The scholarly attention paid to Anna Katharina SweertsSporck has so far focused on the phase of her youth when she was engaged in translating books chosen by her father count Franz Anton Sporck for publishing. The article explores her interest in the book culture in the later stage of her life after her forced entrance into marriage in 1712. Anna Katharina initiated a large program of publishing and spreading devotional literature. The project was realized in cooperation with the Servite friar Wilhelm M. Löhrer and it aimed to cultivate internal, affective piety as a newly appraised type of religiosity which was increasingly popular across the confessional boundaries in the eighteenth century., Veronika Čapská., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Let \Omega \subset {{\Bbb C}^n} be a bounded, simply connected \mathbb{C} -convex domain. Let \alpha \in \mathbb{Z}_{+}^{n} and let f be a function on Ω which is separately {C^{2{\alpha _j} - 1}} -smooth with respect to zj (by which we mean jointly {C^{2{\alpha _j} - 1}} -smooth with respect to Rezj, Imzj). If f is α-analytic on Ω\f−1(0), then f is α-analytic on Ω. The result is well-known for the case a_{i}=1, 1\leqslant i\leqslant n even when f a priori is only known to be continuous., Abtin Daghighi, Frank Wikström., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Invertebrate diversity has rapidly declined throughout Europe during the last century. Various reasons for this decrease have been proposed including human induced factors like climate change. Temperature changes alter distributions and occurrences of butterflies by determining habitat conditions at different scales. We evaluated changes in the composition of butterfly communities recorded at nine areas of fallow ground in south-western Germany in 1973, 1986, 2010 and 2012 using Pollard’s transect technique. To demonstrate the importance of climatic changes in affecting butterfly communities, we calculated the community temperature index (CTI) for each butterfly community in each year. Although they increased slightly, the CTI-values did not match the temperature trends recorded in the study region. However, the reduction in the standard deviations of the CTIs over time is reflected in the marked loss of cold- and warm-adapted species due to their inability to cope with temperature and land-use induced habitat changes. Results of our butterfly surveys indicate a marked decline in species richness and striking changes in the composition of the butterfly communities studied. This trend was most pronounced for habitat specialists, thus mirroring a depletion in trait diversity. Our results indicate that, in the course of large-scale anthropogenic changes, habitat degradation at smaller scales will continuously lead to the replacement of habitat specialists by ubiquitous species., Katharina J. Filz ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Twelve larvae of unidentified species of Odontacarus Ewing, 1929 (Acari: Leeuwenhoekiidae) were found parasitising an adult male whip spider Charinus brasilianus Weygoldt (Charinidae) in Santa Teresa, mountainous region of Espírito Santo state, southeastern Brazil. These larvae occurred in the intersegmental membrane of prosoma and legs. This is the first report of ectoparasitic mites infecting a charinid whip spider and the first record of leeuwenhoekiid mites parasitising an invertebrate host. We suggest that future studies are essential to understand the reasons why these events of parasitism are so rare in the order Amblypygi.
Those who argue that dispositional explanations are genuine explanations usually construe them as causal explanations. There are several well-known arguments against the causal efficacy of dispositions, but there are as well demonstrations that on some minimal conditions, dispositions could be viewed as causally relevant to the effects which they are taken to explain. Although the latter position is generally tenable, it may be shown that in some important cases it is not a good idea to commit to a causal construal of dispositional explanations. The argument goes as follows: (1) Dispositional explanations are valued for certain specific extra-inferences which they allow us to draw; (2) The causal construal of dispositional explanations can account for some of these extra-inferences only on the assumption that the disposition is a common cause of its manifestations; (3) However, under certain circumstances, the common cause assumption is refuted on theoretical or empirical grounds; Therefore, (4) under certain circumstances, the causal construal of dispositional explanations cannot account for what these explanations are valued for. The latter conclusion is a reason to argue that in some cases at least, the causal construal of dispositional explanations should be avoided., Ti, kteří tvrdí, že dispoziční vysvětlení jsou skutečná vysvětlení, je obvykle považují za kauzální vysvětlení. Existuje několik dobře známých argumentů proti kauzální účinnosti dispozic, ale jsou zde také demonstrace, že za určitých minimálních podmínek lze dispozice považovat za kauzálně relevantní vzhledem k účinkům, které mají být vysvětleny. I když je tato pozice obecně udržitelná, může být prokázáno, že v některých důležitých případech není dobré zavázat se k příčinnému konstruktivnímu vysvětlení. Argument jde následovně: (1) Dispoziční vysvětlení jsou oceňována pro určité specifické extra-závěry, které nám umožňují kreslit; (2) Kauzální konstrukční dispoziční vysvětlení může vysvětlit některé z těchto extra-dedukcí pouze za předpokladu, že dispozice je společnou příčinou jejích projevů; (3) Za určitých okolností je však předpoklad společné příčiny vyvrácen z teoretických nebo empirických důvodů; Proto (4) za určitých okolností nemůže kauzální konstrukční vysvětlení vysvětlení vysvětlit, za co jsou tato vysvětlení oceňována. Tento závěr je důvodem pro tvrzení, že v některých případech je třeba se vyhnout kauzálnímu konstrukčnímu vykládání vysvětlení. kauzální konstruktivní vysvětlení nemůže vysvětlit, za co jsou tato vysvětlení oceňována. Tento závěr je důvodem pro tvrzení, že v některých případech je třeba se vyhnout kauzálnímu konstrukčnímu vykládání vysvětlení. kauzální konstruktivní vysvětlení nemůže vysvětlit, za co jsou tato vysvětlení oceňována. Tento závěr je důvodem pro tvrzení, že v některých případech je třeba se vyhnout kauzálnímu konstrukčnímu vykládání vysvětlení., and Lilia Gurova
The formerly monotypic genus Blissia is given a wider definition, in order to include a second new species, Blissia robusta, from the Ogilvie Mts, Yukon Territory, northwestern Canada. Some additional characters separating the genera Blissia and Tetracanthella are described.
Arostrilepis beringiensis (Kontrimavichus et Smirnova, 1991) is redescribed on the basis of its type specimens from Lemmus trimucronatus (Richardson) and material from the collections of the Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Novosibirsk from the lemmings Myopus schisticolor (Lilljeborg) and Lemmus sibiricus (Kerr) from the Asian part of Russia. Specimens previously identified as Arostrilepis horrida (Linstow, 1901) from voles are revised and newly collected materials are addressed. Two new species of the genus Arostrilepis Mas-Coma et Tenora, 1997, A. intermedia sp. n. from red-backed voles (Myodes Pallas) from the Asian part of Russia and A. janickii sp. n. from Europe, are described. These species are clearly distinguished from congeners by form and size of the cirrus and its armature as well as the type of arrangement for the testes, position of the cirrus-sac with regard to poral ventral osmoregulatory canals, and host specificity.
The type species of the cestode genus Arostrilepis Mas-Coma et Tenora, 1997, Arostrilepis horrida (Linstow, 1901), is redescribed on the basis of the syntype material from the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) deposited in the collection of the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin. Arostrilepis horrida (sensu lato), reported from a wide range of rodents throughout the Holarctic Region, is shown to be a species complex. The proposed host range and geographical distribution of A. horrida (sensu stricto) are limited to the data reported in the original description. The previously proposed synonymy of A. horrida is examined and the following species are excluded from the list of its synonyms: Hymenolepis procera Janicki, 1904, H. arvicolina Cholodkowsky, 1913, H. sciurina Cholodkowsky, 1913 and H. mathevossianae Akhumyan, 1946; these are considered species inquirendae. Specimens previously identified as A. horrida from voles from the Asian part of Russia are revised and newly collected materials are worked out. Two new species, A. macrocirrosa sp. n. and A. tenuicirrosa sp. n., are described. The main differentiating characters used to distinguish Arostrilepis spp. are the form and size of cirrus and its armature as well as the type of arrangement for the testes. The new species can also be distinguished from one another on the basis of sequences of the ITS2 rRNA gene. The generic diagnosis of Arostrilepis is emended. Hymenolepis neurotrichi Rausch, 1962, which had been placed in Arostrilepis by Mas-Coma and Tenora (1997), does not correspond to the generic diagnosis and is considered a species incertae sedis.
Blood films were examined from 154 wild and captive tortoises from four provinces of South Africa, including Gauteng, Kwazulu-Natal, North West and Western Cape. The five species of chelonians studied were Chersina angulata (Schweigger), Kinixys belliana belliana (Gray), K. lobatsiana Power, K. natalensis Hewitt, and Stigmochelys pardalis (Bell). Two species of haemogregarines, previously reported from Mozambique, were identified in blood films, namely Haemogregarina fitzsimonsi Dias, 1953 and Haemogregarina parvula Dias, 1953. Additional stages of development (trophozoites and probable meronts, merozoites and immature gamonts) in blood preparations from South Africa warranted the redescription of H. fitzsimonsi. A variety of hosts and broad host distribution range were observed for this haemogregarine, with all five species of tortoises parasitized, wild and captive, from all four provinces, in all seasons. In contrast, only two individuals of K. b. belliana and one S. pardalis, all three captive in Kwazulu-Natal, contained H. parvula with encapsulated stages resembling those of Hemolivia mauritanica (Sergent et Sergent, 1904). For H. fitzsimonsi, parasite prevalences, but not parasitaemias, were significantly higher in captive than wild S. pardalis; captive female S. pardalis also showed a significantly greater prevalence of infection than males, but younger, lighter hosts were not significantly more heavily parasitized than older, heavier individuals. The ticks, Amblyomma marmoreum Koch, 1844 and A. sylvaticum (De Geer, 1778), found attached to some tortoises, may prove to be definitive hosts for the two species of haemogregarines observed.