Od poloviny 70. let 20. stol. se již počtvrté obracíme prostřednictvím časopisu Živa na seriózní pozorovatele přírody s žádostí o pomoc při mapování hnízdního rozšíření ptáků v ČR. Výsledkem předcházejících tří mapování byly publikované Atlasy hnízdního rozšíření ptáků v ČR v letech 1973-77, 1985-89 a 2001-03. Současné mapování avifauny probíhá v ČR v letech 2014-17 a výsledkem bude nový atlas, který přinese další konfrontaci s daty získanými stejně exaktním způsobem jako v předcházejících třech obdobích. V prvním roce mapování se zapojilo 271 spolupracovníků, kteří obsadili 61 % mapovacích kvadrátů na území ČR. K prvním zajímavým výsledkům patří zaznamenání 8 případů průkazného zahnízdění nepůvodního invazního druhu - husice nilské (Alopochen aegyptiaca)., The current breeding mapping in 2014-17 is the fourth mapping organized in the Czech Republic since the 1970s. Results of previous mapping attempts are summarized in three Atlases of breeding birds. This article is a call for the cooperation of Živa readers. It also presents pilot results from the first year (2014) of field work, based on records from 271 contributors who covered 61 % of the whole territory of the Czech Republic. One of the interesting results is the map of breeding distribution of the invasive Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca), with 8 confirmed breedings., and Karel Šťastný, Vladimír Bejček.
Šakal obecný (Canis aureus) je nový druh fauny savců České republiky. Na naše území se přirozenou cestou rozšířil z jihovýchodní Evropy. První věrohodný doklad pochází z Uherského Hradiště (2006), další pak z Brna (2009) a z Benešovska (střední Čechy, 2011). Řada dalších neověřených pozorování i nálezy z příhraničních oblastí Šumavy naznačují, že expanze druhu pokračuje., The Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) is a quite new member of the fauna of the Czech Republic. So far, three verified records in the environs of Uherské Hradiště (2006), Brno (2009) and Benešov (Central Bohemia, 2011) have been obtained. A number of other unverified observations and findings from the border areas of the Šumava Mountains (Bohemian Forest) suggest that the expansion of the species is ongoing., Miloš Anděra., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
V práci je nastíněn jiný pohled na potravní specializaci půdních roztočů (která se projevuje jako značná) - pohled mikroanatomický, prováděný histologickou metodou, a to včetně fluorescenční a konfokální mikroskopie. Jako parametry se využívají: obsah trávicí soustavy, její aktivita dle sekrece enzymů, přítomnost hemocytů i extraintestinálních vnitřních bakteriálních těles, kultivace mikroorganismů z homogenátu a působení získaných bakteriálních enzymů na potravu, jmenovitě na vláknité půdní houby., This study examines the feeding habits of soil saprophagous mites from the point of view of microanatomy, using not only the histological method but also fluorescence staining and confocal microscopy. The research looks at a combination of the following factors: the alimentary tract, including its contents and secretion enzyme activity; the presence of hemocytes as well as internal extraintestinal bacterial bodies, all supplemented by purification of bacteria from the mite homogenate; and the impact of extracted bacterial enzymes on soil fungi., and Jaroslav Smrž.
Článek shrnuje současné znalosti o taxonomickém postavení, rozšíření a ekologii žížaly Allolobophora hrabei a o jejím vlivu na stepní ekosystémy. A. hrabei dnes chybí na většině lokalit, kde se historicky vyskytovala a je nutno ji považovat za ohrožený druh. Na místech s dostatečně velkou populací může významně ovlivňovat půdní vlastnosti i společenstva ostatních půdních organismů., This contribution summarizes current knowledge about the taxonomic position, distribution and ecology of the earthworm Allolobophora hrabei and its role in fragile fragments of central European steppe ecosystems. Nowadays, A. hrabei should be classified endangered as it is absent at most of its historical sites. Nevertheless, it may significantly affect both soil parameters and other soil organisms at the sites inhabited by larger populations., and Václav Pižl.
In herbivorous insects, differences in the degree of specialization to host plants emerge when the distribution of an herbivore differs from that of its host plants, which results in a mosaic of populations differing in performance on the different host plants. Using a specialized butterfly, Battus polydamas archidamas Boisduval, 1936, which feeds exclusively on the genus Aristolochia, we test whether host plant co-occurrence and associated differences in host quality modify local adaptation in terms of larval preference and performance. We compared individuals from a monospecific host stand of Aristolochia chilensis with those from a mixed host stand of A. chilensis and A. bridgesii. Individuals were reared in a reciprocal transfer experiment in which source population and the host species fed to larvae were fully crossed in a two-by-two factorial experiment in order to quantify their preference, performance (development time, size and growth rate) and survival. Individuals from both populations preferred the species they ate during their larval development over the other host, which indicates host plant-induced preference with non-adaptive implications. Larvae from mixed and monospecific stands grew faster and survived better when reared on A. bridgesii than A. chilensis. Larvae from a monospecific host stand grew slower and fewer individuals survived under the same local conditions, which is contrary to expectations. Therefore, rearing the butterfly on A. bridgesii consistently resulted in better performance, which indicates that the monospecific population is less well adapted to its host than the mixed population. Variation in the occurrence of the two host plants in the two populations can result in divergent selection due to the variation in plant quality, which in this case could result in opposing adaptive processes., Rodrigo S. Rios, Cristian Salgado-Luarte, Gisela C. Stotz, Ernesto Gianoli., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In the present work, we have characterized the chromosomes of 13 Cassidinae beetles, belonging to four tribes, the broad aim being to increase the cytogenetic data and establish the mechanisms involved in chromosome evolution of this subfamily, which appear to be conserved karyotypically, i.e. 2n = 16 + Xyp. The analysis of mitotic and meiotic cells revealed a high diversity of diploid numbers (2n = 18, 2n = 22, 2n = 26, 2n = 32, 2n = 36, 2n = 40, 2n = 42), and the presence of sex chromosome system of the Xyp type in most species, with the exception of two representatives that exhibited Xyr and XY systems. C-banding showed constitutive heterochromatin predominantly localized in the pericentromeric region of the chromosomes, but differences regarding the number of chromosomes with positive C-bands, intensity of the blocks, and presence of additional bands in autosomes and/or sex chromosomes were observed among the species investigated. Our data revealed that the karyotype 2n = 16 + Xyp does not occur in all 13 tribes of the Cassidinae characterized cytogenetically, seeming to be only a shared feature among the species of the Cassidini. Variations in the C-band pattern, mainly in closely related species, suggest that the interspecific karyotype diversification occurred as a result of changes in the quantity and distribution of constitutive heterochromatin. The occurrence of the Xyp sex chromosome system in the tribe Mesomphaliini, which showed the highest diversity of simple and multiple systems among the coleopteran as a whole, reinforces the view that derived systems originated by chromosome rearrangements involving the Xyp ancestral system., Amália T. Lopes, Flávia R. Fernandes, Marielle C. Schneider., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The objective of this work was to evaluate the relative trap efficiency of the three modified traps baited with 1-octen-3-ol as attractant, Box, Nzi and Canopy, for horse fly (Tabanidae) survey. Nine traps (three traps per trap type) were tested in 3 × 3 Latin square designs during summer 2011 in riparian oak-ash forests in the Danube floodplain of Croatia. Overall, the traps caught 1,986 specimens of 11 horse flies species during the study period. The most abundant species caught was Tabanus bromius (58%), followed by Tabanus tergestinus (21%), Tabanus maculicornis (16%), Tabanus sudeticus (2%), Atylotus loewianus (1%) and Tabanus autumnalis (1%). Both the Box traps and the Nzi traps had significantly greater catch efficiencies than the Canopy traps (βbox = 2.47, X2 = 65.48, df = 1, P < 0.001 and βnzi = 1.54, X2 = 25.12, df = 1, P < 0.001, respectively). Nzi traps had a catch rate 4.65 (95% CI: 2.55, 8.48) times greater than Canopy traps and Box traps had a catch rate 11.77 (95% CI: 6.48, 21.39) times greater than Canopy traps. Based on Shannon-Wiener diversity indices Nzi traps were better suited for diversity survey and had higher (H' = 1.33) indices than Box (H' = 1.08) or Canopy traps (H' = 1.00)., Alma Mikuška, Selma Mlinarić, Lidija Begović, Erin Curran., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The growth parameters of the green lacewing, Chrysoperla nipponensis-B (Okamoto), were studied under laboratory conditions. The highest mortality was recorded in the immature stages (instars 1st, 2nd, 3rd and pupae) of C. nipponensis fed on the eggs of Corcyra cephalonica (37.26%). The sex ratios (proportion of female to male) when reared on the eggs of C. cephalonica and an artificial diet with ginger were 0.93 : 1.00 and 0.87 : 1.00, respectively. The maximum life spans of females reared on the eggs of C. cephalonica and an artificial diet with ginger were 63 and 64 days, respectively. The females reared on the eggs of C. cephalonica produced the highest number of eggs (10.4) on the fifth day of oviposition, whereas on the artificial diet with ginger it was 9.26 on the eighth day of oviposition. The net reproductive rate (Ro) and maximum gross reproductive rate (GRR) of C. nipponensis fed on the eggs of C. cephalonica were 69.50 and 223.10 females per female per generation, respectively, whereas for the artificial diet with ginger they were 117.24 and 236.89 females per female per generation, respectively. Mean generation time (T) was 37.06 and 48.16 for the eggs of C. cephalonica and artificial diet with ginger, respectively. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) was 0.11 and 0.09 females per female per day for the eggs of C. cephalonica and artificial diet with ginger, respectively. The finite rate of increase (λ) was 1.12 and 1.11 females per female per day for the eggs of C. cephalonica and artificial diet with ginger, respectively. The population doubling time (DT) was 6.05 days on the diet of eggs of C. cephalonica and 7.00 on the artificial diet with ginger., Shafique A. Memon, Dzolkhifli Omar, Rita Muhamad, Ahamd S. Sajap, Norhayu Asib, Arfan A. Gibal., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Since October 2011, the Russian GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS) has been revitalized and is now fully operational with 24 satellites in orbit. It is critical to assess the benefits and problems of using GLONASS observations (i.e. GLONASS-only or combined Global Positioning System (GPS) and GLONASS) for precise positioning and zenith total delay (ZTD) retrieval on a global scale using precise point positioning (PPP) technique. In this contribution, extensive evaluations are conducted with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data sets collected from 251 globally distributed stations of the International GNSS Service (IGS) network in July 2016. The stations are divided into 30 groups by antenna/radome types to investigate whether there are ante nna/radome-dependent biases in position and ZTD derived from GLONASS-only PPP. The positioning results do not show obvious antenna/radome-dependent biases except the stations with JAV_RINGANT_G3T/NONE. For these stations, the averaged biases in horizontal component, especially in the north component, can achieve as high as -9.0 mm. The standard de viation (STD) and root mean square (RMS) are used as indicators of positioning repeatability and accuracy, respectively. The averaged horizontal STD and RMS of GLONASS-only PPP are comparable to GPS-only PPP, while in vertical component, those for GLONASS-only P PP are larger. Furthermore, the STD and RMS of GPS+GLONASS combined PPP solutions are the smallest in horizontal and vertical components, indicating that adding GLONASS observations can achieve better positioning performance than GPS-only PPP. With the IGS final ZTD as reference, we find that ZTD biases and accuracy of GLONASS-only are latitude - and antenna/radome-independent. The ZTD accuracy of GLONASS-only PPP is slightly worse than that of GPS-only PPP. Compared with GPS-only PPP, the ZTD accuracy is only improved by 1.3% from 7.8 to 7.7 mm by adding GLONASS observations., Feng Zhou, Shengfeng Gu, Wen Chen and Danan Dong., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy