Fairytale Child is a simple chatbot trying to simulate a curious child. It asks the user to tell a fairy tale, often interrupting to ask for details and clarifications. However, it remembers what it was told and tries to show it if possible.
The chatbot can communicate in Czech and in English. It analyzes the morphology of each sentence produced by the user with natural language processing tools, tries to identify potential questions to ask, and then asks one. A morphological generator is employed to generate correctly inflected sentences in Czech, so that the resulting sentences sound as natural as possible.
Pohádkové dítě je jednoduchý chatbot, simulující zvídavé dítě. Požádá uživatele, aby mu vyprávěl pohádku, ale často ho přerušuje, aby se zeptal na detaily a vysvětlení. Pamatuje si ale, co mu uživatel řekl, a snaží se to pokud možno dát najevo.
Chatbot umí komunikovat česky a anglicky. Analyzuje tvarosloví každé uživatelovy věty pomocí NLP nástrojů, pokusí se nalézt chodnou otázku, a tu pak položí. Aby tvořené české věty zněly co nejpřirozeněji, využívá se pro skloňování tvaroslovný generátor. and The work has been supported by GAUK 1572314 and SVV 260104.
It has been using language resources developed, stored and distributed by the LINDAT/CLARIN project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (project LM2010013).
MorphoDiTa: Morphological Dictionary and Tagger is an open-source tool for morphological analysis of natural language texts. It performs morphological analysis, morphological generation, tagging and tokenization and is distributed as a standalone tool or a library, along with trained linguistic models. In the Czech language, MorphoDiTa achieves state-of-the-art results with a throughput around 10-200K words per second. MorphoDiTa is a free software under LGPL license and the linguistic models are free for non-commercial use and distributed under CC BY-NC-SA license, although for some models the original data used to create the model may impose additional licensing conditions.
Slovak models for MorphoDiTa, providing morphological analysis, morphological generation and part-of-speech tagging.
The morphological dictionary is created from MorfFlex SK 170914 and the PoS tagger is trained on automatically translated Prague Dependency Treebank 3.0 (PDT).