The mobility of scientists that is the subject of this article is part of the broad scale of flows of people, objects, and knowledge in the contemporary world. These flows occur in multiple ways: from relocation and settlement in another country, to everyday pendulating mobility back and forth across boarders. In this article, the author is concerned with academic mobility and particularly mobility tied to long-term post-doctoral fellowships. She sets out to explore the gender dimension of long-term academic mobility and observe how scientists organise their professional and personal lives around movement between academic institutions. She argues that mobility at this stage of the academic trajectory involves the production of new (re)configurations of partnerships, while at the same time the fact of being in a partnership is constitutive for establishing an academic career., Alice Červinková., Téma: Feministická reflexe globalizace, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
The mission of the conference held from 7 to 10 October 2008 was two-fold. The first was to focus on these women from all over the world who discussed their own experiences, both good and bad. The participants promoted their own individual research, as well as established contact with international colleagues in an effort to have greater access to funding for continuing their research. The second aspect of the conference directly addressed a problem of the low numbers of women entering the field of physics. Delegates discussed efforts to promote women in physics in their own country as well as promoting women in physics on the international scale. and Raji Heyrovska, Jarmila Kodymova, Vera Hamplova.
Lise Meitnerová stála u počátků moderní jaderné fyziky a zasloužila se nemalou měrou o její rozvoj. Její životní osudy jsou obrazem doby, ve které žila. Počátek její vědecké kariéry byl poznamenán nerovnoprávným postavením žen ve společnosti a její konec byl spojen s nástupem nacistů v Německu koncem 30. let. and Vladimír Hnatowicz.
Světový rok fyziky 2005 je jedinečnou příležitostí připomenout, že v době, kdy Albert Einstein odeslal k publikaci do Annalen der Physik svůj článek o fotoefektu, byla jeho ženou talentovaná srbská spolužačka z curyšské polytechniky Mileva Maričová. and Ivo Kraus.
The paper examines the non/reception of gender equality as a legitimate topic of science policy in the Czech Republic. Despite much criticism from experts and research that shows that there are major problems with gender equality, state oicials and institutions remain resistant to the issue. he policies of inactivity are studied from the perspective of a constructivist policy analysis. he aim of the paper is to show how discursive practices of institutions and understandings of the issue constitute gender equality as something that is completely on the periphery of or even outside science itself. hus, logically, gender equality is pushed outside the remit of science policies. If gender equality is thematised at all, it is reduced to the issue of women in science. Such an understanding of gender equality signiicantly narrows down the space in which concrete political measures can be made, and determines which activities are acceptable and which are not., Hana Tenglerová., Poznámky, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglický abstrakt a klíčová slova