Prezentujeme kazuistiku pacientky s iatrogenní lézí levého močovodu, u které byla diagnóza stanovena po měsíci od gynekologické operace. Hlavními příznaky, kterých si pacientka všimla, byly zvětšující se objem břicha a difuzní bolesti v bříšní oblasti. I přes provedené CT-IVU diagnóza nebyla stanovena. Až senzitivnější ascendentní ureteropyelografie prokázala lézi močovodu. Při nejasnostech je vždy vhodné provedení nejcitlivější diagnostické metody, We present a case report of a patient with an iatrogenic lesion of the left ureter diagnosed one month after gynecological surgery. The main symptoms were abdominal distension and abdominal pain. A CT-IVP was not diagnostic. Only a subsequent reterograde urogram was more sensitive and demonstrated a ureteric lesion. It is always advisable to perform the most sensitive diagnostic methods when in doubt., Jakub Szewczyk, Jan Krhut, Henryk Fikoczek, Ivana Kalusková, and Literatura
Title from summary: Ideology across borders transfers of thoughts in Europe and in Slovakia during the 1st half of the 20th century and Ideology across Borders. Transfers of Thougths in Europe and in Slovakia during the 1st Half of the 20th Century.
Title from summary: Ideology across borders transfers of thoughts in Europe and in Slovakia during the 1st half of the 20th century and Ideology across Borders. Transfers of thougths in Europe and in Slovakia during the 1st Half of the 20th Century.