The nature and rate of juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis and effects of allatostatins and allatotropin have been investigated in isolated corpora allata (CA) of adults and larvae of the noctuid tomato moth, Lacanobia oleracea. In adult female CA, mean rates of synthesis were relatively constant (10-16 pmol/pr/h) at all times. However, the range of JH synthesis by individual CA of similarly aged insects was quite large (2-30 pmol/pr/h). High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation shows that adult female moth CA synthesise predominantly JH I and JH II. Rates of JH synthesis in vitro are dependent on methionine concentration. Synthetic Manduca sexta allatostatin (Mas-AS) caused a dose-dependent inhibition of JH synthesis by adult female CA but only to a max. of 54%, whilst 10 µM synthetic M. sexta allatotropin caused a 37% stimulation of CA activity. At 1 mM the cockroach allatostatin, Dip-allatostatin-2, had no significant effect on JH synthesis. In larval L. oleracea, rates of JH biosynthesis were very low., Neil Audsley, Robert J. Weaver, John P. Edwards, and Lit
Článek se zabývá taxonomií, reprodukční biologií, fylogenetikou, fylogeografií a introdukční historií ryb rodu karas (Carassius). Článek poskytuje souhrn poznatků, které jsou značně komplikované a spojené s jedinečným způsobem rozmnožování, definicí druhu a nepřesným chápáním biologie a systematiky těchto ryb v minulosti. Celá problematika je ještě daleko od svého kompletního vyřešení, ale současný pohled nám může pomoci v lepší péči o vodní prostředí., This article deals with the taxonomy, reproductive biology, phylogenetics, phylogeography and introduction history of the fishes of the genus Carassius. It summarizes findings associated with their unique mode of reproduction, challenging species delimitation and insufficient understanding of the biology and systematics of these fishes in the past. Deeper insight into the biology of Prussian Carp (Carassius gibelio) will require more research, but the available results can improve our understanding and management of the aquatic environment., Lukáš Kalous., and Obsahuje seznam literatury