Různé přístupy к teoretickému popisu jazyka je třeba porovnávat jak co do empirického rozsahu popisného rámce, tak co do kvalit a stupně dodržování jejich principů. Důležité je diskutoval věcně o možnosti spojení jednotlivých dílčích řešení do bezrozporných celků a o možnostech, jak co nejekonomičtěji zachytit jádro (centrum) jazykového systému.
The developmental stages and life cycle of the nematode Camallanus anabantis Pcarse, 1933 an intestinal parasite of Anabas testudineus (Bloch) arc described. The copepod Mesocyclops leuckarti (Claus) was used as experimental intermediate host. After being ingested by the copepods the nematode first-stage larvae enter its haemocoel, where they moult twice, 4 d.p.i. and 11 d.p.i., at 21-26°C, respectively to become the infective third-stage larvae. The definitive fish hosts become infected when feeding on copcpods harbouring infective larvae. In the fish host’s intestine the larvae undergo two more moults, the third on day 15 p.i. The fourth moult of “male” larvae occurred on day 68 p.i. and that of “female” larvae on day 86 pi. at water temperatures 24-36°C- A female with eggs and few larvae in the uteri was first observed on day 187 p.i.
The development of Spirocamallanus mysti (Karve, 1952) was studied in the copepod hosts Mesocyclops crassus (Fischer) and M. leuckarti (Claus) and in the fish host Mystus viltatus (Bloch). When eaten by copepods the first-stage larvae burrow through the intestinal wall into the haemocoel and there they moulted twice to become the third, infective stage. The first moulting occurred on day 4 p.i. at 18-2ГС (on day 6 p.i. at 16-20"C) and the second moultingoccurred on day 8 p.i. at 18-19.5"C (on day 11 p.i. at 16-20"C. Further development occurred only after reaching the stomach of the fish definitive host. In the fish stomach two more larval moultings occurred, the third on day 15 p.i. and the fourth (final) on day 37 p.i. in “male” larvae and day 67 p.i. in “female” larvae. The individual developmental stages and the morphological changes occurring during development are described in detail.
Příspěvek navrhuje varianty transkripce výslovnosti českých slov pro rodilé mluvčí angličtiny. Tento okrajový problém nabývá na důležitosti s rostoucím počtem anglicko-českých konverzačních příruček a učebnic a jeví se jako kompromis mezi anglickým pravopisem pro češtinu použitelných nebo modifikovaných sekvencí anglických fonémů, speciálními symboly a praktičností transkripce.
The study of the bulla from 18 lemaeopodid copepod species collected on 15 marine fish species and one freshwater fish species taken mainly from the Gulf of Lions in the Mediterranean Sea reveals a great morphological and structural variability. It is however possible to bring forth three general remarks: - the bulla of Lernaeopodidae parasites of Selachii have a remarkably constant structure probably due to the tegument nature of the attachment substratum; - the bulla of Lernaeopodidae parasites of Teleostei has a morphology influenced by the nature of the attachment tissue; - when species of a same genus (i.e. Clavellotis) are attached on a same organ, the shape of the bulla can constitute a taxonomic characteristic.
Characteristic features of stomatal apparatus, i.e, stomatal density, area of the stomatal poruš, relative stomatal area and diffusion resistance (r^) were examined in young (10 d) and old (30 d) leaves of four sugar beet cultivars (Allyx, Arigomono, Monohil and Primahill). Since the plant age was also considered to be an important ontogenetic factor, all measurements were repeated at plant ages of 40, 47, 57 and 65 d. Genotypical differences among the cultivars studied could be explained in terms of the level of ploidy, i,e. an increasing number of chromosome sets was accompanied by an increase of stomatal size and a decrease of stomatal density. The other stomatal characteristics did not significantly differ among the cultivars. The increase in plant age resulted in a higher stomatal density and a gradually decreasing stomatal size. These phenomena generally induced a plant ontogeny controlled increase of the relative stomatal area of all leaf series. Young leaves showed higher stomatal densities, but the stomata were smaller and póre area was reduced by 40 to 60 %, compared to the old leaves. The young leaves also exhibited a smaller r^.
Thirty-eight specimens of Oochoristica macallisteri sp. n. were recovered from the small intestines of 16 of 123 (13 %) side-blotched lizards, Ota stansburiana Baird et Girard from California, USA. Oochoristica macallisteri sp. n. belongs to a group of species of Oochoristica possessing fewer than 25 testes in a single cluster and circular suckers, namely, O. elongata, O. junkea, O. lygosnmae. O. lygosomalis, O. novaezealandae, O. parvngenitalis and O. sobolevi. The new species can be readily differentiated from the other species of this group by number of lobules of the ovary or number of proglottids and from other species from California by number of testes or shape of vitellarium.