The Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank 2.0 (PCEDT 2.0) is a major update of the Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank 1.0 (LDC2004T25). It is a manually parsed Czech-English parallel corpus sized over 1.2 million running words in almost 50,000 sentences for each part.
The English part contains the entire Penn Treebank - Wall Street Journal Section (LDC99T42). The Czech part consists of Czech translations of all of the Penn Treebank-WSJ texts. The corpus is 1:1 sentence-aligned. An additional automatic alignment on the node level (different for each annotation layer) is part of this release, too. The original Penn Treebank-like file structure (25 sections, each containing up to one hundred files) has been preserved. Only those PTB documents which have both POS and structural annotation (total of 2312 documents) have been translated to Czech and made part of this release.
Each language part is enhanced with a comprehensive manual linguistic annotation in the PDT 2.0 style (LDC2006T01, Prague Dependency Treebank 2.0). The main features of this annotation style are:
dependency structure of the content words and coordinating and similar structures (function words are attached as their attribute values)
semantic labeling of content words and types of coordinating structures
argument structure, including an argument structure ("valency") lexicon for both languages
ellipsis and anaphora resolution.
This annotation style is called tectogrammatical annotation and it constitutes the tectogrammatical layer in the corpus. For more details see below and documentation.
Annotation of the Czech part
Sentences of the Czech translation were automatically morphologically annotated and parsed into surface-syntax dependency trees in the PDT 2.0 annotation style. This annotation style is sometimes called analytical annotation; it constitutes the analytical layer of the corpus. The manual tectogrammatical (deep-syntax) annotation was built as a separate layer above the automatic analytical (surface-syntax) parse. A sample of 2,000 sentences was manually annotated on the analytical layer.
Annotation of the English part
The resulting manual tectogrammatical annotation was built above an automatic transformation of the original phrase-structure annotation of the Penn Treebank into surface dependency (analytical) representations, using the following additional linguistic information from other sources:
PropBank (LDC2004T14)
NomBank (LDC2008T23)
flat noun phrase structures (by courtesy of D. Vadas and J.R. Curran)
For each sentence, the original Penn Treebank phrase structure trees are preserved in this corpus together with their links to the analytical and tectogrammatical annotation. and Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic projects No.:
Czech Science Foundation, grants No.:
Research funds of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Czech Republic, Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: No. 1ET101120503
Students participating in this project have been running their own student grants from the Grant Agency of the Charles University, which were connected to this project. Only ongoing projects are mentioned: 116310, 158010, 3537/2011
Also, this work was funded in part by the following projects sponsored by the European Commission:
Companions, No. 034434
EuroMatrix, No. 034291
EuroMatrixPlus, No. 231720
Faust, No. 247762
PDT 3.0 is a new version of Prague Dependency Treebank. It contains a large amount of Czech texts with complex and interlinked morphological (2 million words), syntactic (1.5 MW) and semantic annotation (0.8 MW); in addition, certain properties of sentence information structure, multiword expressions, coreference, bridging relations and discourse relations are annotated at the semantic level. and the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic: grants P406/12/0658 "Coreference, discourse relations and information structure in a contrastive perspective", P406/2010/0875 "Computational Linguistics: Explicit description of language and annotated data focused on Czech", 405/09/0729 "From the structure of a sentence to textual relationships", and GPP406/12/P175 (Selected derivational relations for automatic processing of Czech);
the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic: the KONTAKT project ME10018 "Towards a computational analysis of text structure" and the LINDAT-Clarin project LM2010013;
the Grant Agency of Charles University in Prague: GAUK 103609 "Textual (Inter-sentential) Relations and their Representation in a Language Corpus" and GAUK 4383/2009 "Methods of coreference resolution".
The Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5 is the 2018 edition of the core Prague Dependency Treebank (PDT). It contains all PDT annotation made at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics under various projects between 1996 and 2018 on the original texts, i.e., all annotation from PDT 1.0, PDT 2.0, PDT 2.5, PDT 3.0, PDiT 1.0 and PDiT 2.0, plus corrections, new structure of basic documentation and new list of authors covering all previous editions. The Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5 (PDT 3.5) contains the same texts as the previous versions since 2.0; there are 49,431 annotated sentences (832,823 words) on all layers, from tectogrammatical annotation to syntax to morphology. There are additional annotated sentences for syntax and morphology; the totals for the lower layers of annotation are: 87,913 sentences with 1,502,976 words at the analytical layer (surface dependency syntax) and 115,844 sentences with 1,956,693 words at the morphological layer of annotation (these totals include the annotation with the higher layers annotated as well). Closely linked to the tectogrammatical layer is the annotation of sentence information structure, multiword expressions, coreference, bridging relations and discourse relations.
Annotation of discourse relations is a project related to the Prague Dependency Treebank 2.5. It represents a new manually annotated layer of language description, above the existing layers of the PDT, and it portrays linguistic phenomena from the perspective of discourse structure and coherence. and GACR P406/12/0658, GACR P406/2010/0875, GACR 405/09/0729, Ministry of Education ME10018, Ministry of Education LM2010013
The SynSemClass synonym verb lexicon version 4.0 investigates, with respect to contextually-based verb synonymy, semantic ‘equivalence’ of Czech, English, and German verb senses and their valency behavior in parallel Czech-English and German-English language resources. SynSemClass 4.0 is a multilingual event-type ontology based on classes of synonymous verb senses, complemented with semantic roles and links to existing semantic lexicons. The version 4.0 is not only enriched by an additional number of classes but in the context of content hierarchy, some classes have been merged. Compared to the older versions of the lexicon, the novelty is the definitions of classes and the definitions of roles.
Czech lexicon entries are linked to PDT-Vallex (http://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-097C-0000-0023-4338-F), Vallex (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-3524), and CzEngVallex (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-1512). The English lexicon entries are linked to EngVallex (http://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-097C-0000-0023-4337-2), CzEngVallex (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-1512), FrameNet (https://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu/fndrupal/), VerbNet (https://uvi.colorado.edu/ and http://verbs.colorado.edu/verbnet/index.html), PropBank (http://propbank.github.io/), Ontonotes (http://clear.colorado.edu/compsem/index.php?page=lexicalresources&sub=ontonotes), and English Wordnet (https://wordnet.princeton.edu/). The German lexicon entries are linked to Woxikon (https://synonyme.woxikon.de), E-VALBU (https://grammis.ids-mannheim.de/verbvalenz), and GUP (http://alanakbik.github.io/multilingual.html; https://github.com/UniversalDependencies/UD_German-GSD).
The SynSemClass synonym verb lexicon version 5.0 is a multilingual resource that enriches previous editions of this event-type ontology with a new language, Spanish. The existing languages, English, Czech and German, are further substantially extended by a larger number of classes. SSC 5.0 data also contain lists (in a separate removed_cms.zip file) with originally (pre-)proposed but later rejected class members. All languages are organized into classes and have links to other lexical sources. In addition to the existing links, links to Spanish sources have been added.
The Spanish entries are linked to
ADESSE (http://adesse.uvigo.es/),
Spanish SenSem (http://grial.edu.es/sensem/lexico?idioma=en),
Spanish WordNet (https://adimen.si.ehu.es/cgi-bin/wei/public/wei.consult.perl),
AnCora (https://clic.ub.edu/corpus/en/ancoraverb_es), and
Spanish FrameNet (http://sfn.spanishfn.org/SFNreports.php).
The English entries are linked to
EngVallex (http://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-097C-0000-0023-4337-2),
CzEngVallex (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-1512),
FrameNet (https://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu/)
VerbNet (https://uvi.colorado.edu/ and http://verbs.colorado.edu/verbnet/index.html),
PropBank (http://propbank.github.io/),
Ontonotes (http://clear.colorado.edu/compsem/index.php?page=lexicalresources&sub=ontonotes), and
English Wordnet (https://wordnet.princeton.edu/).
Czech entries are linked to
PDT-Vallex (http://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-097C-0000-0023-4338-F),
Vallex (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-3524), and
CzEngVallex (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-1512).
The German entries are linked to
Woxikon (https://synonyme.woxikon.de),
E-VALBU (https://grammis.ids-mannheim.de/verbvalenz), and
GUP (http://alanakbik.github.io/multilingual.html and https://github.com/UniversalDependencies/UD_German-GSD).
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky@@LM2010013@@LINDAT/CLARIN: Institut pro analýzu, zpracování a distribuci lingvistických dat@@nationalFunds@@✖[remove]6