The aim of this paper was to demonstrate that it is possible to control the chaos into the Sherman system by linear feedback of own signals. After introducing of the parameter ‘α‘ in the z-equation (α → α + α1 x(t) + α2 y(t) + α3 z(t), we study how the global dynamics can be altered in a desired direction (αn are considered as free parameters). We make a detailed bifurcation investigation of the modified Sherman systems by varying the parameters αn. Finally, we calculate the maximal Lyapunov exponent, where the chaotic motion of modified Sherman system exists. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
In endoprosthesis surgery there are typically a high percentage of implant defects, these can lead to failure of the whole prosthesis. One type of total hip replacement function loss is acetabular cup loosening from the pelvic bone. This article examines manufacture perturbations as one of the possible reasons for this kind of failure. Both dimension and geometry manufacturing perturbations of ceramic head and polyethylen cup were analyzed. We find that perturbations in the variables analysed here affect considered values of contact pressure and frictional moment. Furthermore, contact pressure and frictonal moment are quantities affecting replacement success and durability. From obtained results we can recommend to fit head and cup with a clearance of between 0 mm andd 0.05 mm. We do not recommend using interference type of fit. Roundness perturbation of ceramic head should not exceed 0.025 mm. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
In current textbooks the use of Chebyshev nodes with Newton interpolation is advocated as the most efficient numerical interpolation method in terms of approximation accuracy and computational effort. However, we show numerically that the approximation quality obtained by Newton interpolation with Fast Leja (FL) points is competitive to the use of Chebyshev nodes, even for extremely high degree interpolation. This is an experimental account of the analytic result that the limit distribution of FL points and Chebyshev nodes is the same when letting the number of points go to infinity. Since the FL construction is easy to perform and allows to add interpolation nodes on the fly in contrast to the use of Chebyshev nodes, our study suggests that Newton interpolation with FL points is currently the most efficient numerical technique for polynomial interpolation. Moreover, we give numerical evidence that any reasonable function can be approximated up to machine accuracy by Newton interpolation with FL points if desired, which shows the potential of this method.
Dead-end pores are usually present in natural porous media especially in consolidated sandstone and limestone rocks. However, the presence of the dead-end pores is usually ignored. Then, the influences of the dead end pores to the flow system are also neglected. In this paper, pressure changes for the periods of transient and steady state of the dead-end pores are studied using lattice gas automata model. A simulation result is compared with the past works. They show that the model is viable to perform simulation of deadend pore pressure. Some parameters such as pressure distribution and size of neck and body of the dead-end pores are varied to examine their effects. We found that the parameters affect the rate of pressure change during transient period. In addition, the parameters also affect the pressure fluctuation during steady state period. The dead-end pores have function either as source or sink in the transient period depend on initial and injection pressures. During steady state period, the dead-end pores behave both as source and sink since the pressure in the pores fluctuates around an equilibrium pressure between the pressure of dead-end pore and that of main channel at the neck position of dead-end pore. and Takzvané mŕtve póry (neprietočné póry) sa často nachádzajú v prírodných pórovitých prostrediach, predovšetkým v skonsolidovaných pieskovcoch a vo vápencoch. Obvykle sa ich existencii nevenuje pozornosť. Pozornosť sa nevenuje ani ich vplyvu na prúdenie v tomto systéme. V tomto príspevku sú študované zmeny tlaku v mŕtvych póroch počas neustáleného a ustáleného prúdenia s použitím ''lattice gas automata'' modelu. Výsledky simulácie sme porovnali s predchádzajúcimi prácami. Výsledky naznačujú, že tento model je vhodný na simuláciu zmien tlakov v mŕtvych póroch. Vplyv niektorých parametrov, ako je rozdelenie tlakov a tvary ''krčkov'' (spojovacích pórov) ako aj mŕtvych pórov boli menené tak, aby sme mohli pozorovať ich vplyv na prúdenie. Zistili sme, že tieto parametre ovplyvňujú rýchlosť zmien tlakov počas neustáleného prúdenia. Navyše sme zistili, že tieto parametre ovplyvňujú fluktuáciu tlakov počas ustáleného prúdenia. Mŕtve póry môžu počas neustáleného prúdenia fungovať ako zdroje alebo odbery, v závislosti od počiatočného, alebo ''plniaceho'' tlaku. Počas ústáleného prúdenia sa mŕtve póry správajú ako zdroje alebo aj odbery, pretože tlak v póroch fluktuuje okolo rovnovážneho tlaku medzi tlakom v mŕtvych póroch a hlavným kanálom v závislosti od vlastností ''krčku'' mŕtveho póru.
Many recent observations have shown that resonances have a wide variety of effects in planetary rings: spiral waves, gaps, confinement, sharp edges, arcs. While resonances are known to be associated with such structures, the role of inter-particle collisions is still poorly understood, although necessary to explain the long term evolution of the rings.
In an effort to better understand the associated dynamics, we have performed numerical simulations of colliding particles orbiting a massive central planet. The code simulates the 3-D motion of 100 identical spherical particles orbiting a massive cental body and suffering inelastic collisions while being perturbed by one or more satellites.
We used this code to explore in more details the dynamics of are rings, and to explain in particular the reeent observations of are structures around Neptune. Clusters of particles at a satellite’s Lagrangian point {L4 or L5) are shown to be dispersed by dissipative effects. However, a second satellite can stabilize the system by providing sufficient energy through a Lindblaďs
resonance m±l:m. Other dynamically equivalent configurations (e.g. only one satellite, but with an eccentric orbit) can also stabilize are sytems, in accord with current analytical models.
We examine the roles of collisions at Lindblad and corotation resonances in various cases. Arcs remain at the potential maxima created by the corotations. However, stability requires that the satellites’ masses be within a limited range: small satellites cannot provide enough energy while large ones give too much, so the arc can disperse.
A new functional ANOVA test, with a graphical interpretation of the result, is presented. The test is an extension of the global envelope test introduced by Myllymäki et al. (2017, Global envelope tests for spatial processes, J. R. Statist. Soc. B 79, 381-404, doi: 10.1111/rssb.12172). The graphical interpretation is realized by a global envelope which is drawn jointly for all samples of functions. If a mean function computed from the empirical data is out of the given envelope, the null hypothesis is rejected with the predetermined significance level α. The advantages of the proposed one-way functional ANOVA are that it identifies the domains of the functions which are responsible for the potential rejection. We introduce two versions of this test: the first gives a graphical interpretation of the test results in the original space of the functions and the second immediately offers a post-hoc test by identifying the significant pair-wise differences between groups. The proposed tests rely on discretization of the functions, therefore the tests are also applicable in the multidimensional ANOVA problem. In the empirical part of the article, we demonstrate the use of the method by analyzing fiscal decentralization in European countries.
In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid metaheuristic algorithm, which integrates a Threshold Accepting algorithm (TA) with a traditional Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. We used the TA as a catalyst in speeding up convergence of PSO towards the optimal solution. In this hybrid, at the end of every iteration of PSO, the TA is invoked probabilistically to refine the worst particle that lags in the race of finding the solution for that iteration. Consequently the worst particle will be refined in the next iteration. The robustness of the proposed approach has been tested on 34 unconstrained optimization problems taken from the literature. The proposed hybrid demonstrates superior preference in terms of functional evaluations and success rate for 30 simulations conducted.