Erythrocytes (RBC) from untrained male Wistar rats and rat glomerular endothelial cells (EC) were used to investigate the effects of acute exercise (speed: 20 m/min, slope: 0, duration: 1 hour) on RBC membrane protein oxidation and adhesion to cultured EC. Experimental animals were divided into juvenile (age 10 weeks) and adult (age 30 weeks) groups for these studies. Immediately following exercise, juvenile rat RBC membrane protein oxidation was significantly enhanced. Adult rat RBC showed significantly higher basal protein oxidation than juvenile RBC; but the level of adult rat RBC membrane protein oxidation was unaffected by exercise. Prior to exercise, adult rat RBC showed significantly higher adhesion to EC than RBC of juvenile rat. There was no difference in plasma fibronectin or fibrinogen levels following exercise. Only juvenile rat RBC showed a significant decrease in sialic acid residue content following exercise. These experiments show that there are changes in RBC-EC interactions following exercise that are influenced by animal age.
This review briefly outlines the history and possibilities of bone reconstruction using various types of artificial materials, which allow interaction with cells only on the surface of the implant or enable ingrowth of cells inside the material. Information is also provided on the most important properties of bone cells taking part in bone tissue development, and on diseases and regeneration. The most common cell types used for testing cell-material interaction in vitro are listed, and the most commonly used approaches to this testing are also mentioned. A considerable part of this review is dedicated to the physical and chemical properties of the materi al surface, which are decisive for the cell-material interaction, and also to modifications to the surface of the material aimed at integrating it better with the surrounding bone tissue. Special attention is paid to the effects of nanoscale and microscale surface roughness on cell behaviour, to material surface patterning, which allows regionally-selective adhesion and growth of cells, an d also to the surface chemistry. In addition, coating the materials with bioactive layers is examined, particularly those create d by deposition of fullerenes, hybrid metal-fullerene composites, carbon nanotubes, nanocrystalline diamond films, diamond-like carbon, and nanocomposite hydrocarbon plasma polymer films enriched with metals., M. Vandrovcová, L. Bačáková., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Adheze buněk na umělé materiály konstruované pro potenciální biomedicínské využití je regulována povrchovými fyzikálně-chemickými vlastnostmi těchto materiálů. Ozáření polyethylenu ionty O+ a C+ v této studii vedlo k formování chemických funkčních skupin s obsahem kyslíku na jeho povrchu, konjugovaných dvojných vazeb mezi atomy uhlíku, zvýšení povrchové smáčivosti a zvýšení adsorpce kolagenu IV tj. proteinu zprostředkujícího adhezi buněk. Cévní hladké svalové buňky potkana adherovaly k modifikovanému materiálu ve zvýšeném počtu, větší plochou a syntetizovaly více kontraktilních proteinů α-aktinu a SM-myosinů. Podobně i snížení povrchové drsnosti uhlíkových kompozitních materiálů, které jsou perspektivní pro konstrukci kostních náhrad, vedlo ke zvýšení jejich smáčivosti, adsorpce kolagenu IV a následné adheze, růstu a diferenciace lidských kostních buněk., Lucie Bačáková, Lenka Nosková, Elena Filová, Václav Švorčík, Eva Koutná, Vladimír Starý, Jakub Horník, Petr Glogar., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Článek obsahuje rozbor švýcarského adhezního řízení. První kapitola je zaměřena na subjekty adhezního řízení, tj. na osobu, která v něm uplatňuje občanskoprávní nároky (civilní žalobce), a osobu, která má tyto nároky uspokojit (obviněný). Druhá kapitola specifikuje občanskoprávní nároky, které mohou být předmětem adhezního řízení. Poslední kapitola popisuje průběh adhezního řízení ve čtyřech fázích – uplatnění občanskoprávního nároku (zahájení adhezního řízení), rozhodnutí o občanskoprávním nároku, opravné řízení, a výkon rozhodnutí. Na analýzu švýcarské právní úpravy navazuje závěrečná úvaha nad tím, čím by se český zákonodárce mohl v rekodifikaci trestního práva procesního inspirovat a čeho by se měl vyvarovat. and The article contains an analysis of Swiss adhesion proceedings. In the first chapter I focus on the parties to adhesion proceedings, i.e. on the individual who asserts civil claims (civil claimant), as well as on the person who is supposed to settle these claims (accused). In the second chapter I specify
civil claims, which are the subject-matter of adhesion proceedings. In the last chapter I describe the course of adhesion proceedings in four stages – the commencement of adhesion proceeding, the decision on civil claims, appellate hearing procedure and enforcement of judgement. Following the analysis of Swiss legal regulation I put forward proposals for the Czech lawmaker.
Heroin addiction markedly affects the nutritional and metabolic status and frequently leads to malnutrition. The aim of our study was to compare circulating concentration of adipose tissue-derived hormones leptin, adiponectin and resistin in 12 patients with heroin addiction before and after one-year methadone maintenance treatment with the group of 20 age- and body mass index-matched healthy subjects. Basal serum leptin and adiponectin levels in heroin addicts were significantly decreased (3.4±
0.4 vs. 4.5±0.6 ng/ml and 18.9±3.3 vs. 33.9±3.1 ng/μl, respectively; p<0.05) while serum resistin concentrations were increased compared to healthy subjects (10.1±1.2 vs. 4.6±0.3 ng/ml; p<0.05). Moreover, positive correlation of serum leptin levels with body mass index was lost in the addicts in contrast to control group. One year of methadone maintenance treatment normalized serum leptin, but not serum adiponectin and resistin concentrations. In conclusion, circulating concentrations of leptin, adiponectin and resistin are markedly altered in patients with chronic heroin addiction. These alterations appear to be relatively independent of nutritional status and insulin sensitivity.
Adipose tissue-produced hormones significantly affect the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates as well as numerous other processes in human body. It is generally accepted that endocrine dysfunction of adipose tissue may represent one of the causal links between obesity and insulin resistance/diabetes. Epidemiological studies underlined that obesity represents a significant risk factor for the development of cancer, although the exact mechanism of this relationship remains to be determined. Multiple recent studies have indicated that some of adipose tissue-derived hormones may significantly influence the growth and proliferation of tumorous stroma and malignant cells within. Here we review current knowledge about possible relationship of leptin and adiponectin to the etiopathogenesis of different malignant tumors. Most of the studies indicated that while leptin may potentiate the growth of cancer cells in vitro, adiponectin appears to have an opposite effect. Further studies are necessary to decide whether obesity-induced endocrine dysfunction of adipose tissue can directly influence carcinogenesis in different tissues and organs.