblasti včetně praktické ukázky vlivu parametrů substrátu na frekvenční charakteristiku planárního mikropáskového filtru.
Ultrasonic velocity anisotropy in the rock provides information of variability of the dynamic elastic moduli. Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio calculated from waves velocities can be used to determine brittleness index, which is usually used to predict rock susceptibility for hydraulic fracturing. This paper describes laboratory ultrasonic measurements carried out in order to improve hydraulic fracturing designing. The research was conducted over two types of rock: shale and limestone. The samples were cut out perpendicularly and parallel to the bedding planes. Next they were tested for effective porosity and mineral composition using XRD method. Directionally depended seismic velocities revealed noticeable anisotropy of laminated shale, caused by orientation of the bedding planes and weak anisotropy of limestone. Based on the velocities, dynamic elastic moduli and its anisotropy coefficients were determined. Calculations of brittleness index based on Young’s modulus to Poisson’s ratio relation and three types of mineral composition brittleness indexes, revealed strong variability in brittleness for both kind of tested formations. These results show, that different types of brittleness indexes should be used complementary, to better describe fracability of the rock. and Moska Rafal, Kasza Piotr, Maslowski Mateusz.
Metóda založená na meraní odrazivosti röntgenového žiarenia pri dopade pod malými uhlami na povrch skúmanej vzorky sa stala dôležitým nástrojom v biofyzikálnom výskume. Uplatňuje sa pri skúmaní vlastností tenkých organických vrstiev lipidov, proteínov a iných biopolymérov, surfaktantov atď. V článku je podaný krátky výklad fyzikálnej podstaty tejto metódy a jej aplikácie pri štúdiu štruktúrnych parametrov dvojzložkových membránových modelových systémov líšiacich sa v zložení lipidov a vo fázovom stave., In recent decades, X-ray reflectometry, an experimental technique based on measuring the reflected X-ray intensity from surfaces upon illumination under small angles, became an important tool in biophysical research. It is often used for the investigation and study of properties of thin organic lipid layers, proteins and other biopolymers, surfactants, etc. In the presented article, we introduce the teoretical foundations of this physical method and its applications. In particular, we discuss our recent experimental study of structural parameters of double-compound membrane model systems, which differ in lipid composition and phase state., Eva Nováková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Impact of noise on hearing system, acoustic quantities, process of noise measurement and imaging of acoustic pressure at measurement surface by 3D graph are described in the article. Mentioned 3D graph is a new tool for noise reduction of large rotating machines. and V článku jsou popsány vlivy hluku na sluchové ústrojí, akustické veličiny, postup měření hluku a zobrazení akustického tlaku na měřicí ploše pomocí 3D grafu. Popsaný 3D graf je nový nástroj pro snižování hluku velkých točivých strojů.
This article reports the results of a content analysis of recently published papers on the relationship(s) between socioeconomic status and health. This study explores how scholars conceptualize and measure socioeconomic status and health. Consequently, this research investigates if significant differences in measurement exist both across subfields within sociology and across disciplines. The evidence presented reveals a remarkable variation in measurement strategies. Moreover, this variation exhibits a pattern that is not entirely predictable. This article concludes by presenting in detail some of the most widely used health indicators and proposing that current measurement practice may be improved by utilizing some more advanced scaling strategies., Martin Kreidl, Lucie Hošková., 4 tabulky, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé