Poslední díl seriálu seznamuje se dvěma opravdu blankytně modrými hořci. Hořec brvitý (Gentianopsis ciliata) má těžiště rozšíření v prostoru střední Evropy, Alp a Balkánu. Nedávné studie potvrzují, že jde o vytrvalý, relativně krátkověký druh. Pozoruhodná je jeho schopnost vegetativního rozrůstání z adventivních pupenů. Ty dávají vzniknout novým nadzemním lodyhám, které jsou neodlišitelné od samostatných oddělených rostlin. Experimentální studie ukazují, že je velmi obtížné stanovit optimální obhospodařování jeho lokalit. Seč v tradičních termínech (červen) výrazně ničí jeho lodyhy. Stejně tak je druh náchylný na zarůstání lokalit křovinami a nedostatek prostoru (mezer v porostu, tzv. gapů) ke klíčení. Hořec křížatý (Gentiana crutiata) roste roztroušeně téměř v celé Evropě a západní Asii. Jde o vytrvalý druh. Jeho dlouhodobé přežívání na lokalitě je však závislé zamezení zarůstání a možnosti vyklíčení semen na obnažených, disturbovaných plochách. Často roste, obdobně jako další druhy hořců a hořečků, na místech, kde byla disturbance prováděná pasenými zvířaty nahrazena aktivitami moderního člověka (jízda na koních, motorkách, čtyřkolkách, též ve vojenských újezdech na dopadových plochách či tzv. tankodromech). Hořce a hořečky jsou přírodním a kulturním dědictvím naší krajiny. Cílem seriálu bylo ukázat, že jako takové má smysl jejich biotopy chránit a obhospodařovat., The last part of our series introduces two species. The Fringed Gentian (Gentianopsis ciliata) occurs in Central Europe, in the Alps and in the Balkans. It is a perennial but relatively short-lived species, remarkable for vegetative propagation from adventitious buds. Tailoring management of its sites is very difficult – traditional mowing in June destroys many of the stems, but the inhibition of succession and the creation of gaps are essential for successful propagation of the species. The perennial species Cross Gentian (Gentiana cruciata), scattered across Europe and western Asia, occurs in places where traditional disturbances by grazing animals are often replaced by human leisure activities or military training. The inhibition of shrub succession and small-scale soil disturbances are essential for survival of this species. The main aim of our series was to justify the protection of Gentians and suggest appropriate management of their habitats., and Zdenka Křenová, Jiří Brabec.
Hlavním druhem posledního dílu horečkové části seriálu je hořeček nahořklý. Jde o široce rozšířený druh - Evropa, severní Asie až po střední Sibiř, Dálný východ, Severní Amerika. Počet lokalit a velikost populací tohoto druhu však v ČR v posledních dekádách dramaticky poklesl. V současné době je prokázán ze 71 lokalit (70 lokalit G. amarella subsp. amarella a jedna lokalita G. amarella subsp. lingulata). Z ČR je známo též několik horečkových kříženců. Do současnosti se zachovaly populace dvou z nich. U hořečků je známé synchronizované kolísání velikosti populací. V ČR lze tento jev dokumentovat na dvou druzích přežívajících dosud ve více populacích (G. praecox subsp. bohemica a G. amarella). Příčiny synchronizace nejsou známy. Jednou z hypotéz je masivní klíčení, růst a v dalším roce kvetení hořečků v mezerách nárazově vytvořených v jinak relativně zapojeném travním porostu. Synchronizované vytvoření mezer v porostu pak může být způsobeno přísuškem během vegetační sezóny., G. amarella is a widely distributed species (Europe, northern Asia to Central Siberia, the Far East and North America); however, the number of its sites and population size have decreased dramatically in the last few decades in the Czech Republic. At present, the species is documented from 71 sites here (70 sites of G. a. subsp. amarella, one site of G. a. subsp. lingulata). Several hybrids of Gentianella species are also known from the Czech Republic (two of them have survived so far). A synchronized inter-annual fluctuation in population size is documented for G. praecox subsp. bohemica and G. amarella in the Czech Republic. The reasons behind, however, remain unclear. Massive establishment, survival and flowering in the year following the creation of gaps in vegetation have been suggested as an explanation. Synchronized occurrence of gaps may be caused by a dry period during the growing season., Jiří Brabec., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Here we analyzed associations between muscles mass, total bone mineral content (BMC), lumbar spine bone density (BMD L1-L4) and serum or urine hormones in healthy peripubertal girls. Total BMC and areal BMD L1-L4, muscle mass and fat were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Muscle force (N) was estimated by a dynamometer. Circulating estradiol, folliclestimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), 25-hydroxy vitamin D, parathyroid hormone (PTH), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), leptin, osteocalcin, bone isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase (bALP) and total calcium and phosphorus were quantified as the nocturnal melatonin and serotonin urinary excretion. Partial correlations adjusted for height, Tanner score and physical activity confirmed positive relationships between BMC or BMD L1-L4 (Z-score) and lean mass or fat. Furthermore, positive relationship was observed between BMC or BMD L1-L4 (Z-score) and serum leptin. After adjustment for Tanner score and physical activity, positive associations were observed between lean mass and IGF-1, leptin levels or muscle force. We proved positive relationships between bone mass and serum leptin in peripubertal girls., V. Cirmanova, I. Zofkova, P. Kasalicky, V. Lanska, M. Bayer, L. Starka, R. Kanceva., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Hmyzí hormonální soustava se skládá z několika typů žláz produkujících tři různé druhy hormonů – ekdysteroidy, juvenilní hormony a peptidické neurohormony. Struktura, funkční koordinace a vzájemné vztahy v této soustavě představují dobře organizovaný řídicí systém, který v zásadě pracuje stejně jako hormonální soustava obratlovců: řídí prakticky všechny životní projevy hmyzu. Jedna skupina hmyzích metabolických neurohormonů – adipokinetické hormony – hraje důležitou roli v odpovědi organismu na stresové podmínky. Tyto hormony zajišťují mobilizaci energetických zdrojů, stimulují pohybovou aktivitu, zvyšují činnost srdce, aktivují imunitní systém a nedůležité procesy odsouvají na pozdější dobu. Touto koordinovanou činností umožňují hmyzímu organismu vyrovnávat se s nepříznivými podmínkami vnějšího prostředí a podílet se tak na udržování homeostázy vnitřního prostředí., The insect hormonal system consists of several types of endocrine glands which produce three different hormones – ecdysteroids, juvenile hormones and peptidic neurohormones. The structure, functional coordination and mutual relationships within the system are a well organised control system resembling the hormonal system of vertebrates: it controls practically all aspects of insect life. One group of insect metabolic neurohormones called adipokinetic hormones plays an important role in the defence of the insect organism against stress. Those hormones control energy mobilization, stimulate locomotory activity and the heart beat, activate the immune system and postpone less important processes for later. That sophisticated system helps the insect organism to cope with negative environmental conditions and to retain the body homeostasis., and Dalibor Kodrík.
We deployed branch traps in an ash (Fraxinus) plantation to investigate how Agrilus planipennis behavior is associated with Fraxinus pennsylvanica condition and dispersal patterns. Data were collected from traps with or without the presence of beetle visual decoys, and from a yearly survey of exit holes. The traps were placed on trees that were either clearly declining, with most foliage arising from epicormic sprouting, or on apparently healthy trees, with little evidence of damage or decline. We calculated correlations of exit holes among neighboring tree rings and also between exit holes and male trap captures. The damaged trees the traps were hung upon had more cumulative exit holes observed than the corresponding healthy trees. However, there was otherwise no evidence that the experiment was biased by differences in exit hole patterns of the surrounding trees. Male captures were greater on decoy-baited traps than controls and this decoy effect was most clearly apparent late in the season when traps were placed on healthy trees. There were also patterns of correlations between male captures and exit hole numbers that may be indicative of short-range mate finding-and dispersal behaviors. Female captures were sparser, but were positively affected by decoys on healthy and declining trees early in the season. Thus, the results suggest that the placement of such traps on healthier trees will maximize detection, and the branch traps also show promise for further use in dispersal studies., Michael J. Domingue, Jennifer Berkebile, Kim Steiner, Loyal P. Hall, Kevin R. Cloonan, David Lance, Thomas C. Baker., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Aphis fabae and Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) are insect pests that damage sugar beet and bean crops. Both are responsible for losses in yield and transmission of viral diseases, and may be present on the same host at the same time. Three parasitoid species, Aphidius colemani, Lysiphlebus testaceipes and Lysiphlebus fabarum (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) have the potential to be used as biological control agents against at least one of these species of aphids. As a first step prior to the implementation of a biological control program, our aim was to understand the host selection behaviour of the parasitoids, particularly when both aphids are present. We recorded the host acceptance (number of insertions of the ovipositor / number of antennal contacts), suitability (number of mummies / the number of insertions of the ovipositor) and emergence (number of adults emerging from mummies) of these three aphid parasitoids when parasitizing the two aphids. We also analyzed the effect of the host plant on the host preference of the parasitoid. Females of each parasitoid species (n = 15) were exposed to 20 aphids of A. fabae or M. persicae, or a mixture of these two species of aphids, for 15 min, on a leaf disc of each of the two host plants, sugar beet and bean. Higher host acceptance and suitability were recorded for A. colemani attacking both species of aphid: A. fabae (43 and 46%) and M. persicae (43 and 46%) on beet and bean plants respectively, compared to L. testaceipes and L. fabarum. L. testaceipes and L. fabarum showed a clear preference for A. fabae. L. fabarum accepted M. persicae on both plants only when it was mixed with A. fabae, probably due to a confusion effect. We found that the host plant played a significant role in host acceptance, host suitability. We conclude that A. colemani is the better of the three parasitoids studied for the biological control in bean, and particularly, sugar beet crops. and Loulou Albittar, Mohannad Ismail, Claude Bragard, Thierry Hance.
Quantitative community-wide moth surveys frequently employ flight-interception traps equipped with UV-light emitting sources as attractants. It has long been known that moth species differ in their responsiveness to light traps. We studied how the settling behaviour of moths at a light trap may further contribute to sampling bias. We observed the behaviour of 1426 moths at a light tower. Moths were classified as either, settling and remaining still after arrival, or continually moving on the gauze for extended periods of time. Moths that did not move after settling may not end up in the sampling container of the light trap and therefore are under-represented in automated trap samples relative to their true proportions in the community. Our analyses revealed highly significant behavioural differences between moths that differed in body size. Small moths were more likely to remain stationary after settling. As a corollary, representatives of three taxa, which in Europe are predominantly small species (Nolidae, Geometridae: Eupitheciini, Erebidae: Lithosiini), usually settled down immediately, whereas most other moths remained active on or flying around the trap for some time. Moth behaviour was also modulated by ambient temperature. At high temperatures, they were less likely to settle down immediately, but this behavioural difference was most strongly apparent among medium-sized moths. These results indicate the likely extent of the sampling bias when analysing and interpreting automated light-trap samples. Furthermore, to control for temperature modulated sampling bias temperature should always be recorded when sampling moths using flight-interception traps. and Mirko Wölfling, Mira C. Becker, Britta Uhl, Anja Traub, Konrad Fiedler.
Testosterone has been widely investigated in associations with many aspects of social interactions, emotions and behavior. No research has been conducted on its contribution to the variability of love styles in human. The aim of this paper was to uncover the possible relationship between not only the actual plasma testosterone levels, but also the prenatal testosterone level (expressed as 2D:4D ratio) and the sensitivity of androgen receptor and love typology in young healthy men. There are six love styles which are primary including Eros (passionate romantic love), Ludus (playful) and Storge (friendly) and secondary love consisting of Mania (obsessive), Pragma (practical realistic) and Agape (altruistic). Our results pointed out that low testosterone concentrations are associated with higher score for Eros, Ludus, Pragma, Mania love style. No significant association was proved for other tested parameters of androgenicity (2D:4D, sensitivity of androgen receptor) and love style after correction was applied. Different attitudes and behavior in relationships do have a biological foundation related to endogenous testosterone levels in plasma. Future studies should address questions about the family and social background of participants to differentiate here between moral rules or/and social-conventional rules., J. Babková Durdiaková, P. Celec, I. Koborová, T. Sedláčková, G. Minárik, D. Ostatníková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Hrobaříci jsou malá skupina brouků patřící do čeledi mrchožroutovití (Silphidae), která má na světě okolo 190 druhů. Centrem jejich rozšíření je palearktická oblast. Mezi hrobaříky ale najdeme jak zástupce s rozsáhlým areálem výskytu, tak i druhy endemické. Tito brouci žijí na různých biotopech, ale jsou si vzhledově podobní. Vyvinula se u nich naprosto jedinečná péče o potomstvo, kdy se dospělci starají o své larvy. Ze způsobu života hrobaříků a vzájemných potravních vztahů tak přímo vyplývá význam a užitečnost těchto brouků. Odklízením mršin a urychlováním rozkladných procesů jsou velmi prospěšní., Burying beetles are a small group of beetles, belonging to the carrion beetle family (Silphidae), which has around 190 species worldwide. The centre of their distribution is the Palearctic region. While some species are widely distributed, others are endemics with narrow distribution range. Burying beetles live in different habitats, but they are phenotypically similar. They also have developed unique care for offspring when adults care for their larvae. Their necrophore way of life and mutual food relationships directly highlight the importance and usefulness of these beetles. The major ecological importance of burying beetles lies in the removal of carcasses and acceleration of degradation processes., and Jan Schneider.
Příspěvek Ondřeje Maňoura je zprávou z výroční konference České společnosti pro hudební vědu, která se uskutečnila v Praze ve dnech 25. až 26. listopadu 2011., Ondřej Maňour., Rubrika: Konference, and Cizojazyčné resumé není.