Moderní léčba erektilní dysfunkce, která spočívá v první linii v podávání inhibitorů fosfodiesterázy 5 (PDE5‑I), je bezpečná a dobře tolerovaná. Avanafil, nový PDE5‑I, je vysoce účinný a selektivní PDE5 inhibitor. Výsledky fáze III klinických studií ukázaly, že avanafil je efektivní a dobře tolerovaná léčba erektilní dysfunkce širokého spektra příčin a závažnosti. Zlepšení sexuální funkce a snášenlivost jsou spojeny s rychlým nástupem účinku a trváním efektu, které činí avanafil plně indikovaným pro on-demand léčbu erektilní dysfunkce., Modern ED therapy, which in the first line consists of PDE5 inhibitors (PDE5-I) application, is safe and effective and is well tolerated. Avanafil, a new agents, is a highly potent PDE5 inhibitor and highly selective for PDE5. Results of phase III clinical trials suggest that avanafil is an effective and well tolerated treatment for ED of broad-spectrum aetiology and severity. The improvement in sexual function and tolerability coupled with the rapid onset of action and durability of effect make avanafil a viable tool for on demand treatment of ED., and Šrámková T.
The significance of ABO blood system groups antigens in development of some malignant tumors is already established. The alteration of hormonal homeostasis must also be taken into account. Hence the aim of the investigation was to study ABO and Rh blood system antigens and hormonal status among reproductive age women with benign and malignant breast tumors. Methods: The determination of hormones was made by the enzymatic analysis method (ELAIZA), provided by proper ELAIZA kits. For the study of ABO and RhHr system antigens, internationally recognized immunoserology methods were used. Results: High index of the breast gland tumors were revealed in patients with A(II) phenotypic group, according to the ABO system. The frequency distribution of O(I) phenotypic group was low among women with breast tumors. Among D, C, E, c and e antigens of the Rh system, the frequency of D and E antigens were increased in benign and malignant breast tumors patients. The study of hormonal balance revealed thyroid gland hypofunction and increased level of estradiol on the background of increased testosterone and decreased progesterone levels. Such hormonal imbalance and excess production of estradiol creates conditions for malignant tumor formation in reproductive age women. Conclusion: The highest frequency of breast cancer in reproductive age was revealed in A(II) group patients. The wide spectrum of hormonal disorders were revealed in breast tumor patients of the reproductive age, which was especially clear in cases of malignant tumor., Irina Nakashidze, Nanuli Kotrikadze, Anzor Diasamidze, Marina Nagervadze, Manana Alibegashvili, Liana Ramishvili, Manana Gordeziani, and Literatura