Light trapping is the most widely used tool for determining the diversity of nocturnal Lepidoptera, but UV LEDs have yet to be used as light sources for the large-scale monitoring of Lepidoptera. We assessed the efficiency of this novel light source for sampling moths using a Heath type moth equipped with a strip of 150 high brightness UV LEDs (emission peak 398 nm, ~ 15 W) powered by a 12 V battery. We compared the number of individuals, the number of species and the Geometridae / Noctuidae ratio recorded for the samples collected using UV LED traps with those collected in two monitoring programs carried out in the same geographic region using two different light sources: a 200 W incandescent lamp (Rothamsted trap) and a 160 W mercury vapour lamp (manual catch). The total catch consisted of 61,120 individuals belonging to 699 species. The species richness rarefaction curves revealed that the Rothamsted trap collected fewer species and individuals than UV LED traps. Furthermore, the median numbers of species and individuals caught by UV LED traps fell within the range of those caught by mercury vapour lamp traps. In addition, the community composition recorded using incandescent lamps and UV LEDs was similar. The data obtained using UV LED traps, in absolute terms and in comparison with the other light sources and different sampling methods, clearly reveal that this light source is suitable for sampling macro-moth communities. For field work UV LEDs have many advantages, as they are resistant to mechanical damage, easily protected from heavy rain and energy efficient., Marco Infusino, Gunnar Brehm, Carlo Di Marco, Stefano Scalercio., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The majority of the conservation strategies for threatened dragonflies are designed to protect only their aquatic habitats. Sympetrum depressiusculum is a species threatened not only by the destruction of its aquatic habitats but also by its association with a specific terrestrial environment. In this study, we aimed to identify the key elements of the terrestrial environment of adult S. depressiusculum. We used generalized linear mixed models to determine habitat preferences of adults and the particular features of habitat patches, such as vegetation cover, vegetation structure and the availability of potential prey. Our results indicate that S. depressiusculum adults preferred mainly riparian vegetation but beyond ponds they utilized only certain terrestrial habitats (abandoned fields, meadows, forest clearings). Adults responded positively to habitat patches with a high cover of vegetation and suitable vegetation structure. Adult abundance was affected also by the distance of patches from the natal site. In an agricultural landscape, the availability of such habitat patches may be limited and could influence the abundance and distribution of this species. We suggest that conservation efforts for this species should not only focus on the larval environment but also include suitable surrounding terrestrial habitats. Effective management around natal sites should concentrate on maintaining a heterogeneous landscape, which is extensively managed (e.g. leaving several fields fallow, maintaining managed hay meadows)., Michal Hykel, Filip Harabiš, Aleš Dolný., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Již podruhé se v bubenečské vile Lanně sešli odborníci zabývající se historickými astronomickými deskami. První setkání se konalo před dvěma lety, kdy se diskutovaly problémy desek sužovaných degradací emulze vlivem dlouhého a často nešetrného skladování - letošní akce se zúčastnilo 44 odborníků z 20 zemí od Mexika až po Čínu. and Petr Skala.
The atherogenic impact and functional capacity of LCAT was studied and discussed over a half century. This review aims to clarify the key points that may affect the final decision on whether LCAT is an anti-atherogenic or atherogenic factor. There are three main processes involving the efflux of free cholesterol from peripheral cells, LCAT action in intravascular pool where cholesterol esterification rate is under the control of HDL, LDL and VLDL subpopulations, and finally the destination of newly produced cholesteryl esters either to the catabolism in liver or to a futile cycle with apoB lipoproteins. The functionality of LCAT substantially depends on its mass together with the composition of the phospholipid bilayer as well as the saturation and the length of fatty acyls and other effectors about which we know yet nothing. Over the years, LCAT puzzle has been significantly supplemented but yet not so satisfactory as to enable how to manipulate LCAT in order to prevent cardiometabolic events. It reminds the butterfly effect when only a moderate change in the process of transformation free cholesterol to cholesteryl esters may cause a crucial turn in the intended target. On the other hand, two biomarkers - FERHDL (fractional esterification rate in HDL) and AIP [log(TG/HDL-C)] can offer a benefit to identify the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). They both reflect the rate of cholesterol esterification by LCAT and the composition of lipoprotein subpopulations that controls this rate. In clinical practice, AIP can be calculated from the routine lipid profile with help of AIP calculator, M. Dobiášová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The library of the Order of St Augustine in the Lesser Town of Prague, comprising more than 18,000 volumes, is an extraordinary book set of significant scientific and historical value. Nevertheless, a scientific study that would cover the entire history of the library was not available until now. This article provides a brief outline of the history of the monastic library at St Thomas, mentioning some remarkable figures that have contributed to its prosperity. The introductory part brings information on the binding rules governing the librarian practice in the monastic libraries of the Order of Saint Augustine in the Middle Ages. Because of the long time span, this treatise has been divided into two parts - the medieval and modern history of the library. Particular attention is paid to two periods - the 14th and 18th centuries, during which some members of the Order held leading positions at the university in Prague and, through their pastoral, preaching and educational activities, they were actively involved in the social, cultural and spiritual edification of broad social classes., Veronika Sladká., Obsahuje anglický abstrakt a shrnutí., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This study focuses on the early modern history of the monastic library of the Order of St Augustine at St Thomas in Prague. On the basis of archival sources (monastic chronicles, the catalogue of the members of the Order) and research into provenances in extant collections, this paper primarily aims to map the development of the Augustinian library in the 16th and 17th centuries. Provenance research has discovered that the monastic library was mainly used for monastic studies and for preaching and pastoral activities of the Augustinians. The research into book provenances has revealed numerous personal ties between the Lesser Town Augustinians and people at the court of Rudolph II. The results of the archival and provenance research have not confirmed the hypothesis of the complete looting of the library at the end of the Thirty Years’ War, but neither have they clearly proved the true extent of the losses suffered by the library. The research has shown the primary role of the library within the Order of St Augustine in the Czech lands and has indicated the position of the library in a broader social and cultural context., Veronika Sladká., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Fitzroy Island byl vyhlášen národním parkem v roce 1992. Celý ostrov ležící u severovýchodního pobřeží Austrálie (stát Queensland) má plochu 339 ha, přičemž zdejší národní park zaujímá 329 ha. Původem jde o ostrov kontinentální, nikoli korálový. Ale podél břehů lze obdivovat korálové útesy s charakteristickou faunou, které jsou součástí známého Velkého bariérového útesu. Toto území je od r. 1986 součástí dlouhodobého monitorovacího programu Australian Institute of Marine Science Great Barrier Reef. V národním parku Fitzroy Island nalezneme rozmanité typy vegetace včetně zapojeného lesa (deštný les). Řada druhů rostlin a živočichů nachází využití u domorodých obyvatel kmene Gurabana – Gungganji, jako zdroj obživy, léčivých látek nebo pro výrobu různých předmětů, i se symbolickým významem. Fitzroy Island hostí mnoho ochranářsky významných rostlin a živočichů. Oblast nabízí příležitost pro výzkumné aktivity v širokém spektru přírodních, kulturních i sociálních témat. Vědecké studie a monitorovací programy přitom mohou poskytnout cenné informace pro zlepšení ochrany území., Fitzroy Island was declared a national park in 1992. It is a high continental island within the Cairns Regional Council area, situated approximately 4.5 km from the mainland and ca 35 km from Cairns. The national park and marine management area have high scenic appeal and a relaxed and quiet atmosphere. A giant clam research station remains in operation on Welcome Bay. The NP has a high diversity of vegetation types, including closed forest (rainforest). Many plant and animal species have significance to the Gurabana Gunggandji people who use them for their totemic values, artefact resources, food and medicine. Fitzroy Island hosts a number of plants and animals of conservation significance. Coral reefs are situated around the island with typical fauna. The area offers a range of research opportunities in natural, cultural and social themes. The marine management area has been part of the Australian Institute of Marine Science Great Barrier Reef long-term monitoring program since 1986. Scientific research and monitoring programs can provide valuable information to improve management., and Jana Hanelová, Lubomír Hanel.
Autor naznačuje způsob, jak uplatnit fenomenologii při studiu takových společenských jevů, jako je autorita. Ty představují osobní zážitky ve veřejném prostoru, zároveň subjektivní a objektivní, tedy doslova fenomena. Potíž s fenomenologií je její sklon k subjektivismu, který Husserl neúspěšně řeší pojetím transcendentálního ega a Heidegger pojetím rozhodné přítomnosti. Problém se jeví jako neřešitelný, pokud chápeme svět jako prvotně nesmyslný. Řešení je možné, pokud svět chápeme vitalisticky jako z podstaty smysluplně uspořádaný teleologickým zaměřením života k naplnění. Ani transcendentální ego, ani rozhodné Dasein nepotřebuje svět osmyslnit. Svět je předreflektivně smysluplný jako svět života, jak vystupuje u francouzských fenomenologů či v a-subjektivní fenomenologii Jana Patočky., The purpose of this study is to suggest a way of making phenomenology available for the study of social phenomena like authority, which the subject experiences in a public space. Phenomenology is ideally suited to the purpose – except for its inherent tendency to subjectivism. Neither Husserl’s solution – the transcendental ego – nor Heidegger’s solution – the entschlossene Dasein – will do. The problem remains insolvable as long as we regard the world as initially meaningless. It disappears when we set out with a vitalist conception of the world as intrinsically meaningful in virtue of the initial purposive orientation of life to fulfilment. Neither a transcendental ego, nor a determined Dasein, but life itself is the key to prereflective intelligibility, as in the work of French phenomenologists or in Jan Patočka’s a-subjective phenomenology., and Erazim Kohák.
Autor naznačuje způsob, jak uplatnit fenomenologii při studiu takových společenských jevů, jako je autorita. Ty představují osobní zážitky ve veřejném prostoru, zároveň subjektivní a objektivní, tedy doslova fenomena. Potíž s fenomenologií je její sklon k subjektivismu, který Husserl neúspěšně řeší pojetím transcendentálního ega a Heidegger pojetím rozhodné přítomnosti. Problém se jeví jako neřešitelný, pokud chápeme svět jako prvotně nesmyslný. Řešení je možné, pokud svět chápeme vitalisticky jako z podstaty smysluplně uspořádaný teleologickým zaměřením života k naplnění. Ani transcendentální ego, ani rozhodné Dasein nepotřebuje svět osmyslnit. Svět je předreflektivně smysluplný jako svět života, jak vystupuje u francouzských fenomenologů či v a-subjektivní fenomenologii Jana Patočky., The purpose of this study is to suggest a way of making phenomenology available for the study of social phenomena like authority, which the subject experiences in a public space. Phenomenology is ideally suited to the purpose – except for its inherent tendency to subjectivism. Neither Husserl’s solution – the transcendental ego – nor Heidegger’s solution – the entschlossene Dasein – will do. The problem remains insolvable as long as we regard the world as initially meaningless. It disappears when we set out with a vitalist conception of the world as intrinsically meaningful in virtue of the initial purposive orientation of life to fulfilment. Neither a transcendental ego, nor a determined Dasein, but life itself is the key to prereflective intelligibility, as in the work of French phenomenologists or in Jan Patočka’s a-subjective phenomenology., and Marek Hrubec.
Autorka článku vypracovává kritickou diagnózu proměn konceptu emancipace žen, k nimž dochází jak v důsledku prosazování širších společensko-ekonomických změn, tak expanze trhu do většiny oblastí společenského života. V první části je stručně nastíněn historický kontext, v němž se rozvíjely snahy o prosazení feministického emancipačního projektu. Ačkoli se některé feministické požadavky postupně prosadily a staly se součástí hodnot euroatlantické kultury, emancipace žen ve smyslu odstranění útlaku a podřízení žen ve všech oblastech společenského života, tedy nejen v politické, ale i ekonomické, sociální a kulturní, se dosáhnout nepodařilo. Ve druhé části autorka ukazuje, že pozdní modernita uvedla do pohybu dynamiku, v jejímž rámci je koncept emancipace žen v procesu snah o jeho prosazení redefinován a v pozměněném společenském kontextu posléze deformován až do té míry, že se stává svou vlastní antitezí. Tradiční autoritářství, proti kterému se feministické pojetí emancipace vymezovalo, bylo v pozdně moderních společnostech nahrazeno mocensko-ekonomickou strukturou společnosti, ve které funguje trh jako autoritářský princip organizace společenských vztahů. Na základě reflexe této dynamiky autorka předkládá sociálně filosofický rozbor deformované emancipace. Ve třetí části obecnou tezi deformované emancipace aplikuje na specifické vztahy péče a problém komodifikace péče, jejichž prostřednictvím ilustruje zablokování emancipace žen trhem charakterizovaným autoritářskými imperativy., The author develops a critical diagnosis of the changing interpretations of the concept of emancipation of women due to broader socio-economic transformations and the expansion of the market into most domains of social life. In the first part she briefly outlines the historical context in which the feminist emancipation claims were put into practice. Even though some of these claims were successfully integrated into the body of Euro-Atlantic cultural norms, the emancipation of women, in the sense of the elimination of oppression and subjection of women in all aspects of social life, not only in political but also in economic, social and cultural life, has not been accomplished. In the second part, the author argues that late-modernity set into motion a dynamic in which the concept of emancipation was distorted to such a degree that it became its own antithesis. The traditional authoritarianism, against which feminist conception of emancipation was defined, was in late-modern societies replaced by the power-economic structure of society in which the market serves as the authoritarian principle for the organisation of social life. On the basis of reflection on this dynamic the author proposes a socio-philosophical analysis of distorted emancipation. In the final part, the author specifies the abstract thesis of distorted emancipation using care relations and the issue of commodification of care as a way to exemplify anti-emancipatory forces within the market with its authoritarian imperatives., and Zuzana Uhde.