The diversity and role of the gut microbiota of insects is a rapidly growing field of entomology, primarily fueled by new metagenomic techniques. Whereas endosymbionts in the guts of xylophagous or herbivorous insects are well studied, the microbiomes in moss-eating (bryophagous) insects remain uncharacterized. Using the Illumina MiSeq platform, we determined the composition of microbiomes in the gut, abdomen and on the body surface of two bryophagous species: Simplocaria semistriata (Fabricius, 1794) and Curimopsis paleata (Erichson, 1846) (Coleoptera: Byrrhidae). Gut microbiomes differed substantially from abdominal microbiomes in the same individuals, which indicates the need to separate them during dissection. Microbiomes in the gut and abdomen differed markedly from surface microbial assemblages. Gut microbiomes in bryophages had the highest MOTU richness, diversity and relative rarity. The eudominant bacteria in the guts and abdomens of bryophages were Novosphingobium, Bradyrhizobium, Ralstonia and Caulobacter, which are responsible for the detoxification of secondary metabolites or nitrogen fixation. These are less common in the surface samples and, therefore, likely to be associated with the specific ability of bryophages to feed on mosses.
This study was conducted to assess whether silicon (Si) supply can alleviate the harmful effects of severe salinity in barley (Hordeum vulgare). Plants were grown on non-saline (0 mM NaCl) or saline (200 mM NaCl) nutrient media supplemented or not with 0.5 mM Si. Salinity impacted plant morphology and induced sodium and chloride accumulation within plant tissues. It significantly affected almost all measured parameters. Interestingly, Si supply alleviated salt stress effects on plant morphology, growth (up to +59%), water status (up to +74%), membrane integrity (up to +35%), pigment contents (up to +121%), and the activity of the two photosystems (PSI and PSII) by improving their yields, and by reducing their energy dissipation. Si beneficial effect was more pronounced on PSI as compared to PSII. As a whole, data inferred from the present study further confirmed that silicon application is an effective approach to cope with salinity.
The objective of the current study is to present data on the
splitting of skeletal muscle fibers in C57BL/6NCrl mice. Skeletal
muscles (m. rectus femoris (m. quadriceps femoris)) from 500
(250 ♀ and 250 ♂) C57BL/6NCrl mice in the 16th week of life
were sampled during autopsy and afterwards standardly
histologically processed. Results show spontaneous skeletal
muscle fiber splitting which is followed by skeletal muscle fiber
regeneration. One solitary skeletal muscle fiber is split, or is in
contact with few localized splitting skeletal muscle fibers. Part of
the split skeletal muscular fiber is phagocytosed, but the
remaining skeletal muscular fiber splits are merged into one
regenerating skeletal muscle fiber. Nuclei move from the
periphery to the regenerating skeletal muscle fiber center during
this process. No differences were observed between female and
male mice and the morphometry results document <1 % skeletal
muscle fiber splitting. If skeletal muscular fibers splitting occurs
5 %> of all skeletal muscular fibers, it is suggested to describe
and calculate this in the final histopathological report.
A proper understanding of tissue and cell structure is of great importance for correct biological inferences, and particularly so in organisms used as research models. Nothobranchius spp. are short-lived freshwater fish species which are promising model organisms for toxicology, evolutionary ecology, aging and regeneration research. Nevertheless, studies examining Nothobranchius histology have focused exclusively on a few specific organs and associated functional impairments, and there is a lack of reference material on the natural state and appearance of tissue structure. Here we present a detailed histological map of the major body organ systems, which was built from 300 Nothobranchius spp. specimens. This overview offers baseline material for comparative histological studies and provides insights into functional and anatomical aspects of organs related to the unique life cycle of Nothobranchius spp.
During an ongoing systematic survey on species diversity of myxozoans parasitising allogynogenetic gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio (Bloch) in China, plasmodia were detected in the fins, lip, jaw, gill chamber, gill arches, operculum and oral cavity of infected fish. Combining the morphological and molecular data, the present species was identified as Myxobolus turpisrotundus Zhang, Wang, Li et Gong, 2010. Histopathological examination revealed that despite infecting different organs, M. turpisrotundus always occurred in dermis, demonstrating its affinity to this tissue. Histopathological effect of M. turpisrotundus on the host is relatively mild except parasites in the gill arches producing compression of the adipose tissue and heavy adductor muscles deformation with lymphohistiocytic infiltrates. In addition, the plasmodia in different sites were with the same complex structure arrangement: cup-like cells with unknown derivation, a thin collagenous fibril layer, areolar connective tissue, basement membrane and host epithelial cell. Ultrastructural analysis showed that the parasite has monosporic pansporoblast and sporogenesis followed the usual pattern of most of the myxosporeans., Qingxiang Guo, Yanhua Zhai, Zemao Gu, Yang Liu., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Problematika učení a zapomínání je předmětem systematického zkoumání již od konce 19. století. Od učení bezesmyslného materiálu se později přešlo ke zkoumání paměti pomocí materiálu smysluplného a v této tradici se pokračuje doposud. I přes postupný vývoj poznání a nových metod pro zkoumání paměti se pro tyto účely stále nejčastěji užívají testy seznamů slov. Vůbec prvním takovým testem, který je dodnes užíván, byl Test paměti na slova, známý pod názvem Reyův auditorně-verbální test učení (RAVLT). Metoda přispěním několika autorů postupně nabyla dnešní podoby, která kromě pokusů učení zahrnuje administraci seznamu B (interference), oddálené vybavení a rekognice. V současnosti se jedná o jednu z nejvíce používaných metod pro měření verbální paměti. V Česku jsou dostupné dvě verze RAVLT, starší známá pod názvem Paměťový test učení, a druhá, jejíž překlad se více přiblížil původní anglické verzi. Cílem příspěvku je poskytnout přehled historie a dosavadního vývoje RAVLT v Česku, popsat klinickou a výzkumnou užitečnost této metody zejména u populace starších osob a v neposlední řadě představit možnosti jejího využití do budoucna. and Learning and forgetting has been the subject of systematic research since the late 19th century. The examination of memory was through the meaningless syllables at the beginning, which was later replaced with meaningful material, and this tradition continues until now. Despite of the development of knowledge and new methods for testing memory, word list tests are still the most commonly used for these purposes. The first such test, which is still currently used, was Test of memory for words known as Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT). Thanks to the contribution of some authors, the method gained its current form and besides the learning trials includes administration of the list B (interference), delayed recall and recognition. Currently, it is one of the most used methods for examination of verbal memory. There are available two versions of RAVLT in the Czech Republic, older known as the “Paměťový test učení”, and the second one, which translation is more adequate to the English version. The aim of the paper is to provide an overview of the history and current development of RAVLT in the Czech Republic, to describe the clinical and research usefulness of this method especially in the elderly population and to present possibilities of its use in the future.
Článek pojednává o kvantitativní studii zaměřené na zmapování hodnocení prorodinné atmosféry v církevním prostředí mezi mladými věřícími (od 17 do 30 let). Teoretické zázemí se opírá o uchopení pojmu prorodinná atmosféra, právní zakotvení církví v České republice se zaměřením na popis Římskokatolické církve a Slezské církve evangelické a.v., vývoj hodnoty manželství a rodiny v církevní i sekulární společnosti a křesťanské pojetí manželství, rodiny a předmanželských vztahů, včetně jejich souvisejících aspektů. Empirická část vychází z anonymního šetření prostřednictvím online dotazníku se zaměřením na sociodemografické a náboženské charakteristiky, hodnotový žebříček (zjišťován standardizovanou Rokeachovou škálou hodnot) a hodnocení položek týkajících se prorodinné atmosféry v církvi, partnerských a manželských vztahů a sexuality. Výzkumu se zúčastnilo 262 respondentů. Získaná data byla zpracována popisnou statistikou, parametrickými a neparametrickými testy. Výsledky poukazují na odlišnou preferenci hodnot mezi věřícími v souvislosti s jejich rodinným stavem, který rovněž má vztah k míře spokojenosti s prorodinnou atmosférou. Dále byl prokázán vztah náboženské praxe a shody vlastních názorů s křesťanskými stanovisky. V závěru je pojednáno o limitech práce a případných intervencích či podnětech pro další studie. and The article discusses a quantitative study which maps the evaluation of pro-family atmosphere in a church among young believers (from 17 to 30 years). The theoretical background is based on understanding the concept of pro-family atmosphere, the legal base of churches in the Czech Republic with a focus on the Roman Catholic Church and the Silesian Evangelical Church description, the value development of marriage and family in church and secular society and the Christian concept of marriage, family and premarital relations, including their related aspects. The empirical part is based on anonymous surveys by an on-line questionnaire focusing on sociodemographic and religious characteristics, the scale of values (surveyed by the standardized Rokeach Value Survey) and the evaluation of questions about pro-family atmosphere in a church, partner and marriage relationships and sexuality. 262 respondents participated in the research. The obtained data were processed by descriptive statistics, parametric and nonparametric tests. The results indicate different value preferences among believers in relation to their marital status, which is also related to the degree of satisfaction with the pro-family atmosphere. The results confirmed the relation of religious practice and agreement between personal and Christian opinions. In conclusion, it discusses the limits of the research and possible interventions and suggestions for further study.
Cieľom výskumu bolo porovnať hodnoty a sebahodnotenie u dospievajúcich vyrastajúcich v centrách pre deti a rodinu (CDR) a u dospievajúcich vyrastajúcich v úplných rodinách. Výskumný súbor pozostával zo 63 dospievajúcich z centier pre deti a rodinu a 94 dospievajúcich z úplných rodín vo veku 15 – 20 rokov (M = 16,9; SD = 1,32). Na zistenie sebahodnotenia bola použitá Rosenbergova škála sebahodnotenia [RSES – Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Rosenberg, 1965] a na zistenie hodnôt bol použitý Schwartzov dotazník hodnôt [PVQ – Portrait Value Questionnaire, Schwartz et al., 2001]. Zistili sme, že existuje štatisticky významný rozdiel medzi výskumnými skupinami v hodnotách univerzalizmus (p < 0,001; d = 0,95), sebariadenie (p < 0,001; d = 0,8), konformita (p < 0,05; d = 0,34), bezpečnosť (p < 0,01; d = 0,5) a benevolencia (p < 0,001; d = 0,587), zatiaľ čo pri hodnotách moc, úspech, stimulácia, hedonizmus a tradícia sme signifikantný rozdiel nezaznamenali. Adolescenti vyrastajúci v rodinách dosahovali vyššie skóre ako adolescenti vyrastajúci v centrách pre deti a rodinu v hodnotách univerzalizmus, sebariadenie, konformita, bezpečnosť a benevolencia. Pri sebahodnotení u dospievajúcich z centier pre deti a rodinu a u dospievajúcich vyrastajúcich v úplných rodinách bol zaznamenaný štatisticky významný rozdiel (p < 0,01; d = 0,461), pričom adolescenti vyrastajúci v centrách pre deti a rodiny dosahovali vyššie skóre. and The goal of this research was to compare values and self-esteem between adolescents growing up in the centres for children and families and adolescents growing up in complete families. The sample consisted of 63 adolescents from the centres for children and families and 94 adolescents from complete families, all of them aged from 15 to 20 (M = 16,9; SD = 1,32). To identify self-esteem, RSES – Rosenberg SelfEsteem scale (1965) was used and to identify values, PVQ – Portrait Value Questionnaire by Schwartz et al. (2001) was used. We discovered that there are significant differences between research groups in values universalism (p < 0,001; d = 0,95), self-direction (p < 0,001; d = 0,8), conformity (p < 0,05; d = 0,34), security (p < 0,01; d = 0,5) and benevolence (p < 0,001; d = 0,587), while we did not find statistically significant (p > 0,05) difference between groups in values: power, success, stimulation, hedonism and tradition. Adolescents growing up in families scored higher than adolescents growing up in centres for children and families in values universalism, self-direction, conformity, security and benevolence. We find a significant difference in self-esteem (p < 0,01; d = 0,461) between adolescents growing up in centres for children and family and those from complete families, whereas adolescents growing up scored higher.
In the parthenogenetic monogeneans of the genus Gyrodactylus Nordmann, 1832, the genetic diversity within or between hosts is determined by the relative roles of lateral transmission and clonal propagation. Clonality and limited transmission lead to high-amplitude metapopulation dynamics and strong genetic drift. In Baltic populations of the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, the local mitochondrial diversity of Gyrodactylus arcuatus Bychowsky, 1933 is very high, and spatial differentiation weak. To understand the transmission dynamics in a single location, the transmission of the parasite from adults to next generation sticklebacks was investigated in a northern Baltic brackish water location. By sequencing 777 nt of cox1, as many as 38 separate mitochondrial haplotypes were identified. In August, the intensity of gyrodactylid infection on adult hosts was high, the haplotype diversity (h) was extreme and differentiation between fish was negligible (total h = 0.926, mean h = 0.938). In October, only 46% of the juvenile sticklebacks carried G. arcuatus. The number of parasites per young fish followed a Poisson distribution 0.92 ± 1.04 (mean ± SD) on October 2, and was clearly overdispersed 2.38 ± 5.00 on October 25. The total haplotype diversity of parasites on juveniles was nearly as high as in adults (h = 0.916), but the mean per fish was only h = 0.364 (FST = 0.60), due to low intensity of infection and rapid clonal propagation of early arrivals. The initial first come first served advantage of the first gyrodactylid colonisers will be lost during the host adulthood via continuous transmission. Nesting and polygamy are suggested as factors maintaining the high genetic diversity of the parasite population. The transmission dynamics and, consequently, the population structure of Baltic G. arcuatus is fundamentally different from that of G. salaris Malmberg, 1957, on the Baltic salmon Salmo salar Linnaeus., Jaakko Lumme, Marek S. Ziętara., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We deployed branch traps in an ash (Fraxinus) plantation to investigate how Agrilus planipennis behavior is associated with Fraxinus pennsylvanica condition and dispersal patterns. Data were collected from traps with or without the presence of beetle visual decoys, and from a yearly survey of exit holes. The traps were placed on trees that were either clearly declining, with most foliage arising from epicormic sprouting, or on apparently healthy trees, with little evidence of damage or decline. We calculated correlations of exit holes among neighboring tree rings and also between exit holes and male trap captures. The damaged trees the traps were hung upon had more cumulative exit holes observed than the corresponding healthy trees. However, there was otherwise no evidence that the experiment was biased by differences in exit hole patterns of the surrounding trees. Male captures were greater on decoy-baited traps than controls and this decoy effect was most clearly apparent late in the season when traps were placed on healthy trees. There were also patterns of correlations between male captures and exit hole numbers that may be indicative of short-range mate finding-and dispersal behaviors. Female captures were sparser, but were positively affected by decoys on healthy and declining trees early in the season. Thus, the results suggest that the placement of such traps on healthier trees will maximize detection, and the branch traps also show promise for further use in dispersal studies., Michael J. Domingue, Jennifer Berkebile, Kim Steiner, Loyal P. Hall, Kevin R. Cloonan, David Lance, Thomas C. Baker., and Obsahuje bibliografii