The idea of conceputal scheme is clearly present in the classical and modern sociological theory. However, contemporary sociological thinking is highly critical of it and in its radical versions this idea is dismissed altogether. This articele taces various historically formed insights into the nature of concept formation in sociology and tries to demonstrate that without the attempts at creating a coherent conceptual scheme, sociology would be deprived of any possibility to push through a specifically sociological perspecitve on the social world. Talcott Parsons´conceptual level of theory is examined in detail and taken as an example of a viable theoretical approach based on the transformation of sociological concepts. The account of the sociological dilemma of scheme and reality is brought together with Donald Davidson´s argument against the dogma of scheme and reality. The idea of a conceptual scheme has been discredited on contemporary thinking together with the idea and the project of (grand) general theory of society. It is argued that from the generalizing critique of the idea of general theory it does not follow that sociology does not need sound concepts. If it were so then no sociological knowledge that would not refer only to itself would be possible., Jan Baloun., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The view on this topic are presented in an interview with Vladimír Nekvasil, who is the president of the Council for Support of ASCR Participation in European Integration of Research and Development. At the Institute of Physics of the ASCR, he was Chairman of the Scientific Council (1994 and 1996), Attestation Commission (1994-1997) and the Commission for the Regress of Grievances. Since 1993, he has been a member of the Academy Assembly. He is also a chairman of the Advocacy Commission of ASCR for the doctoral thesis Doctor of Science (DSc.) in the physics of condensed systems. and Marina Hužvárová.
K připomínce vzniku Akademie věd České republiky před dvěma desetiletími (přesně v poslední den roku 1992) se její současní i někdejší představitelé sešli 4. prosince 2013 v historické budově Akademie věd na Národní, aby v sále plném hostů vzpomenuli nelehký přerod Československé akademie věd ve stávající soustavu veřejných výzkumných institucí, ale také představili výhled do nadcházejících let. Vizi instituce jako centra národní kultury a významného hospodářského aktéra má naplnit připravovaná strategie rozvoje, jejímž prostřednictvím chce Akademie věd ČR reflektovat vědecké a společenské výzvy a navrhovat odpovídající řešení. and Marina Hužvárová, Gabriela Adámková, Luděk Svoboda.