INTRODUCTION: The male:female ratio at birth (male births divided by total live births - M/T) has been shown to increase in response to ionizing radiation due to gender-biased fetal loss, with excess female loss. M/T rose sharply in 1987 in central-eastern European countries following the Chernobyl accident in 1986. This study analyses M/T and births for the former Soviet Republics and for the countries most contaminated by the event. METHODS: Annual birth data was obtained from the World Health Organisation. The countries with the highest exposure levels (by 137Cs) were identified from an official publication of the International Atomic Energy Agency. All of the former Soviet states were also analysed and the periods before and after 1986 were compared. RESULTS: Except for the Baltic States, all regions in the former USSR showed a significant rise in M/T from 1986. There were significant rises in M/T in the three most exposed (Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation). The birth deficit in the post-Soviet states for the ten years following Chernobyl was estimated at 2,072,666, of which 1,087,924 are accounted by Belarus and Ukraine alone. DISCUSSION: Chernobyl has resulted in the loss of millions of births, a process that has involved female even more than male fetuses. This is another and oft neglected consequence of widespread population radiation contamination. and V. Grech
The condition of the protective barrier of the stomach in patients with duodenal ulcer associated and non-associated with H. pylori infection has been studied. The state of gastric mucosal barrier was studied in 72 patients with peptic ulcer disease association with H. pylori and 26 patients without H. pylori by determining the content of insoluble glycoproteins and its fractions in the basal portion of the gastric juice. In a comparative perspective the state of these indicators were studied depending on the association with H. pylori and the severity of the disease. In patients with H. pylori, damages of protective mucus barrier are characterized by the significant shortage of fucose, which is considered to be the main component of the insoluble glycoproteins. In patients without H. pylori, status of mucosal barrier is characterized by uniform and less significant reduction in the content of fractions of insoluble glycoproteins. In this patients the reduction of insoluble glycoproteins is not dependent on the frequency of exacerbation. The content of fucose in the mucous gel of gastric juice is a diagnostic criterion for determining the frequency of recurrence of the disease in patients with H. pylori infection., Abdujalol Vahabovich Yakubov, Nargiza Ihsanovna Pulatova, and Literatura
Síla stisku ruky je velmi dobrým ukazatelem zdraví, výkonnosti kosterního svalstva a celkově je dobrým indikátorem zdravotního stavu a vitality. Testosteron je hormon, který je primárně zodpovědný za rozvoj sekundárních pohlavních znaků a zároveň má silný vztah k tělesné síle a zevním ukazatelům rozvoje skeletální svaloviny. Byla publikována řada prací, které poukazují na úzký vztah mezi testosteronem a agresí. Nebyl však doposud vysvětlen kauzální vztah mezi hladinou testosteronu a výsledným agresivním chováním, tedy konkrétní působení metabolitů testosteronu v specifických oblastech mozku. Na základě publikovaných experimentálních prací jsou diskutována některá možná/částečná vysvětlení působení testosteronu na vznik agresivního chování. Dále je diskutován vztah mezi silou stisku ruky a lidským sexuálním chováním – tedy sexuální dimorfismus v síle stisku, ženská percepce (v rozdílných fázích menstruačního cykly) stisku ruky u mužů a volba partnera ve vztahu k jeho fitness (jak je hodnocena dle síly stisku ruky, jež je dobrým ukazatelem hladiny testosteronu)., Handgrip strength (HGS) is a very good marker of physical health, good muscle performance and an overall indicator of health status and vitality. Testosterone, as a hormone primarily responsible for secondary sexual traits development, is also strongly correlated to body strength and somatic features which represent it. It has been widely reported that testosterone correlates with aggression. However, the pathway of testosterone metabolites in specific brain regions, or cause and effect formula of testosterone level and aggression has not been satisfactorily explained. Several possible and/or partial explanations based on published experiments are discussed. Furthermore, the relation between HGS and human sexual behavior is discussed – the sexual dimorphism in HGS, the perception of male HGS by females at different stages of the menstrual cycle and the selection of a partner with respect to his fitness (as estimated by HGS which is a good indicator of testosterone level)., and Daniela Cunha, Filipe Monteiro, Yasin Hamarat, Martin Čuta
Částečně přeloženo z češtiny, slovenštiny, němčiny, polštiny a ruštiny. and Publikace byla financována z projektu Ministerstva kultury NAKI "Velká Morava a 1150 let křesťanství ve středu Evropy" a za podpory Akademie věd České republiky.