26, z rukopisu Mikulovského vydal Eduard Šebesta., KČSN, and 2. přívazek k : Příspěvky k dějinám soudu komorního království Českého z let 1526-1627 / Václav Schulz
Recenzent nahlíží na první biografii kněze, teologa a církevního reformátora Karla Farského (1880-1927) značně kriticky. Farský se po vzniku Československa zapojil do reformního hnutí v katolické církvi a v roce 1920 založil novou Církev československou (později přejmenovanou na Církev československou husitskou), podle recenzenta však byl složitější a zajímavější osobností, než je z knihy patrné. Autor líčí celý jeho život a soustředí se především na jeho roli při utváření a etablování nové církve, nevěnoval však dostatečnou pozornost řadě důležitých souvisejících témat, a navíc svůj životopis pojal spíše jako hagiografii než jako kritický portrét. Recenzent upozorňuje také na dosti omezenou škálu využitých zdrojů a nezanedbatelné faktografické i textové nedostatky., The reviewer´s opinion of the first biography of priest, theologian and church reformist Karel Farský (1880-1927), titled Dr. Karel Farský: The first pariarch of the Czechoslovak (Hussite) Church, is rather critical. Since the formation of Czechoslovakia, Farský joined the reformist movement within the Catholic Church and established a new Czechoslovak Church (later renamed Czechoslovak Hussite Church) in 1920. However, the reviewer believes Farský was a more complex and interesting personality than the book actually shows. The author depicts Farský´s life in its entirety, concentrating predominantly on his role in the formation and establishment of the new church, but has not paid enough attention to a number of related issues and, in addition, his biography of Farský is a hagiography rather than a critical portrait. The reviewer also notices a fairly limited list of sources and appreciable factual and text deficiencies., and [autor recenze] Marek Šmíd.
In the 18th century there were disputes over appointments to the vacant canonries in the Olomouc chapter. One of the reforms of Maria Theresa was the Chapter Statutes, which she approved in 1772 and which came into force on 1 st January 1773. The new statutes confirmed both the privilege of the free election of bishops by canons and the practice of appointing only aristocrats as canons, including so-called domicelars (non-resident Canons). The Chapter of Olomouc gained the status of an exclusively aristocratic chapter at a time when this privilege (because of secularization and other factors) was beginning to disappear. While the requirement that aspirants should have right of abode (inkolat) favoured the landed nobility, the requirement that they be of aristocratic origin favoured "only" the higher nobility, regardless of their origin or suitability for the office - a circumstance that later met with considerable criticism. The Chapter also received a new canonical seal from Maria Theresa, which its canons use to this day. Maria Theresa’s successor, Josef II, intervened again in the Chapter Statutes, limiting the influence of the Holy See over the appointment of canons and thereby enhancing the Sovereign’s influence in the Chapter., Jitka Jonová., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy