The text is contained in the following manuscripts:
Třeboň, Státní archiv, A 4
J. Weber [= Kadlec], "Soupis rukopisů Státního archivu v Třeboni", in Soupis rukopisů v Třeboni a v Českém Krumlově, ed. J. Weber, J. Tříška, P. Spunar, Praha 1958, 40-41; F. Šmahel, "Polonica außerhalb des Verzeichnisses der Quellen zum Prager Universalienstreit", in Studia Mediewistyczne 17 (1977), 163.
Phonological networks are representations of word forms and their phonological relationships with other words in a given language lexicon. A principle underlying the growth (or evolution) of those networks is preferential attachment, or the ‘rich-gets-richer’ mechanisms, according to which words with many phonological neighbors (or links) are the main beneficiaries of future growth opportunities. Due to their limited number of words, language lexica constitute node-constrained networks where growth cannot keep increasing in a linear way; hence, preferential attachment is likely mitigated by certain factors. The present study investigated aging effects (i.e., a word’s finite time span of being active in terms of growth) in an evolving phonological network of English as a second language. It was found that phonological neighborhoods are constructed by one large initial lexical spurt, followed by sublinear growth spurts that eventually lead to very limited growth in later lexical spurts during network evolution, all the while obeying the law of preferential attachment. An analysis of the strength of phonological relationships between phonological word forms revealed a tendency to attach more distant phonological neighbors in the lower proficiency levels, while phonologically more similar neighbors enter phonological neighborhoods at more advanced levels of English as a second language. Overall, the findings suggest an aging effect in growth that favors younger words. In addition, beginning learners seem to prefer the acquisition of phonological neighbors that are easier to discriminate. Implications for the second language lexicon include leveraged learning mechanisms, learning bouts focussed on a smaller range of phonological segments, and involve questions concerning lexical processing in aging networks.
Die Agitationsreise des Josef Hybeš nach Böhmen an der Jahreswende 1883/1884. Ein Beitrag zur Problematik der Zeitperiode verschärfter Persekution und gegipfelter Spaltung in der sozialistischen Arbeiterbewegung.
Aglauros - a Consideration on the Second Life of an Ancient Myth in Olomouc of Early Modern Ages. and Aglauros - eine Überlegung über das Nachleben eines antiken Mythos in Olmütz (Olomouc) in der Frühen Neuzeit.