Among the important works of local his tory of the end of the 19th century belongs also a huge German work „Die österreichisch-ungarische Monarchie in Wort und Bild“ that, besides demographic, geographic, historical or economical tractates contains also ethnographic studies. It also contains a volume dedicated to Moravia and Silesia, two multiethnic regions dominated by Czech and German inhabitants (in Silesia also the Poles played an important role). The book thus deals not only with two independent political units, but also with two nations whose mutual relations were certainly problematic at the time of the publication of this work. It seems that also in this book manifested itself the contemporary national barrier between the Czechs and the Germans, including the specialists on ethnography. In the book chapters written by renowned Czech authors, at the time at the peak of their Scientific career — František Bartoš, Josef Kivana or Vincenc Prásek. On the other hand, the authors of the ethnographic chapters about the German ethnic group are not that well known today. They didn't publish in the Czech ethnographic periodicals of the time, their works are not referred upon by their Czech colleagues. But the book as a whole is certainly well-arranged and balanced. The very ethnographical chapters provoke some doubts, because they reflect some of thepoliticalproblems of the time. In the very structure of these important chapters we can see a dominant role that the initiator s of the book ascribed to the German nation. Although it was less numerous and its folk culture and its folk culture could not be considered as a modelfor the folk culture ofother nation groups, the chapters on German folk culture precede chapters dedicated to the Czechs, resp. the Poles. The Czech nation is uniformly named „Slavic“, a fact that through its political conservatism certainly should have provoked the bad blood of the Czech patriotic circles. Also, the book was written in the particularly sensitive period ofrising discontent not only among the Czechs and the Germans, but also the Czech political representation and the leadership of the Habsburk Empire and its political élite.
Reaction centres (RC) from the purpie bacterium Rhodohacter sphaeroides (strain R-24.1 and carotenoid-free mutant R-26.1) were separated and immobilized in isotropic and stretched polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) films. Absorption, fluorescence, delayed luminescence (8-300 K) and photoacoustic spectra (PAS) of immobilized samples were measured. The RC from wild strain R-24.1 and ffom carotenoid-free mutant R-26.1 were differently oriented in the stretched polymer film. In R-24.1 the long axis of the RC complex was directed under some angle with respect to the perpendicular direction to the PVA film plane, whereas in R-26.1 it was almost perpendicular to this plane. The shapes of linear dichroism (LD) of both strains were different. Delayed luminescence (DL) bands were located in a similar wavelength range as the bacteriochlorophyll and bacteriopheophytin prompt fluorescence bands. Intensity of DL was independent of temperature in the 8-300 K range. The intensity of DL was about three time lower than that of the fluorescence. The dependence of PAS on the frequency of radiation modulation and on the phase shift between modulated acting radiation and measured PAS showed that part of the thermal deactivation was undergoing slowly. Intensity ratio of the slow component to the fast one and/or decay time of the slow component of thermal deactivation were different for various chromophores and for RC ffom the two strains of bacteria.
Článek se zabývá lineárním uspořádáním italské výpovědi jako jedním z faktorů funkční větné perspektivy. Uváděné příklady mají ukázat, jak se lineární uspořádání v italské výpovědi prosazuje ve srovnání s dalšími faktory, tj. kontextem, sémantickou funkcí větného elementu a intonací. Italská věta je konfrontována s větou českou a anglickou. Srovnání ukazuje, do jaké míry se v italské výpovědi prosazuje tendence k základnímu rozložení komunikativní dynamičnosti (KD), tj. tendence umísťovat na konec věty konstituent, který je nositelem nejvyššího stupně KD. Dokazuje to určitou volnost slovosledu v italské větě. Lineární uspořádání tak, podobně jako v češtině, sehrává rozhodující úlohu pro perspektivu italské věty.
Principal Component Analysis, an ordination technique frequently ušed in phytosociological ecology, has been successfully applied in an attempt to consolidate unknown factors and processes responsible for influencing and modulating photosynthesis determining sugar beet leaf characteristics. Starting from a rough data matrix which consisted of the observed values of 18 cytological, anatomical and ecophysiological leaf parameters, measured in 32 leaf series, this technique calculated the co-ordinates of 32 entities with respect to a whole new set of principál axes. The ordination of all leaf entities was highly correlated with the relative increase of intemal (leaf) area, the total relative stomatal area and the chlorophyll a content. Since their arrangement on the main principál axis was also strongly determined by plant age, the conclusion could be drawn immediately that these three leaf parameters were significantly modulated by plant age. So, conclusions found in a rather subjective way were confirmed by this mathematical ordination technique.
The study analyzes the communicative strategies adopted by the participants (moderator, caller and guest) in conducting the opening phases of the Nočné dialógy radio phone-ins broadcast by the Slovak public radio. The programme is approached as a specific type of institutional interaction characterized by a unique patterning of communicative asymmetries. The importance of the initial turn, invariably a moderator’s privilege granted to him by his institutional as well as interactional status, is stressed as having some important structural implications as to the subsequent course of the interaction; a structural archetype of the opening turn consists of four stages - structure orientation, self-identification, caller identification and summons. Openings span over several sequences of turns with the main task of establishing a caller in the on-air interaction and preparing him/her for the delivery of his/her topic. The bulk of interaction is composed of the four main types of interactional activity in which the participants are engaged - opening a technical and social contact, identification, recognition and categorization. This instance of a radio programme is seen as a means of bringing the media closer to the public, which, upon its introduction early in the 1990s, was an unprecedented example of the process of democratization of the mass media. By their opportunity to bring forward relevant political-social agenda the public have been given a direct access to the creation of political discourse.