Protection of reproductive health of adolescents and youth, i.e., individuals aged 15 to 24 years, is a primary goal of a family planning service as according to WHO estimations (1995), the youth aged 15 to 24 years makes over 14% of the overall population in developed countries. Disorders of a menstrual cycle take a leading place among gynaecologic pathologies of adolescent girls. At the same time, according to WHO data, about 30% of schoolchildren suffer from iron deficiency anemia, which takes one of the first places in the structure of somatic pathologies. On the basis of maternity welfare centre No. 2, 2,456 girls aged 15 to 18 years were examined, and the frequency of occurrence and structure of disorders of a menstrual cycle was studied. In addition to standard methods of examination, all patients undertook USI of small pelvis organs; indicators of a hormonal status, complete blood test, transport fund, and iron stocks were investigated. The study included 285 girls, with various disorders of a menstrual cycle, who had no history of iron deficiency states and exacerbation of chronic diseases. The control group included 69 adolescent girls with a regular menstrual cycle. The most common type of disorder of a menstrual cycle in subjects examined was dysmenorrhea I. Iron deficiency anaemia was found in 5.3% of the subjects examined. The frequency of occurrence of moderate anaemia and latent deficiency of iron of 46.7% and 11.9%, respectively, attracts our attention. Well-timed diagnostics of the states mentioned in adolescent girls can prevent subsequent development of reproductive and somatic pathologies., Ibragim Kasym-Hojaev, Gulnora Kamalova, Habiba Negmatshaeva, Hurmatoy Khankeldieva, and Literatura
Concha bullosa (CB) is among the most common anatomic variations of sinonasal anatomy. Although usually asymptomatic, CB can occasionally cause nasal obstruction or headache. Obstructions within the mucociliary transport system can develop into a mucocele or mucopyocele. A 48-year-old female, with a history of progressive headache and nasal obstruction, was referred to our department. Paranasal sinus tomography revealed a nasal mass in the left nasal cavity resembling a mucopyocele in the middle turbinate. Under general anesthesia, the purulent material was aspirated, and the lateral part of the left turbinate was resected. Mucopyoceles are common within the paranasal sinuses, but uncommon with CB; thus, they should be considered in patients with a large hyperemic nasal mass. and K. Sari, Z. K. Gencer, Y. Kantekin
An XML-based file containing the electronic version of al logha al arabia al moassira (Contemporary Arabic) dictionary. An Arabic monolingual dictionary accomplished by Ahmed Mukhtar Abdul Hamid Omar (deceased: 1424) with the help of a working group