Dírkonošci (Foraminifera), mořští prvoci s vápenatou schránkou, obývají naši planetu více než půl miliardy let. Zkoumáním způsobu života těch současných se mnohé dozvíme o jejich pravěkých předcích i o dávných mořích, ve kterých žili., Foraminifera - a rich group of mainly marine microorganisms - are widely used for paleoecological reconstructions. Their occurrence provides important data about past ecological conditions of the sites. We reconstructed former conditions in Židlochovice research site (southern Moravia) by comparing fossil communities with the recent ones present on the island of Rab (Adriatic Sea)., and Anna Poštulková.
Čeští a němečtí odborníci v oboru historie, sociální geografie, ekonomie, politologie, teologie a orientalistiky promluvili ve veřejné panelové diskusi „Uprchlíci a my: Česká očekávání a německá zkušenost“, kterou za účasti německého velvyslance Arndta Freiherra Freytaga von Loringhovena uspořádala Učená společnost ČR 19. dubna 2016 v budově Akademie věd ČR. Následná rozsáhlá debata prokázala velký zájem veřejnosti o tuto tematiku. Zveřejňujeme úvodní slovo prof. Jaroslava Pánka z Historického ústavu AV ČR v původním znění, které na diskusi muselo být vzhledem k omezenému času značně zkráceno. and Jaroslav Pánek.
Left atrial (LA) volume (LAV) is used for the selection of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) to rhythm control strategies. Calculation of LAV from the LA diameters and areas by two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography may result in significant error. Accuracy of atrial volume assessment has never been studied in patients with long-standing persistent AF (LSPAF) and significant atrial remodeling. This study investigated correlation and agreement between 2D echocardiographic (Simpson method) and electroanatomic (CARTO, Biosense Webster) left and right atrial (RA) volumes (LAVECHO vs. LAVCARTO and RAVECHO vs. RAVCARTO) in patients undergoing catheter ablation for LSPAF. The study enrolled 173 consecutive subjects (females: 21 %, age: 59±9 years). There was only modest correlation between LAVECHO (92±31 ml) and LAVCARTO (178±37 ml) (R=0.57), and RAVECHO (71±29 ml) and RAVCARTO (173±34 ml) (R=0.42), respectively. LAVECHO and RAVECHO underestimated LAVCARTO and RAVCARTO with the absolute bias (±1.96 standard deviation) of -85 (-148; -22) ml and -102 (-169; -35) ml, respectively, and with the relative bias of -48 (-75; -21) % and -59 (-88; -30) %, respectively (all P<0.000001 for their mutual difference). Significant confounders of this difference were not identified. In patients with LSPAF, 2D echocardiography significantly underestimated both LA and RA volumes as compared with electroanatomic reference. This disagreement was independent of clinical, echocardiographic and mapping characteristics., L. Škňouřil, Š. Havránek, V. Bulková, M. Dorda, T. Paleček, J. Šimek, Z. Fingrová, A. Linhart, J. Januška, D. Wichterle, M. Fiala., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are distinct pathologies with impaired insulin sensitivity as a common feature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of fat tissue adipokines and gastrointestinal incretins to glucose load in patients diagnosed with one of the two disorders and to compare it with healthy controls. Oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT) was performed in 77 lean young women: 22 had positive history of GDM, 19 were PCOS patients, and 36 were healthy controls. Hormones were evaluated in fasting and in 60 min intervals during the 3 h oGTT using Bio-Plex ProHuman Diabetes 10-Plex Assay for C-peptide, ghrelin, GIP, GLP1, glucagon, insulin, leptin, total PAI1, resistin, visfatin and Bio-Plex ProHuman Diabetes Adipsin and Adiponectin Assays (Bio-Rad). Despite lean body composition, both PCOS and GDM women were more insulin resistant than controls. Significant postchallenge differences between the GDM and PCOS groups were observed in secretion of adipsin, leptin, glucagon, visfatin, ghrelin, GIP, and also GLP1 with higher levels in GDM. Conversely, PCOS was associated with the highest resistin, C-peptide, and PAI1 levels. Our data suggest that decreased insulin sensitivity observed in lean women with GDM and PCOS is associated with distinct hormonal response of fat and gastrointestinal tissue to glucose load., D. Vejrazkova, O. Lischkova, M. Vankova, S. Stanicka, J. Vrbikova, P. Lukasova, J. Vcelak, G. Vacinova, B. Bendlova., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In this study we report on the structural diversity of adipokinetic hormones (AKHs) in the evolutionarily oldest group of social insects, the termites (Isoptera). Using molecular methods combined with in silico bioinformatic analysis, we studied and compared the sequences coding for these neuropeptides in thirteen species of five families of Isoptera. There are three types of AKH octapeptides in termites: Empusa pennata adipokinetic hormone (Emppe-AKH; pQVNFTPNWamide), Microhodotermes viator corpus cardiacum peptide (Micvi-CC; pQINFTPNWamide) and Periplaneta americana cardioaccelerating hormone (Peram-CAH-I; pQVNFSPNWamide). Of these the Peram-CAH-I was the most frequently bioactive form detected in representatives of four out of the six families studied. The complete AKH preprohormones in the termites studied shared at least an 84% amino acid similarity. In agreement with current phylogenetic scenarios of termites as an internal monophyletic clade nested within cockroaches (Blattaria) in the proximity of the family Blattidae, our phylogenetic analysis of the AKH precursor sequences (in the absence of data for the Cryptocercidae) placed the Blattidae (Periplaneta americana) as a sister group of termites and the AKHs of other cockroach families (Blattellidae and Blaberidae) were more divergent from those of termites. Representatives of the basal termite families Mastotermitidae and Archotermopsidae (but also one rhinotermitid genus Prorhinotermes) occurred separately from the phylogenetically advanced lineage (Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae), and Neotermes (Kalotermitidae) was sister to all other termites included., Veronika Jedličková, Pavel Jedlička, Barbora Špuláková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The chotts in Algeria are temporary salt lakes recognized as important wintering sites of water birds but neglected in terms of the diversity of the insects living on their banks. Around a chott in the wetland complex in the high plains near Constantine (eastern Algeria), more than half of the species of plants are annuals that dry out in summer, a situation that prompted us to sample the vegetation in spring over a period of two years. Three zones were identified based on an analysis of the vegetation and measurements of the salt content of the soils. Surveys carried out at monthly intervals over the course of a year revealed temporal and spatial variations in biodiversity and abundance of grasshoppers. The inner zone is colonized by halophilic plants and only one grasshopper species (Dericorys millierei) occurs there throughout the year. Two polyphagous species of Calliptamus, which can feed on halophilic plants migrate from adjacent areas into the inner zone in August to feed on the plants growing there. The other species of grasshoppers remain in outer zones as they are unable to feed on halophilic plants. The greatest abundance of grasshoppers from August to winter was recorded in the inner zone and in spring and early summer in the outer zones. The dependence of D. millierei on bushes of Amaranthaceae and its moderate flight ability, features of the family Dericorytidae, limit this species ability to colonize neighbouring chotts., Sarah Mahloul, Abboud Harrat, Daniel Petit., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Kniha M. Kottelata a J. Freyhofa Handbook of European Freshwater Fishes (Cornol a Berlin 2007) je recenzována s rozsáhlým komentářem a je poukázano na její vpravdě „revoluční“ pojetí. Kniha jasně ukazuje na předtím netušenou velkou diverzitu evropských sladkovodních ryb a dokumentuje existenci téměř 550 původních a 33 nepůvodních druhů ryb, kde každý druh v knize doprovází popis, diagnostické znaky a většinou dokonalé fotografie. Význačným poselstvím knihy je také upozornění na různý stupeň ohrožení u téměř 40 % existujících druhů., The Handbook of European Freshwater Fishes by M. Kottelat and J. Freyhof (Cornol and Berlin 2007) is reviewed with extensive comments showing its indeed “revolutionary” concept. The book clearly demonstrates the previously unexpected great diversity of European freshwater fishes and documents the occurrence of nearly 550 autochthonous and 33 alien species (each species is described, diagnosed, in most cases accompanied by excellent photos). The significant message of the book is also the fact that almost 40 % of recorded species are under various degrees of threat., Petr Ráb., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Předkládaný článek přináší stručný průřez problematiky studia taxonomie štírů rodu Euscorpius. Evropským štírům byla věnována pozornost již od poloviny 18. století. Po bezmála 250 letech zkoumání se tento rod stále nedočkal vyřešení otázky své komplikované taxonomie. Zdá se ovšem, že současné studie kombinující morfologické, genetické a cytogenetické znaky mohou být klíčem pro odhalení skutečné druhové diverzity., This article briefly summarizes the last two and a half centuries of taxonomic research into the European genus of scorpions commonly known as small wood scorpions (Euscorpius). Despite the fact that taxonomists have been focusing on this genus since the mid-18th century, their taxonomy is not yet sufficiently resolved. However, present studies seem to be on the right track, and looking into a combination of morphological, genetic and cytogenetic features may hold the key to revealing the true diversity of the species., and Jana Plíšková.
Pokles kyselé atmosférické depozice od 90. let minulého století a rovněž postupné oteplování klimatu bylo prokazatelně doloženo i pro horské ekosystémy v nejvyšších slovenských pohořích. Výzkumy epigeické aktivity mnohonožek (Diplopoda) v letech 1992-1993, 1997-1998, 2007-2008 a pokračující sledování v současnosti svědčí o rozmanitosti společenstev těchto půdních bezobratlých včetně přítomnosti řady karpatských endemitů v závislosti na odlišném geologickém podloží (žula a vápenec) a typu vegetace. Pozorovaný ústup chladnomilných endemitů i nárůst podílu eurytopních adaptabilních druhů lze dávat do souvislosti s probíhajícími změnami v chemismu půd i změnami klimatu., The decline of acid deposition since the 1990s, together with subsequent climate warming, was confirmed also for mountain ecosystems in the highest Slovak mountains. The study of epigeic activity of millipedes (Diplopoda) in the periods 1992-93, 1997-98 and 2007-08, and continuing recent research refer to the high diversity of their communities including the presence of Carpathian endemic species on different geological bedrocks (granite and limestone) as well as different vegetation covers. The observed decline of cold tolerant endemics and the increasing portion of eurytopic species may be connected with changes in soil chemistry as well as with climate changes., and Karel Tajovský.
Článek představuje dlouhodobý výzkum vodního hmyzu, především jepic (Ephemeroptera), pošvatek (Plecoptera) a chrostíků (Trichoptera), v České republice. V jeho více než stoleté historii jsou určitými milníky období přelomu 19. a 20. stol. a práce F. Klapálka a druhá polovina minulého století, kdy probíhal organizovaný faunistický výzkum vedený V. Landou a M. Zelinkou. Data a materiál nashromážděné během celého tohoto období nyní umožňují provést unikátní porovnání výskytu druhů v současnosti a minulosti na stovkách lokalit po celé České republice. Jeho výsledky přinášejí cenné informace o vývoji společenstev vodního hmyzu., This article presents long-term investigation into aquatic insects, particularly mayflies (Ephemeroptera), stoneflies (Ephemeroptera) and caddisflies (Trichoptera), in the Czech Republic. Within its more than hundred-year history, two milestones can be recognised: the turn of the 20th century with the famous work of F. Klapálek, and the second half of the last century with extended faunistic research conducted by V. Landa and M. Zelinka. The data and material gathered during the entire period enable us to compare species distribution at hundreds of localities covering the whole Czech Republic over the hundred years. The results show valuable information on the development of communities of aquatic insects., and Tomáš Soldán ... [et al.].