The exploitation of a mode locked train laser pulse for satellite ranging has been used. The Nd YAG oscillator/amplifier/frequency doubler/laser generates a mode locked train at 0.53um, most of the energy is contained in three pulses, the individual pulse duration is 70psec. During the 1963 Merit Campaign, within 4 months, 10 low satellite passes and 31 Lageos passes have been ranged. When tho mode locked substructure has been resolved for the received signal (50 % of passes), the BMS was 6-8 cm.
After 1982-1983 preparation period, the Interkosmos laser radar has been installed in Nha-Trang, Vietnam Socialist Republic, May 1984, Posle predvoritel'nych rabot v 1982-3 g. byli v tečenii okončeny raboty na stancii lazernogo dal'nomera Interkosmos v *[Na Čange, SRV], and V ruském abstraktu - v hranaté závorce - doplněno místo události, které tu původně bylo vynecháno (neotištěno)
This paper ceals with a newly developed electronic system used in the INTERKOSMOS satellite tracking stations. The system consists
o microprocessor nbased single board microcomputer, laser clock board with 100ns accuracy and extermal synchronization logic, time gate board (full programable - delay 100ns to 1s, gate 100ns to 1ms. both with steps 100ns) with laser trigger logic and two communication boards. The system is very flexible by means of software. It may be used in the first generation laser radar (like in Vietnam station) or the second generation with reprate 10 Hz.
The method of processing of laser ranging data collected using the passively mode locked YAG train laser is described. The algorithm for resolving of individual peaks in measured ranges histogram and system internal noise determination is explained together with the crosscorrelation methods for system calibration constant evaluation. The low/Lageos satellite and calibration ranging results are included.