This article describes how the understanding of gender roles in Sri Lankan Tamil society has changed during the past three decades. The shift could be ascribed to the quarter-century long armed conflict between the Tamil Tigers’ separatist movement and the Sri Lankan government. The author presents a brief overview of the social changes related to the shift in notions of gender roles, such as changes in marital life patterns, coding of appropriate female behavior, and understanding of “female space”. The article goes on to highlight the phenomenon of Tamil female fighters within the separatist movement and their future demobilization. Lastly the author touches on a topic which could become an important issue for Sri Lanka over the coming years; the impact of the inevitable demobilization of the government armed forces and its consequences for the processes of female emancipation in Sri Lanka.
Referentka přináší podrobnou zprávu o mezinárodní konferenci „Mezi dějinami a politikou: Druhá světová válka v muzeích a památnících západní a východní Evropy“, která se konala ve dnech 29. června až 1. července 2011 v Mnichově a zabývala se evropským rozměrem kultury paměti druhé světové války. Účastníci konference se shodli na tom, že muzea a památníky jsou institucemi, které historii nejen vystavují, ale samy jsou zároveň její součástí: svou existencí a proměnami v běhu času nepoukazují jenom na válečné dějiny, ale také na dlouhou historii a současnost výkladů a vyrovnávání s druhou světovou válkou v Evropě.
Sahitya Akademi in New Delhi hosted in January a Session of the Union Académique Internationale (International Union of Academies). The federation is composed of national and international academies from more than 60 countries working in the field of Humanities and the Social Sciences. Its purpose is to encourage cooperation to advance studies through collaborative research and joint publications in those branches of humanities and social sciences promoted by the Academies and Institutions represented in the UAI which include philology, archeology, history, moral sciences and political sciences. Since 1919, the number of projects sponsored, supported or supervised by the UAI has steadily increased. From the first three projects (Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Alchemical texts and Works of Grotius), the IUA came to the number of 76 projects. and Jiří Beneš.