Koncem června se z iniciativy francouzské ambasády uskutečnila návštěva tří nositelů Nobelovy ceny v Praze - byli to chemici Jean-Marie Lehn a Jean-Pierre Sauvage a fyzik Serge Haroche. Během tří dnů jsme měli možnost se s nimi potkávat nejen při "klasických " přednáškách, ale i na několika netradičních akcích. and Jan Valenta.
This paper reports the processes by which a single-phase 3-D CFD model of hydrodynamics in a 17-km-long dam reservoir was developed, verified and tested. A simplified VOF model of flow was elaborated to determine the effect of wind on hydrodynamics in the lake. A hexahedral mesh with over 17 million elements and a k-ω SST turbulence model were defined for single-phase simulations in steady-state conditions. The model was verified on the basis of the extensive flow measurements (StreamPro ADCP, USA). Excellent agreement (average error of less than 10%) between computed and measured velocity profiles was found. The simulation results proved a strong effect of wind on hydrodynamics in the lake, especially on the development of the water circulation pattern in the lacustrine zone.
Quaternary faulting in the western part of the Gulf of Corinth has been evidenced by geology and geomorphology, as well as by seismic recording. A series of three main normal fault segments are aligned in a steep southern coastal zone of the gulf. These fault segments, 15 to 25 km long, have an average strike of 90° - 105° and a northward dip of about 50° - 75°. Selected fault points were equipped with 3-D crack gauges TM71 during 2002 to monitor movements along the fault planes here, as well as on another fault cutting through the small island of Trizonia near the opposite northern shore of the gulf. Results of the monitoring present relative displacements induced by active tectonic movement s. Generally, the movements recorded on the faults are characteristic of an aseismic linear creep in vertical, i.e. upliftin g/subsiding in rates of mm per year due to uplifts of the Peloponnesian Peninsula. In 2003 a thr ee months long period of fast acceleration of movements was recorded. During this acceleration phase displacements changed to skew uplifting/subsiding with a left-lateral horizontal component. Moreover, horizontal rotation of monitored blocks corresponding to a sy stematic westwards opening of the Gulf was observed with only single eastward opening episodes., Josef Stemberk and Blahoslav Košťák., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
We explicitly perform some steps of a 3-descent algorithm for the curves $y^2=x^3+a$, $a$ a nonzero integer. In general this will enable us to bound the order of the 3-Selmer group of such curves.