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2772. Řemeslná obnova historických staveb a předmětů kulturního dědictví :
- Type:
- text and sborníky
- Subject:
- Řemesla. Různá odvětví průmyslu, Učební osnovy. Vyučovací předměty. Učebnice, řemesla, péče památková, and památková péče, restaurátorství
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- unknown
2773. Renální postižení u pacientů se systémovým lupusem
- Creator:
- Schubertová, M., Zadražil, Josef, and Horák, Pavel
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, abstrakt z konference, and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- M. Schubertová, J. Zadražil, P. Horák
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2774. Renesance imunoterapie nádorových chorob
- Creator:
- Bartůňková, Jiřina
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, úvodní články, and TEXT
- Subject:
- lidé, nádory--farmakoterapie, and imunoterapie
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Jiřina Bartůňková
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2775. Renesanční domy moravsko-slezského pomezí :
- Creator:
- Haničák, Ondřej,
- Type:
- text and monografie
- Subject:
- Architektura, domy městské, architektura renesanční, domy obytné, urbanismus, české země 1526-1620, and architektura, architekti
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- unknown
2776. Reporting sharp injuries among Surgeons in Zagazig University Hospitals, Egypt
- Creator:
- Mortada, Eman Mohamed
- Format:
- electronic, electronic resource, and remote
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, and TEXT
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Background and rationale of the study: Although Sharps injuries are a preventable hazard faced by medical personnel in the operating room yet it continues to be one of the hidden problems among HCP. The potential consequence of such injuries includes transmission of blood-borne pathogens with detrimental effects. Despite the advances in technology and increased awareness of medical staff, annually around 600 thousand to one million workers are affected thus considered as one of the most serious threats facing health care workers specially surgeon. Methodology: a cross sectional study of Zagazig University Hospitals surgical departments. Using a sample composed of 287 surgeons randomly chosen from different surgical departments. A questionnaire assessed in addition to personal and professional characteristics, the history of sharp injuries, types of instrument causing the injury, their post exposure prophylaxis including reporting. Results: There were total 287 surgeons participated in this study (47%) of the respondent surgeons had been exposed to at least one episode of sharp injury in the preceding 3 months and most of the exposures (68%) occurred in the operation room. The injury was mainly caused during suturing (83%). The commonest devices, accused in most of the injuries were suturing needle and scalpel (74 and 59%). The majority of the surgeons (62%) didn’t report the SI and it was largely explained by the majority of the sampled respondents (89%) were not aware of the reporting system existing in their hospital. Conclusions: The most common reason of underreporting in our study was the lack of awareness that all injuries must be reported. Recommendations: The observed high level of under reporting reflects the need for education on prevention. Our results can guide in planning an education program for the surgeons to increase awareness about dangers of sharp injuries and help improve the reporting strategy and other potential prevention interventions for of sharp injuries, Eman Mohamed Mortada, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2777. Resection and reconstructive-plastic surgery intreatment of extended and multifocal cicatrical tracheal stenosis
- Creator:
- Eshonkhodjaev, Otabek, Khudaybergenov, Shukrat, Irisov, Ortikali, and Tursunov, Nasretdin
- Format:
- electronic, electronic resource, and remote
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, and TEXT
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Background: Obstetric complications developing at antiphospholipid syndrome are serious medical-social problem. Seeking of the treatment methods sets conditions for urgency of the article reviewed. Enzyme preparations are widely applied for treatment of women with fecundity disorder and hemorheology changes. Research objective was in clinico-laboratorial evaluation of Serrata drug impact in antiphospholipid syndrome in women with reproductive losses of Andijan state. Methods: Data of 43 women in the non-pregnancy state with reproductive losses (RL) in past history with revealed APS had been studied by us. Results: Thus, conducted therapy with Serrata was conductive to haemostasis. Conducted researches confirm the safety of application. Background. Main issues of treatment of patients with cicatricial stenosis of trachea (CST) are to increase its efficacy and safety, as well as to determine indications and contraindications for circular resection and reconstructive interventions on the trachea in patients with extended lesions of trachea, with stenoses involving subvocal cords part of larynx and well as multifocal narrowing of the trachea which could improve treatment results and quality of life of patients, to gain recovery and reduce disability and mortality. Material and methods. One hundred two patients aged from 11 to 62 years with CST were surgically treated. Stenotic site length in patients varied from 0,3 to 7 cm. Most frequently (64,2%), CST length of more than 2 cm was observed. In critical and decompensated stenosis with diameter of CST up to 5 mm with the threat of asphyxiation by the first stage we used endoscopic laser-and electric destruction of constriction followed by restricted zone bouging. If long-term rehabilitation was necessary and in case of absence of the conditions to the implementation of circular tracheal resection, we used tracheal stents. Circular resection of the trachea was performed in 24 patients. In case of contraindications, 28 patients underwent reconstructive plastic surgery with dissection the stenosis, excision of scar tissue and formation of trachea lumen in T-tube. After removing T-tube plasty of anterior tracheal wall and of soft tissues of the neck defects was performed using local tissues and grafts with microsurgical techniques., Otabek Eshonkhodjaev, Shukrat Khudaybergenov, Ortikali Irisov, Nasretdin Tursunov, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2778. Resekabilní karcinom pankreatu − 5leté přežití
- Creator:
- Loveček, Martin, Skalický, Pavel, Klos, Dušan, Neoral, Čestmír, Ehrmann, Jiří, Zapletalová, Jana, Švébišová, Hana, Yogeswara, T., Ghothim, Mohamed, Vrba, Radek, and Havlík, Roman
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, práce podpořená grantem, and TEXT
- Subject:
- nádory slinivky břišní--chirurgie, prospektivní studie, retrospektivní studie, analýza přežití, statistika jako téma, pankreas--chirurgie, výsledek terapie, pooperační období, staří, ženské pohlaví, lidé, mužské pohlaví, and lidé středního věku
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- Úvod: Cílem práce je identifikovat pacienty operované pro vývodový karcinom pankreatu, kteří přežili více než 5 let a analyzovat jejich charakteristiky a faktory s vlivem na přežití. Zkušenosti a výsledky terciárního centra. Metoda: Prospektivně vedená databáze 155 pankreatických resekcí v období leden 2006 až červen 2010 byla prozkoumána se záměrem identifikace pacientů operovaných kurativně pro vývodový karcinom pankreatu. Klinická a patologická data byla analyzována retrospektivně. Kaplan-Meierova analýza byla použita pro hodnocení přežívání, Log-rank test a Coxova regresní analýza pro analýzu faktorů s vlivem na přežití. Testy byly dělány na hladině signifikance 0,05. Jako nezávisle proměnné v Coxově regresní analýze byly vybrány faktory, u nichž byl pomocí Kaplan-Meierovy analýzy prokázán signifikantní vliv na přežívání. Výsledky: V sestavě 155 resekcí pankreatu s kurativním záměrem bylo identifikováno 73 nemocných operovaných pro vývodový karcinom pankreatu, u nichž bylo možné hodnotit 5leté přežití. Více než 5 let přežilo 15 nemocných (20,5 %), z nichž 13 dosud žije. Průměrná doba přežití ve skupině přeživších 5 let je 77,1 měsíce (60–110) a medián 74 měsíce, průměrná doba přežití bez nemoci (relaps free survival) je 63,3 měsíce (14−110), medián 62 měsíce. Ze sledovaných faktorů statisticky významný vliv na přežití měly: nepřítomnost infiltrace lymfatických uzlin (p=0,031), nekomplikovaný pooperační průběh (p=0,025), nepřítomnost vaskulární invaze v tumoru (p=0,017), léčba bez nutnosti podání transfuze krve (p=0,015) a pooperační onkologické léčba – převážně chemoterapie (p=0,009). Významnými nezávislými prediktory přežívání jsou: přítomnost angioinvaze HR=2,239 (95%CI: 1,093−4,590; p=0,028), pooperační chemoterapie HR=2,587 (95%CI: 1,301−5,145; p=0,007) a nutnost podání transfuze HR=2,080 (95%CI: 1,027−4,212; p=0,042). Přítomnost angioinvaze zvyšuje riziko úmrtí pacienta 2,2x, podání transfuze zvyšuje riziko úmrtí 2,1x a nepodání chemoterapie zvyšuje riziko úmrtí 2,6x. Závěr: Vliv na dlouhodobé přežití u nemocných operovaných pro karcinom hlavy pankreatu byl prokázán u těchto faktorů: nepřítomnost infiltrace lymfatických uzlin, nekomplikovaný pooperační průběh, nepřítomnost vaskulární invaze v tumoru, léčba bez nutnosti podání transfuze krve a pooperační onkologická léčba – chemoterapie. Významnými nezávislými prediktory přežívání jsou: vaskulární invaze, chemoterapie a nutnost podání transfuze., Introduction: The purpose was to identify 5-year survivors among a group of radically resected patients with pancreatic cancer and analyse the characteristics and factors associated with their 5-year survival. Single tertiary centre experience. Method: A prospectively maintained database of 155 pancreatic resections from January 2006 to June 2010 was scanned to identify patients after curative radical resections for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. The clinical and pathological data was analysed retrospectively. The outcomes of the PDAC group were evaluated using Kaplan-Meier analysis (survival) with the Log-rank test and Cox regression analysis (evaluation of prognostic factors). Characteristics of the survivors were discussed. Significance level of 0.05 was used. Those factors were used as independent variables for Cox regression analysis whose significant effect on survival was shown based on Kaplan-Meier analysis. Results: Among 155 patients undergoing a curative pancreatic resection, 73 had a pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Fifteen patients (20.5%) after radical surgery survived over 5 years, 13 of whom are still alive. In the group of the survivors, the mean overall survival was 77.1 months (60−110) and the median survival was 74 months. The mean relapse-free interval in the group of the survivors was 63.3 months (14−110) with the median of 65 months. Factors associated with a longer survival included the absence of lymph node infiltration (p=0.031), uncomplicated postoperative course (p=0.025), absence of vascular invasion (p=0.017), no blood transfusions (p=0.015) and the use of postoperative therapy – predominantly chemotherapy (p=0.009). Significant independent predictors of survival included vascular invasion HR=2.239 (95%CI: 1.093−4.590; p=0.028), postoperative chemotherapy HR=2.587 (95%CI: 1.301−5.145; p=0.007) and blood transfusion HR=2.080 (95%CI: 1.027−4.212; p=0.042). The risk of death was increased 2.2 times in patients with vascular invasion, 2.1 times in patients with transfusions, and finally 2.6 times in those with no chemotherapy. Conclusion: Factors associated with an improved overall survival included: the absence of lymph node infiltration, an uncomplicated postoperative course, absence of vascular invasion, no need of blood transfusions, and finally the use of postoperative chemotherapy. Vascular invasion, use of blood transfusions and postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy were significant independent prognostic factors of survival., and M. Loveček, P. Skalický, D. Klos, Č. Neoral, J. Ehrmann jr., J. Zapletalová, H. Švébišová, T. Yogeswara, M. Ghothim, R. Vrba, R. Havlík
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2779. Řešení descenzu všech tří kompartmentů pomocí kotveného implantátu – follow-up 5 let
- Creator:
- Kraus, P., Krofta, Ladislav, Krčmář, Michal, Urbánková, Iva, Grohregin, K., and Feyereisl, Jaroslav
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, abstrakt z konference, and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Kraus P., Krofta L., Krčmář M., Urbánková I., Grohregin K., Feyereisl J.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2780. Resettlement and extermination of the populations :
- Creator:
- Zudová-Lešková, Zlatica,
- Type:
- text and monografie kolektivní
- Subject:
- Dějiny Česka a Slovenska, Dějiny zemí střední Evropy, migrace nucené, genocida, čistky etnické, české (československé) sborníky a kolektivní monografie, světové dějiny od r. 1918 do současnosti, perzekuce, politická emigrace, and Československo 1918-1992
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- unknown