Larvae of the stag beetle, Dorcus rectus, feed on decaying wood, which they digest with the aid of symbiotic yeasts; however, they can be successfully reared on artificial diets containing only fungal tissue. In this study we tested whether D. rectus larvae can utilize fungal cell walls, which are an insoluble component of mycelium. Lyophilized Bjerkandera adusta mycelium cultured in potato-dextrose liquid medium consisted of a 47.6% hot-water insoluble fraction by mass, which contains 53.7% of the total nitrogen in the mycelium. D. rectus larvae that hatched from surface-sterilized eggs were reared for 14 days on agar-based diets containing either the soluble fraction, insoluble fraction or both, extracted from 100 mg of mycelium. The larvae increased in mass most on the mixed diet, and there was no difference in their growth on the mixed and positive control diets. Both the soluble and insoluble fractions improved larval growth compared to the negative control diet; however, the growth rates were much lower than those expected from the nitrogen dose-growth response curve obtained in a previous study. Addition of b-chitin to the soluble fraction did not positively affect larval growth. Therefore, we conclude that (1) D. rectus larvae need both the soluble and insoluble fractions of mycelium and (2) the larvae digest the insoluble fraction using their own enzymes., Masahiko Tanahashi, Kôhei Kubota., and Seznam literatury
Etnogeneze Slovanů zůstává frekventovaným tématem historického a archeologického výzkumu. Etnicitu nahlížejí nyní archeologové i historici v zásadě jako akt vědomého přihlášení, což vysvětluje důraz kladený na identitu jako kategorii historické analýzy. Na základě rozboru historického a archeologického dokladového materiálu vztahujícího se k 6. a 7. stol. předkládá článek argumentaci v tom smyslu, že v zájmu dalšího rozvoje poznání by se bádání o (slovanské) etnogenezi mělo oprostit od opakování stereotypů uložených v pozdně antické etnografii. Současně autor předkládá nový analytický model, odvozený ze současných přístupů ke konstrukci etnicity prostřednictvím hmotné kultury, a ilustruje některé důsledky, které z něho pro české a moravské země vyplývají and The ethnogenesis of the Slavs remains a popular topic of historical and archaeological research. Ethnicity is now viewed by both archaeologists and historians as fundamentally performative, which explains the emphasis placed on identity as a category of historical analysis. On the basis of an analysis of the historical and the archaeological evidence pertaining to the 6th and 7th centuries, this paper argues that in order to make any progress the research on (Slavic) ethnogenesis needs to distance itself from the practice of perpetuating the stereotypes embedded in the late antique ethnography. At the same time, the author advances a new model of analysis derived from recent approaches to the construction of ethnicity through material culture, and illustrates some of its implications for the Czech and Moravian lands.
In this minireview, the factors involved in the development of corneal injury due to an increased amount of UVB rays are summarized. Experimental studies have shown that an increased number of UVB rays leads to a profound decrease in corneal antioxidants (high molecular weight, antioxidant enzymes as well as low molecular weight, mainly ascorbic acid) so that a prooxidant/antioxidant imbalance appears. The decrease of corneal antioxidant protective mechanisms results in oxidative injury of the cornea and causes damage of the inner parts of the eye by UVB rays and by reactive oxygen species generated by them.
The purpose of this study was to determine the production of metalloproteinases (MMP) 2 and 9 following UV-B irradiation in human corneal epithelial cells and fibroblasts. Epithelial cells and fibroblasts were separated from human donor corneas and exposed to UV-B lamp irradiation for 20, 40, 80 and 120 s. Media samples were collected at 8, 24, 48 and 72 h and gelatinase A and B production was assayed by the ELISA test. Statistical significance of production was assessed by the paired t-test. Increased production of MMP-2 was found in human corneal fibroblasts in response to UV-B irradiation. A statistically significant production of MMP-2 was not observed in human corneal epithelial cells following UV-B exposure. We did not detect any increase in MMP-9 after irradiation in either epithelial cells or fibroblasts. MMP-2 is produced by the corneal fibroblasts in the acute phase after UV-B irradiation. MMP-9 is not released in vitro following UV-B irradiation damage and therefore does not directly participate in the pathophysiology of acute photokeratitis., I. Kozák, D. Klisenbauer, T. Juhás., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The fourth part of a revision of linear-leaved species of the genus Potamogeton in the Czech Republic is given, dealing with P. pusillus s.l. and P. trichoides. The appropriate taxonomic concept and species delimitation within P. pusillus s.l. are discussed. Because of still unresolved taxonomic difficulties and high percentage of specimens that cannot be assigned to one of the two traditionally distinguished species, P. pusillus s. str. (syn. P. panormitanus) and P. berchtoldii, the broader concept of P. pusillus s.l. has tentatively been adopted in this revision. This species complex is widespread in the Czech Republic, absent only in relatively small areas of the highest elevations and the driest areas without suitable biotopes. P. pusillus s.l. is the commonest taxon of Potamogeton in standing waters. P. trichoides, a well defined species distinguished by several morphological characters, occurs scattered mainly in S, C and E Bohemia and S and C Moravia, with most localities concentrated in S Bohemia. It is considered as strongly threatened species of the Czech flora. Species descriptions, relevant synonyms, illustrations, a list of specimens examined and distribution maps are provided for both species. P. rutilus was once reported from the Czech Republic in error. No specimen from this country has been found in herbaria.
The last part of a revision of linear-leaved species of the genus Potamogeton in the Czech Republic focuses on P. pectinatus. This species is the only member of subgenus Coleogeton occurring in this country. Species description, relevant synonyms, illustrations, a list of specimens examined and a distribution map are provided. P. pectinatus is widespread in the Czech Republic; it is the most common Potamogeton species particularly in runningwaters. P. pectinatus still quite often grows in most lowland rivers and their basins.