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2742. Adonia
- Creator:
- ČECHOV, Pavlovič
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2743. Adonis
- Creator:
- Mastik, František
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2744. Adopce mláďat káně lesní v hnízdech orla mořského
- Creator:
- Ivan Literák and Mráz, Jakub
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- article, text, články, journal articles, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Biologické vědy, biologie, káně lesní, orel mořský, adopce, common buzzard, biology, white-tailed sea eagle, Evropa střední, Europe, Central, hnízdní adopce, 2, and 57/59
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Ve střední Evropě (Česko, Maďarsko a Polsko) jsme zaznamenali 9 případů zajímavé adopce mláďat káně lesní (Buteo buteo) v hnízdech orlů mořských (Haliaeetus albicilla). Adoptovaná mláďata byla v dobré kondici, dospělí orli mořští se o ně starali a mláďata byla nakonec úspěšně vyvedena., Nine interesting cases of young Common Buzzards (Buteo buteo) adopted in nests of White-tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in central Europe (Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary) are reviewed. The B. buteo nestlings adopted were in good condition, the adult H. albicilla fed and cared for them properly, and the young birds successfully fledged., and Ivan Literák, Jakub Mráz.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2745. Adoptivní buněčná terapie pomocí lymfocytů T v léčbě nádorů
- Creator:
- Vávrová, Kateřina, Bartůňková, Jiřina, and Horváth, Rudolf
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, práce podpořená grantem, and TEXT
- Subject:
- lidé, imunoterapie adoptivní, nádory--imunologie--terapie, lymfocyty infiltrující nádor, T-lymfocyty--imunologie, T-lymfocyty cytotoxické--imunologie, protinádorové vakcíny, CD4-pozitivní T-lymfocyty--imunologie--transplantace, antigeny nádorové--imunologie, melanom--imunologie--terapie, nádory kůže--imunologie--terapie, protinádorová imunita, adoptivní transfer lymfocytů T, tumor specifické lymfocyty, and expandované lymfocyty T periferní krve
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- Cílem imunoterapie je využití imunitních mechanizmů k eliminaci nebo ke kontrole růstu maligně transformovaných buněk. Jednou z možností imunoterapie je aplikace adoptivního transferu lymfocytů T, jehož podstatou je infuze ex vivo expandovaných tumor specifických lymfocytů, které rozeznávají a ničí neoplastické buňky. Úspěšnost adoptivní T buněčné terapie se významně zlepšila pochopením základních molekulárních mechanizmů interakce imunitního systému s nádory. Slibných výsledků bylo dosaženo zejména u maligního melanomu, karcinomu ledviny a lymfatické leukemie. Adoptivní T buněčná terapie se postupně etabluje mezi nadějné imunoterapeutické postupy a rozšiřuje tak portfolio léčebných možností, i když pro svoji metodickou náročnost nenašla dosud velké rozšíření., The aim of current immunotherapeutic approaches is to harness the individual’s immune system towards a tumor tissue to eliminate or, at least, to control proliferation of the neoplastic cells. Among the cancer treatment strategies, the adoptive T cell transfer is progressively developing method that uses an ex vivo modified and expanded tumor-specific T cells as a tool to target and destroy the neoplastic tumor cells. The efficacy of the adoptive T cell therapy has significantly improved in recent years due to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that control the interactions of immune system and tumor cells. Promising results have already been achieved within the clinical trials in malignant melanoma, renal cancer and lymphoid leukemia. The adoptive T cell therapy is therefore gradually finding its place among the other immunotherapeutic strategies and expands the spectrum of available treatment options in cancer therapy., Kateřina Vávrová, Jiřina Bartůňková, Rudolf Horváth, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2746. Adrenální insuficience
- Creator:
- Gabalec, Filip and Čáp, Jan
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, přehledy, and TEXT
- Subject:
- lidé, adrenální insuficience--diagnóza--farmakoterapie, adrenokortikotropní hormon--diagnostické užití, hydrokortison--aplikace a dávkování--krev--nedostatek--sekrece, diferenciální diagnóza, glukokortikoidy--škodlivé účinky--terapeutické užití, prednison--aplikace a dávkování, fludrokortison--aplikace a dávkování, and mineralokortikoidy--aplikace a dávkování--nedostatek
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- Nedostatečnost kůry nadledvin je potenciálně život ohrožující stav. Článek pojednává o diferenciální diagnostice a limitech dynamického testování, možnostech deeskalace kortikoidní terapie a substituční terapii glukokortikoidy, mineralokortikoidy a androgeny. Zmíněny jsou nové substituční možnosti včetně nově vyvíjených., Adrenal insufficiency is a potentially life threatening condition. The paper deals with differential diagnostics and limits of dynamic testing, possibilities of de-escalation of corticosteroid therapy and substitution therapy with glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and androgens. New replacement possibilities are mentioned including those in development., and Filip Gabalec, Jan Čáp
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2747. Adrenergic lipolysis in immobilized and perfused adipocytes
- Creator:
- Lincová, D., Mišeková, D., Farghali, H., Martínek, J., and Hynie, S.
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- immobilized adipocytes, isoprénaline, and propranolol
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The method of cellular immobilization and perfusion was applied to adipocytes. The lipolytic effect of isoprénaline, whose action is produced as a result of receptor-drug interaction, was followed. An agarose solution kept at at 37 °C was mixed 1:1 with the cell suspension. Thereafter, adipocytes were immobilized in the agarose threads. The lipolytic effect of 0.1 ml of isoprénaline (1x10~4 mol/1), that was rapidly introduced to the cell perfusion inlet in a non-recirculating system, was monitored by assessing glycerol production. The immobilized and perfused adipocytes exhibited significant lipolytic activity. After reaching the maximum effect, 0.1 ml of propranol (lxl 0-3 mol/1) that was applied to the bioreactor inlet, abolished the isoprénaline effect. The present data demonstrate the potential applicability of immobilized perfused adipocytes for various kinds of studies.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2748. Adrenergic receptors gene polymorphisms and autonomic nervous control of heart and vascular tone
- Creator:
- Matušková, Lenka and Javorka, Michal
- Format:
- počítač and online zdroj
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- adrenergic receptors, polymorphisms, and cardiovascular control
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Adrenergic receptors (ARs) are the primary targets of catecholamines released from the sympathetic nerve endings during their activation. ARs play a central role in autonomic nervous system and serve as important targets of widely used drugs. Several ARs gene polymorphisms were found to be associated with cardiovascular disease in previous clinical studies. Although more precise mechanism of the polymorphisms influence on autonomic control of cardiovascular system was studied in many previous physiological studies, their results are not unequivocal. This paper reviews the results of clinical and physiological studies focused on the impact of selected common single nucleotide polymorphisms of ARs genes involved in sympathetic control on cardiovascular system and its control. In summary, many studies assessed only a very limited range of cardiovascular control related parameters providing only very limited view on the complex cardiovascular control. The overview of partially contradicting results underlines a need to examine wider range of cardiovascular measures including their reactivity under various stress conditions requiring further study. It is expected that an effect of one given polymorphism is not very prominent, but it is suggested that even subtle differences in cardiovascular control could – on a longer time scale – lead to the development of severe pathological consequences.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2749. Adresář
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2750. Adresář
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public