V článku předkládáme kazuistiku pacienta s traumatem podkovovité ledviny. Vzhledem ke stupni poranění jsme pacienta indikovali k akutní- mu operačnímu výkonu. Popisujeme problematiku přístupu a operačního řešení podkovovité ledviny z pohledu její atypické polohy a cévního zásobení. V našem případě jsme provedli laparotomii, provedli jsme záchovný výkon s hemostázou pomocí stehů s Hem-o-lok klipů. Pacient byl v pooperač- ním období bez závažných komplikací, následně byl propuštěn do domácí péče a je pravidelně sledován., We present a case report of a patient with injury to their horseshoe kidney. According to CT examination and grade of trauma we decided to proceed with surgery. We describe and discuss issues of kidney abnormalites from the perspective of investigation, surgical approach and treatment. In our case we proceed with exploratory laparotomy, we performed nephron sparing procedure with hemostasis by nephrorrhaphy with stitch and hem-o-lok clips. The patient recovered with no serious complication. He was discharged home early, Martin Hlavička, Marek Broul, Miroslav Štrbavý, Petr Skála, Filip Cihlář, David Škvára, Jan Schraml, and Literatura
Presented is the experience of the application of stable osteosynthesis by three Kirschner wires on diaphyseal fractures of the metacarpal bones at 74 patients. Indications for osteosynthesis was opened (6%), closed (94%), non-united, mal-united fractures and false joints of metacarpal bones diaphysis. Patients were given intraosseous anesthesia at distal epi-metaphysis area of radial bone. Described is a method of operation extra medullary osteosynthesis using three Kirschner wires. Also, method of wedge osteotomy for full recovery of hand function is described. Good results were obtained in 83.1% of patients, satisfactory at 13.6%, and unsatisfactory results in 3.4% of patients., Saodat Asilova, Azizjon Khaydarov, and Literatura
This work presents a summary of current knowledge on the laboratory diagnosis of periodontitis. It focuses on the theoretical foundations and is supplemented with new knowledge. It subsequently describes specifically the laboratory diagnosis methods of periodontitis: the protein expression of inflammation, oral microbiology and molecular diagnostics. Periodontitis is a serious disease worldwide and its confirmed association with systemic diseases means its severity is increasing. Its laboratory diagnosis has the potential to rise to the level of clinical and diagnostic imaging. The transfer of diagnostic methods from laboratory to clinical use is increasingly used in the prevention and monitoring of the exacerbation and treatment of periodontal disease, as well as of its impact on systemic disease. and B. Bolerázska, M. Mareková, N. Markovská