In the article the results of registering seismic events located under mining coal seam are presented. Such mining tremors have occurred in several Polish mines. The geological and mining conditions affecting the induction of that type of seismic events are shown. The mechanisms of deep seismic events (more than 1000m) triggered by mining are discussed in relation to regional geology. The most deep mining seismic events in Upper Silesia were related to regional geological structures focusing stress (e.g. syncline) or tectonic structures (younger faults), where mining stresses were only additional factor to trigger strong regional seismic events. The tremors were characterized by a shear mechanism in the source (double-couple forces). Tremors located directly under the performed operation, usually characterized by an uniaxial tension mechanism, associated with the regional tension axis and the space created during the operation of the coal seam, causing pushing loaded rock-mass into new gobs. Proposed methods of seismic monitoring for case of seismic events location under mining coal seam are discussed., Grzegorz Mutke., and Obsahuje bibliografii
SEMPER PROGREDIENS. Unternehmensaktivitäten von Wilhelm Gutmann und Gründung des Handelshauses "Gebrüder Gutmann, Wien" in der Mitte der 50er Jahre des 19. Jahrhunderts.