Cíl. Zhodnotit zkušenosti s prebioptickou diagnostikou proliferační aktivity gliomů pomocí PET/CT s podáním 18F-fluorothymidinu. Metoda. Byl zhodnocen soubor 21 mozkových nádorů (u nemocných v průměrném věku 50,3 let v rozpětí 26-72 let), 18F-FLT-PET/CT bylo provedeno před stanovením patologicko-anatomické diagnózy. Byla porovnána úroveň akumulace 18F-FLT s proliferační aktivitou hodnocenou pomocí markeru Ki-67. Výsledky. Bylo dosaženo následujících výsledků - přesnost (acuracy) 90,4 % (19/21), senzitivita 90 % (9/10), specifkita 90,9 (10/11), pozitivní prediktivní hodnota 90 % (9/10) a negativní prediktivní hodnota 90,9 % (10/11). Závěr. 18F-FLT-PET/CT je vysoce spolehlivý test při prebioptickém hodnocení proliferační aktivity gliomů, vede k lepšímu cílení biopsie a k časnému nalezení maligního zvratu gliomů., Aim. To evaluate a value of the proliferation activity assessment in gliomas using PET/CT with the application of 18F-fiuorothymidine. Method. The sample of 21 tumors was analyzed (in patients with mean age 50.3, range 26-72 years), 18F-FLT-PET/CT was performed before confirmation of the histological diagnosis, and the level of 18 F-FLT accumulation was compared with the assessment of proliferation activity using immunohistochemistry evaluation of Ki-67. Results. Following results were reached accuracy 90.4% (19/21), sensitivity 90% (9/10), specificity 90.9 (10/11), positive predictive value 90% (9/10) and negative predictive value 90.9% (10/11). Conclusion. 18F-FLT-PET/CT is the valuable test to estimate the proliferation activity of gliom before biopsy, could leads to better targeting biopsy and early detection of malignant turnover of glioma., and Jiří Ferda, Eva Ferdova, Karel Mařík, Jan Mraček, Ondřej Hes
AIMS: Authors studied potential side effects of fetal calf serum (FCS) in cultivation media on human dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) during long-term cultivation. METHODS: Two lines of DPSC obtained healthy donors (male 22 years, female 23 years) were used. Both lines were cultivated under standard cultivation conditions in four different media containing 10% or 2% FCS and substituted with growth factors. During long-term cultivation proliferation ability, karyotype and phenotype of DPSC were measured. RESULTS: Both lines of DPSC cultivated in a media containing 2% FCS and ITS supplement showed the highest number of population doublings. On the other hand the proliferation rate of DPSC cultivated in a media with 2% FCS without ITS supplement was slowest. Proliferation rate of DPSC cultivated in 10% FCS media with or without FGF-2 was comparable. DPSC cultivated in a media with 10% FCS showed a significantly higher amount of chromosomal aberrations. These chromosomal aberrations do not seem to be clonal but surprisingly we found large amounts of tetraploid cells in the 9th passage in both media containing 10% FCS. CONCLUSIONS: Our study proved that cultivation of DPSC in media containing higher concentration of FCS has critical side effects on cell chromosomal stability. and J. Suchánek, TS. Kleplová, M. Kapitán, T. Soukup