Strata dieťaťa je najzraňujúcejšou skúsenosťou akú môže matka zažiť. Cieľom práce bola analýza faktorov súvisiacich s prežívaním zármutku u matiek po strate dieťaťa: času od straty, typu straty a ďalšieho rodičovstva. Údaje boli analyzované kombináciou kvantitatívneho a kvalitatívneho prístupu. 60 matiek po strate dieťaťa (M = 40,0; SD = 9,87) vyplnilo Texaský revidovaný inventár zármutku a dotazník demografických charakteristík. S 12-timi matkami po strate dieťaťa vo veku od 28 do 55 rokov bol realizovaný pološtruktúrovaný rozhovor zameraný na hlbšie porozumenie faktorov súvisiacich s prežívaným zármutkom. Údaje boli analyzované konsenzuálnym kvalitatívnym výskumom. U matiek po viac ako troch rokoch od straty je zármutok nižší. Neboli zistené rozdiely v zármutku medzi očakávanou a náhlou stratou dieťaťa. Matky s očakávanou stratou dieťaťa hodnotili náhlu stratu dieťaťa ako náročnejšiu a naopak. Zármutok u matiek, ktoré stratili jediné dieťa, je vyšší ako u matiek, ktoré mali v čase straty ďalšie dieťa. Matky, ktoré nemali ďalšie dieťa nachádzali zmysel života v starostlivosti o druhých. and Losing a child is the most devastating experience that a mother can experience. The aim of this study was an analysis of factors associated with maternal grief after losing a child: time since loss, type of loss and parenthood. The data were analyzed through combination of quantitative and qualitative approach. A sample of 60 grieving mothers (M = 40,0; SD = 9,87) completed the Texas Revised Inventory of Grief and demographic characteristics questionnaire. The qualitative part of the research was realized by form of semi-structured interviews with 12 mothers aged from 28 to 55 years, focused on deeper understanding of the factors associated with mothers' grief. The data were analyzed through Consensual Qualitative Research. Grief in mothers after more than three years from the loss is lower. There were found no differences in grief of anticipated and sudden loss. Mothers with anticipated loss perceive sudden loss as more difficult, and conversely. Grief in mothers who lost their only child is higher than in mothers who have had another child in time of the loss. Mothers who lost the only child have found the meaning of life in caring about others.
Cremation in Late-Stage Bell-Beaker Culture Amphoras in Southern Moravia (Including a note on the internal arrangement of Bell-Beaker Culture society). There is an interesting fi nd among the graves of the Bell Beaker Culture in south Moravia (Hostěradice and Jiřice, Znojmo region), in which cremation burial were disposed in urns – especially amphoras covered with another, upside-down vessel (usually a bowl, sometimes a smaller amphora). This intriguing fi nd is the contents of a cremation in Božice – Česká kolonie near Dvůr Hoja. There is a unique, irreplaceable item in the collection of funerary pottery from Božice – Česká kolonie (near Dvůr Hoja) – an urn containing the remains of a cremation. It is a large, wide amphora with four handles and a bulge. The “comb” decoration on its bottom with densely placed thin grooves is very rare in the Bell-Beaker Culture. The cremation inside was covered with a toppled bowl with a wider rim. The grave pit is of cylindrical shape. The grave contained the burned bones of one or two people. One group consisted of more robust human bones, while the second group was more delicate., Jaromír Kovárník., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This work summarizes the results of the excavation at Pˇríbor – „Pod Šibeˇnákem“ Lusatian burial ground. This site is so far the largest known cremation burial ground of Lusatian culture in north-eastern Moravia. The first excavations conducted by local amateur archaeologists in the 1970s and 1980s uncovered approximately ten graves. During construction activities in 2009, an archaeological rescue excavation was conducted. Eighty-nine extensively damaged burials were uncovered. They contained ceramics as well as other grave goods (bronze and iron artefacts, glass beads). On this basis, the uncovered burials can be dated to the RHA1–RHC2 periods and the burial ground was used most intensively during the RHB3–RHC1/HC2 stages of Reineck periodization. The discovered archaeological data, as well as the results of specialized scientific analyses, allow some basic conclusions regarding the character of the local settlement during the transitional period between the Silesian and Platˇenice phases of Lusatian culture., Pavel Stabrava., and Obsahuje seznam literatury