TRH-like peptides are characterized by substitution of basic amino acid histidine (related to authentic TRH) with neutral or acidic amino acid, like glutamic acid, phenylalanin e, glutamine, tyrosine, leucin, valin, aspartic acid and asparagine. The presence of extrahypothalamic TRH-like peptides was reported in peripheral tissues including gastroin testinal tract, placenta, neural tissues, male reproductive system and certain endocrine tissues. Work deals with the biological function of TRH-like peptides in different parts of organisms where various mechanisms may serve for realisation of biological function of TRH-like peptides as negative feedback to the pituitary exerted by the TRH-like peptides, the role of pEEPam such as fertilization-promoting peptide, the mechanism influencing the proliferative ability of prostatic tissues, the neuroprotective and antidepressant function of TRH-like peptides in brain and the regulation of thyroid status by TRH-like peptides., R. Bílek, M. Bičíková, L. Šafařík., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Kvadruplexy, přesněji řečeno guaninové kvadruplexy, patří bezesporu mezi nejzajímavější molekuly DNA. I když jsou kvadruplexy známy od 60. let 20. stol., zájem o tyto molekuly vzrostl převážně v uplynulých 10 letech. Předpokládá se, že kvadruplexy by mohly hrát důležitou úlohu v klíčových biologických procesech. Tuto hypotézu podporuje i skutečnost, že se již podařilo potvrdit jejich existenci in vivo. Kvadruplexy nabízejí svůj potenciál nejen v oblasti medicíny, představují také slibný materiál v oblasti nanotechnologií. and Guanine quadruplexes are among the most interesting of DNA molecules. Although they have been known since the 1960s, they have attracted attention particularly over the last 10 years. Scientists anticipate that these molecules may play an important role in key biological processes. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that their existence in vivo has already been proved. Their potential can be used in medicine, and they also offer promising material for nanotechnology.