Článek se věnuje problematice vytěsňování rodného jazyka ve venkovské vystěhovalecké komunitě ve Spojených státech a vztahu tohoto fenoménu k procesům asimilace národnostních skupin do většinové angloamerické společnosti. Odpoloviny 19. století do první světové války byl Texas cílem soustavného vystěhovalectví z Čech, Moravy a rakouské části Slezska, tedy z oblastí ovládaných po několik století, předcházejících založení Československa v roce 1918, Rakouskem. Češi a Moravané usídlení na farmách v úrodném zemědělském vnitrozemí středního Texasu si uchovali svůj jazyk a prvky kultury svých předků po půldruhé století. Během posledních padesáti let tohoto období, v době po druhé světové válce a po zavedení televize celková asimilace jejich komunitu dramaticky změnila. Zatímco Češi a Moravané přehodnotili hranice a definici své národnostní příslušnosti, je jasné, že tyto procesy byly v mnoha směrech určovány změnou jazyka. Zachování takových tradic, jako byly svatební zvyky a svátky staré vlasti, bylo v texaské komunitě úzce svázáno s uchováváním jazyka předků. Dnes už Češi a Moravané netvoří komunitu, v níž jedinci definují svou identitu především prostřednictvím českého jazyka, národnostní příslušnosti a kultury. Převažuje anglický monolingvismus, ačkoliv někteří příslušníci starší generace, které můžeme nazývat polovičními mluvčími, posledními mluvčími nebo „pamětníky“ jazyka, si uchovávají částečnou znalost jazyka předků. Hovorový jazyk předků má dnes ryze symbolickou funkci a již není užíván pro aktivní komunikaci. Během 80. let 20. století prodělala národnostní příslušnost jakousi formu znovuzrození, když mladí aktivisté, z nichž většina nemluví ani nečte česky, opětně vybudovali svou kulturu a identitu, aniž se vrátili k českému jazyku a literatuře.
Properties and functional activity of the photosynthetic apparatus in Vida faba L. plants grown at 10, 50, 100 and 150 W PAR were studied. Responses of the photosynthetic apparatus in high, HI (125 W m-^) and low irradiance, LI (10 W m-2) plants to a change in irradiance (/) depended on the leaf age. The chlorophyll (a + b) content per unit of the leaf area remained relatively constant during the first 3 d after a shift in /. Acclimation of the photosynthetic electron transport activity to I depended on / in the preceding period and on the phase of leaf development.
The question of whether a government works well or poorly is not just a matter of concern for the citizens of whatever region that government governs; it is also of interest to scientists and analysts in a variety of fields. However, information about a government's performance is of use to the government itself. This article tries to answer the question of how government performance can be measured. It is impossible to come up with a generally acceptable and universal system of performance measurement, but the dozens of ways of measuring government performance can essentially be divided into four groups. The first group of approaches uses indicators of the socio-economic development in the governed area to measure a government's performance. The second group of approaches comprises attempts to measure government performance by means of a subjective evaluation by citizens of the governed territory or by various experts. The third group of approaches includes all attempts at measuring government performance that focus on procedural and institutional effectiveness and the quality of government performance. The last group is made up of attempts to measure government performance with the aid of aggregate indexes, which are mathematical-statistical aggregates of subindicators representing various forms of government activity, the conditions in the territory governed by the government, and a subjective evaluation of government performance by citizens, by the people in government themselves, and by various experts. Individual sub-indicators characterise various types of government activity, and it is their aggregate that measures overall government performance.
Additional information is given on the erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium petersi (Poirriez, Baccam, Dei-Cas, Brogan et Landau, 1933), which was found in a Cercocebus albigena monkey from the Central-African Republic. The first colour pictures of P. petersi are presented. In 60% of young trophozoites, the vacuole is divided into two or three parts by thin cytoplasmic streaks. In young trophozoites and almost mature schizonts, 80% of nuclei are oval or kidney-shaped; they are two-coloured; measurement of their surface area shows that it is about twice that of the nuclei of P. gonderi at the same stages. Studies using polarised light show that most of the pigment granules are elongated (spindle-shaped) and found at the periphery of old trophozoites and schizonts. P. petersi can easily be distinguished from P. gonderi and P. georgesi, the two other species found so far in Cercocebus monkeys, which are regarded as the African equivalents of the Asian macaques.
We have examined the effect of gabaculine (3-amino-2,3-dihydrobenzoic acid) on chlorophyll (Chl) binding photosystem (PS) apoproteins in thylakoid ineinbranes relative to the effect on pigment accumulations and grana thylakoid stacking in wheat {Triticum aesíivum L.) seedling leaves. The accumulations of critical PSI, PS2, light- harvesting complex (LHCl and LHC2) apoproteins differed in response to gabaculine treatment. The reaction center proteins. Dl of PS2 and the 68 kDa PSI, were not detected in either primary or secondary leaf chloroplasts of treated etiolated seedlings after greening or secondaiy leaf chloroplasts of treated green seedlings. However, the LHC apoproteins accumulated at reduced levels relative to the Controls and LHCl was more sensitive to treatment than LHC2. Gabaculine decreased plastid pigment levels in primary leaf chloroplasts of treated etiolated seedlings by only 50 % and in secondaiy leaf chloroplasts by more than 85 % of that in the Controls. The accumulations of Chl o, Chl h, and the carotenoids, neoxanthin and í3-carotene, were most sensitive to treatment and were decreased in a similar manner. Granal thylakoid development was more sensitive to treatment than stroma thylakoid development and LHC2 apoprotein accumulations enriched stroma thylakoids in some treatments. The lack of starch and critical reaction center apoproteins in these chloroplasts suggest a loss of photosynthetic competency.