After the political crackdown of 1968, the atmosphere had become unbearable, and the situation got worse. Because Czechoslovak science had become a strong political force during 1968, it is not surprising that the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences figured on the list of watched institutions. A day after the occupation of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops, the CAS was closed by order of the commanding officer. The destruction of Czechoslovak science in the 1970s has proceeded slowly but systematically, not lacking, however, a "legal" basis. and František Janouch.
Odpověď L. Lošťákovi na "Chromatické hromobití". Veřejné zdůvodnění Karla Kovařovice zdůvodňující nepřijetí opery Furianti do repertoáru Národního divadla.
This paper examines the variation in personal values and attitudes towards family and marriage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Czech and Slovak societies have been characterized by an intensive transformation process since 1989. The political and economic transformation was followed by intensive demographic changes (some even talk about a second demographic transition) that was similar in both societies. Here it is assumed that values are independent variables that have an impact on behaviour, and it is argued that demographic changes have been brought about by changes in values and attitudes concerning the family, marriage and children. Therefore, this article examines if the trends in value observed between 1991 and 2008 were accompanied by similar demographic changes. Data from three waves of the European Value Study (EVS) are used together with official vital demographic statistics., Ladislav Rabušic, Beatrice Chromková Manea., and Obsahuje bibliografii