AIM: The purpose of this study was to develop a revised version of the Brief Bedside Dysphagia Screening Test for determining penetration/aspiration risk in patients prone to dysphagia. The priority was to achieve high sensitivity and negative predictive value. METHODS: The study screeners conducted bedside assessment of the swallowing function in 157 patients with a neurological (mainly stroke) or an ear, nose, and throat diagnosis (mainly head and neck cancer). The results were compared with a gold standard, flexible endoscopic examination of swallowing. RESULTS: For the neurological subgroup (N = 106), eight statistically significant bedside assessment items were combined into the Brief Bedside Dysphagia Screening Test-Revised (BBDST-R). Cut-off score 1 produced the highest sensitivity (95.5%; 95% confidence interval CI [CI]: 84.9-98.7%) and negative predictive value (88.9%; 95% CI 67.2-96.9%). CONCLUSION: The BBDST-R is suitable for dysphagia screening in departments caring for patients with neurological conditions. and P. Mandysová, E. Ehler, J. Škvrňáková, M. Černý, I. Bártová, A. Pellant
Článek je věnován jedné z mikrovaskulárních komplikací diabetu – diabetické polyneuropatii. Zabývá se jí komplexně od příčin, přes výskyt, její klasifikaci, možností diagnostiky, rizika, která pro své nositele představuje, až po možnosti terapie., The paper deals with one of microvascular complications of diabetes - diabetic polyneuropathy. It is discussed comprehensively from its causes, incidence, its classification and diagnostic possibilities to the risks it entails for patients and therapeutic possibilities., and Jindřich Olšovský