The present article focuses on the everyday life of married couples at the countryside in the „long" 19th century on the basis of the sources that arose at the Archiepiscopal Matrimonial Court in Prague shortly after the beginning of the 19th century. The case of Josef Houšek reveals the social and economic situation of the villagers and their in dealing with the highest ecclesiastical and state representatives. Besides, it renders possible a surprisingly close view of the everyday life of the married couple and their relatives. The husband and wife Houšek had to cope with the incapability of the wife Barbora to fulfil her „marital duty". This led to several attempts to annulate the marriage. However in the period between 1845 and 1858, for which the case was followed through the sources, these efforts were in vain. Besides, the whole case reveals the increasing importance of the medical science and its impact even to the ordinary village inhabitants., Zuzana Čevelová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Třinecké odkaliště poskytuje obraz sukcesních změn, kdy se mezi pionýrskými druhy vyskytují i vzácní a chránění živočichové a rostliny a z tohoto hlediska bude zajímavé sledovat vývoj společenstev na této lokalitě i nadále. and The settling pit in Třinec can serve as a model of succession changes, during which rare and protected animals and plants also appear among pioneer species. Therefore the further development of communities at this site is worth monitoring.
The tritrophic interactions between two different plant-host complexes, Avena sativa-Sitobion avenae, Triticum aestivum-S. avenae and the aphid parasitoid Aphidius rhopalosiphi were studied with respect to odour learning and recognition by the parasitoid. The orientation behaviour of females towards odours from either uninfested or aphid-infested oat or wheat plants was tested in a series of dual choice Y-tube olfactometer experiments. Female parasitoids had the opportunity to gain a single oviposition experience on either the oat-S. avenae or wheat-S. avenae complex before the experiment. In the first set of experiments, where A. rhopalosiphi was reared on the oat-S. avenae complex, eight odour-bait combinations were tested. The females did not discriminate between uninfested oat and wheat. After oat complex experience, females responded to odours from the oat complex, but not to odours from the wheat complex. Consequently, in a direct comparison the oat complex was preferred over the wheat complex. After wheat complex experience, the parasitoid's orientation responses gave a different picture. Both, the wheat complex and the oat complex, were then shown to be equally attractive. Hence, in direct comparison no preference was recorded between the oat and wheat complexes. In a second set of experiments, where A. rhopalosiphi was reared on the wheat- S. avenae complex, a possible influence of any pre-adult or emergence-related host plant experience could be excluded as the same results were obtained as before. At first glance the responses towards the different odour baits seem inconsistent. However, the results may be explained using a simple model with two key odour components.
Pavel Machonin byl a zůstává legendou české sociologie, při jejíž obnově v šedesátých letech stál. Tehdy spolu s týmem mladých začínajících sociologických nadšenců provedl zcela unikátní, neobvykle invenční a také neobvykle rozsáhlý výzkum stratifikace československé (socialistické) společnosti. A nejen že provedl, ale i dokázal zjištěná fakta zpracovat do zásadního sociologického svědectví o stavu tehdejší společnosti. Knihu Československá společnost (vyšla v Bratislavě v roce 1969) zatím u nás nikdo v této oblasti výzkumu vlastně nepřekonal. Ani on sám v knížkách zabývajících se podobnou tematikou, na kterých jsem se spolupodílel v polovině devadesátých let. Z doby psaní (dopisování) této knihy se traduje, jak držel pod zámkem a o hladu svoje spoluautory, aby je donutil včas dopsat některé kapitoly. and Milan Tuček.