The aim of this study was to investigate the existence of prospective differences in factors of verbal and figural creativity, like fluency, flexibility and elaboration, between pupils who read books in their free time and those who do not read. The next aim was to determine the extent of influence of reading in free time on verbal and figural creativity. Totally 169 pupils from elementary schools participated in this research. Number of those who read in their free time was 63 (37,28%). In the group there were totally 89 (52,66%) boys and 80 (47,33%) girls. Participants ranged in age from 10 to 15 years (M= 13,08; SD= 0,82). Data were collected with using Torrance Test of Creative Thinking – figural part and some adapted tasks from tests of verbal creativity from Guilford and Torrance. The results show that there are significant differences between readers and non-readers in verbal and figural creativity. Differences were also demonstrated in the most factors of creativity, the only exception was figural fluency. Further analysis of data showed more significant influence of reading on score in verbal than in figural creativity, where the influence is negligible. and V rámci tohoto výskumu bola pozornosť venovaná zisťovaniu rozdielov vo faktoroch verbálnej a neverbálnej tvorivosti, ktorými sú fluencia, flexibilita a elaborácia medzi čítajúcimi adolescentmi a ich rovesníkmi, ktorí sa tejto aktivite nevenujú, ako aj vplyvu čítania na verbálnu a neverbálnu tvorivosť. Výskumný súbor tvorilo 169 respondentov z druhého stupňa základných škôl, z čoho čitateľov bolo 63 (37,28 %). Chlapcov bolo 89 (52,66 %) a dievčat 80 (47,33 %). Vek respondentov sa pohyboval v rozmedzí 10 až 15 rokov (M= 13,08; SD= 0,82). Dáta boli zozbierané prostredníctvom Torranceho figurálneho testu tvorivého myslenia a upravených testov Guilforda a Torranceho určených na meranie verbálnej tvorivosti. Výsledky poukazujú na to, že medzi čítajúcimi a nečítajúcimi žiakmi sa nachádzajú signifikantné rozdiely vo faktoroch verbálnej a neverbálnej tvorivosti, pričom výnimku predstavuje len figurálna fluencia. Ďalšia analýza poukázala na to, že čítanie má významnejší vplyv na verbálnu tvorivosť v porovnaní s neverbálnou, na ktorú je vplyv minimálny.
The research was aimed at examining 230 skulls and mandibles (113 males and 117 females) of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. The object of the study was macroscopic evaluation of dental and periodontal pathologies, including changes in the structure of the skull and mandible. The most common teeth pathology was indicated to be hypodontia 13.27% in males and 5.98% in females (excluding M3 molar tooth). The hypodontia of the M3 was found to be common in males 6.19% and 7.69% in females. The findings of the research reveal that pathologies such as hyperdontia, dental fractures, enamel hypoplasia, abrasion, periodontitis stage 3 and stage 4 were less common: 1-4% in both males and females. In four skulls and mandibles of females a complex of severe pathologies of teeth and periodontium were found. There were no similar cases observed in males. This was the only significant difference between males and females. Other pathologies, including fractures of the skull or mandible, atypical form of foramen magnum, and changes in bone structure were rare overall, though slightly more common in males but not significantly.
The African continent has a rich diversity of fish and amphibians in its inland water systems that serve as hosts for monogeneans of seven genera of the Gyrodactylidae van Beneden et Hesse, 1832. In August 2011, eight gyrodactylid parasites were collected from the gills of two specimens of bulldog, Marcusenius macrolepidotus (Peters), from Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. Morphometric evaluation and sequencing of 18S rDNA confirmed that the specimens represented a species of a new viviparous genus, Tresuncinidactylus wilmienae gen. et sp. n. The attachment apparatus consists of a single pair of large slender hamuli with prominently flattened roots that are connected by a simple, narrow dorsal bar. The ventral bar is small and possesses a thin lingulate membrane but no evident anterolateral processes. There are 16 marginal hooks of one morphological type, but of three different sizes, with large falculate sickles that are proportionaly equal in length to the length of their handles. The two largest pairs of marginal hooks are positioned closest to the opisthaptoral peduncle, the neighbouring two pairs of medium-sized marginal hook sickles are situated along the lateral margins of the opisthaptor. Four pairs of smallest marginal hooks are positioned along the posterior margin of the opisthaptor. The male copulatory organ consists of a muscular pouch armed with approximately 30 gracile spines. Phylogenetic analyses of partial sequences of the 18S rDNA using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference placed the new genus within the lineage of solely African genera and suggests Afrogyrodactylus Paperna, 1968, Citharodactylus Přikrylová, Shinn et Paladini, 2017 and Mormyrogyrodactylus Luus-Powell, Mashego et Khalil, 2003 as genera most closely related to the new genus., Iva Přikrylová, Maxwell Barson, Andrew P. Shinn., and Obsahuje bibliografii
During the years 2019 and 2020, I conducted a bird survey transect in the Bohemian Forest. I did not record any changes in habitat structure or weather conditions between the two years. The two surveys differed in sampling effort, which was significantly lower in 2020 (n = 5 visits) than 2019 (n = 14 visits). I found that sampling effort affected the assessment of avian community diversity but did not affect the total number of individuals recorded. I also recorded a similar pattern in the cumulative number of species between the two breeding seasons, but 80% of species were recorded ten days earlier with the higher sampling effort. In the year with the lower sampling effort, I recorded fewer species than in the year with higher sampling effort. In both study periods, avian community diversity peaked during May and June. These results suggest that even a sampling effort three times lower is still sufficient to detect most species if the minimal number of visits are conducted. The pattern of detectability during the breeding season differed significantly among species. Most species (n = 24) showed a decreasing linear detectability throughout the summer months (e.g. Turdidae or Muscicapidae), most probably due to their breeding activities. In two species (willow tit Poecile montanus and European goldfinch Carduelis carduelis), this linear relationship was reversed, probably due to singing of young birds from the previous breeding season and the effect of the autumn equinox on birdsong activity. Many species (n = 21) did not show any trend and the rest, mainly migratory species, showed non-linear relationships with the peak in the middle of the breeding season. The differences in trends of detectability (i.e. song activity) among bird species are therefore directly linked with their life history.
This paper sums up the results of light microscopical, ultrastructural and molecular studies of five strains of amoeboid organisms isolated as endocommensals from coelomic fluid of sea urchins, Sphaerechinus granularis (Lamarck), collected in the Adriatic Sea. The organisms are reported as Didymium-like myxogastrids. Of the life-cycle stages, the attached amoeboids, flagellated trophozoites, cysts and biflagellated swarmers are described. Formation of fruiting bodies was not observed. Although phylogenetic analyses of SSU rDNA sequences indicated a close relationship with Hyperamoeba dachnaya, our sea-urchin strains have not been assigned to the genus Hyperamoeba Alexeieff, 1923. The presence of either one or two flagella reported in phylogenetically closely related organisms and mutually distant phylogenetic positions of strains declared as representatives of the genus Hyperamoeba justify our approach. Data obtained in this study may be useful in future analyses of relationships of the genera Didymium, Hyperamoeba, Physarum and Pseudodidymium as well as in higher-order phylogeny of Myxogastrea.
The diet composition and prey selection of grey wolves (Canis lupus) inhabiting the Roztocze and Solska Forest (south-east Poland) was studied based on an analysis of scats collected in 2001-2002 (n = 84) and 2017-2020 (n = 302). In both periods, wolves preyed mainly on wild ungulates (96.5-96.7% of consumed biomass). Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) was the most critical wolf prey accounting for 57.8% of consumed biomass in 2001-2002 and 49.2% and 2017-2020, but wolves positively select only wild boar (Jacob's selectivity index D = 0.213 in 2001-2002 and 0.710 in 2017-2020) and fallow deer (D = 0.588 only in 2017-2020). The largest species – moose Alces alces and red deer Cervus elaphus – were consumed less than expected from their share in the ungulate community. Predation on medium-sized wild mammals and domestic animals was low, 0.8-2.2% and 1.1-2.7% of the biomass consumed, respectively. The breadth of the wolf diet was very narrow and identical in both study periods (B = 1.07), while the similarity of diet composition was high (α = 0.999). This study indicated the stability of the wolf diet over two decades and the importance of wild boar as a food source for this carnivore.
The age and growth of weatherfish (Misgurnus fossilis), an endangered and protected freshwater fish with a poorly known life history, was studied in two watercourses (the River Ner and the Nowy Rów canal, Poland). The weight, length and sagittal otoliths of 166 specimens collected in April 2015 were measured for weight-length relationships, ageing and back-calculation of length at age. At both sites sex ratio did not differ from 1:1. Weatherfish otoliths were small, elliptic (1.85 mm longer axes of the largest otolith) and the annuli were clearly visible. Female lifespan was six years but the oldest males were four and five years. In both sites populations were dominated by 2+ (the River Ner) and 3+ (the Nowy Rów canal) specimens. In general, weatherfish grows isometrically (b = 3) and the intercept of the weight-length relationship differ between study sites but not between sexes. Its total length (TL) was predicted by an interaction between sex and age, as well as capture site and age. Back-calculated estimates of TL fitted a von Bertalanffy growth function, though Taylor’s criterion showed that the asymptotic length were overestimated. Multiple comparisons of the von Bertalanffy growth function parameter revealed difference between sexes and sites.
Tracking and sniffer dogs have been employed in a variety of law enforcement roles world-wide and are increasingly utilized to combat wildlife crimes (i.e. poaching and trafficking). I examined the K-9 counter--poaching unit based at Akagera National Park in Rwanda. I discuss motivations and reasoning for the unit's creation, and examine the challenges faced and methods used to overcome these. I also highlight successes and best practices in place at the Park. The major challenge encountered is health issues related to the parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma spp. Minor budgetary and facility challenges exist. Developing in-house solutions such as setting up a small clinic and basic veterinary training for handlers have reduced health risks and costs. Crossbreeding the original tracking dogs from Europe with local dogs from the communities around the park has been a success. Puppies bred and trained on-site offer affordable alternatives to purchasing additional dogs from abroad. The cross-bred dogs may also be better suited for working in the Akagera environment but further scientific study is needed to understand this. Additional successes include training dogs to track both on- and off-lead, allowing for a unit with multiple skill sets and more efficient, faster tracking.
L'application d'une méthode basée sur la théorie météorique d'Öpik permet de confirmer les résultats de sondages crépusculaires de la haute atmosphère en ce qui concerne le faible gradient de densité. Sa variation saisonière a pu être mise en évidence. En outre cette méthode permet d'étudier les différentes catégories de météorites, dont une fut inconnue jusqu'à présent. Les assaims météoriques (Perséídes et Léonides ne se distinguent pas essentiellement de météores sporadiques. and Sloučením Öpikovy theorie svícení meteorů a autorovy theorie soumrakových zjevů podařilo se:
a) ověřit výsledky týkajíí se hustot vzduchu v ionosféře a jejího malého gradientu, b) ukázati, že gradient hustoty vzduchu je v létě větší než v zimě, což by se dalo interpretovati nižší tepúlotou v létě než v zimě, c) vedle existence železných a kamenných meteoritů byla nalezena též nová dosud neznámá kategorie lišící se buď tepelnými vlastnostmi nebo odlišným mechanismem svícení, než jaký předpokládá Öpik. K těmto poznatkům lze dospěti jen ze stanovení výšek zažehnutí a zhasnutí meteorů, což ukazuje na důležitost amatérských pozorování toho druhu pěstovaných ve větším měřítku dosud jen ve Spojených státech a v Anglii.
Application of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) into cultivation medium of potato and tobacco plantlets caused changes in their growth, morphology and photosynthetic parameters in dependence on the plant species and the concentration ušed. The stimulating effect of BAP added to the cultivation medium was found only at very low BAP concentrations (up to 0.01 g m'^ in tobacco and 0.1 g m'^ in potato plantlets). BAP induced only a very slight tendency to increasing chlorophyll (Chl) a+b content and the ratios Chl alb, ChLcarotenoids and net photosynthetic rate/dark respiration rate {P^íIRd) in both plant species. Also the increase of the photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 as indicated by the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence (FyT^) and was not statistically significant and was found only in potato plantlets. The stomatal transpiration rate {E^ in tobacco plantlets increased with increasing BAP concentrations up to 0.1 g m'^. However, this was a rather negative effect as it increased a danger of plantlet wilting. In both plant species the BAP concentration of 1.0 g m-^ inhibited growth of plantlet roots; their shoots had altered morphology, their P^, light respiration rate {R\), E^, P^IRy, ratio, Chl contents and parameters of in vivo fluorescence (Fy/Fn,, qp, Rfd) decreased and CO2 compensation concentration increased. This negative effect of BAP was more pronounced in tobacco than in potato plantlets. The above mentioned changes in photosynthetic parameters in plantlets treated with BAP corresponded to the changes in photosynthetic parameters in transgenic plants of the same species with T-DNA carrying gene 4 and resulting from increased level of endogenous cytokinins. However, the application of BAP lead to a decrease in endogenous cytokinins level and thus the effects described are probably due to the action of BAP itself